Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When champions fail... what they do that you do not.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..'When champions fail... what they do that you do not.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. A lady I know well, a lady accustomed not just to victory but to constant victory, was last month handed her lunch in her company's sales contest. She lost by the thinnest of margins... just 1 widget. But it didn't matter; for her opponent a win was a win; knocking off the queen was sweet indeed.

Thus my friend woke up this morning no longer champ, but "former" champ... and I decided to pen these thoughts because I've been where the lady is today... and I have a pretty good idea about how she feels. I've also got some thoughts I hope helpful for regaining the crown...

I suspect she already knows them and has already begun regrouping, for that's what champs down on their luck do. But you probably don't...

To get you in the mood for victory, I have selected Marvin Gaye's 1976 hit "I want you." This is precisely what you must say to and about success. You'll find it in any search engine. Go now. And when you've got it, dance it. For there's nothing like dancing to clear your mind, put oxygen in the blood... and rouse yourself for your next great challenge -- taking back the crown you've (temporarily) lost.


Congratulate the winner.

Ever watched the loser of our quadrennial elections for president get up and calm his rabid followers, to deliver for the world a gracious speech of concession, capitulation, and class? Of course you have... it's as American a tradition as apple pie and selling missiles to tyrants. We like to think that people who have been at each others' throats just hours ago mean to bring good fellowship and reconciliation to the nation. We expect these high expectations to be met... by losing presidential candidates and by... you. Do so at once. The quicker you make connection and say your piece, the faster you'll move up and out of this most unhappy zone. Remember, if you can't rise to actual sincerity, fake it. Either way, just do it.

What went wrong?

Champs either 1) win for a reason or series of reasons; or 2) lose for a reason or a series of reasons. The key is being clear on these reasons and either 1) maximizing their impact, or 2) limiting it.

You must know what you did that worked and arrange to do more of it.

For instance, say that you were making only ten prospect calls a day. This clearly wasn't enough; that objective needs to be increased, to 10 CONNECTS per day, not just dials. This would increase your competitive position at once, after just 1 or 2 days. Do the same with everything you did before... increasing what you do and thereby increase your likelihood of winning.

Note: it is easy when you are a constant champ to take winning as an inevitable state of affairs. But no true champ ever takes winning as anything other than a state of constant preparation, focus and humility. The last is perhaps the most difficult factor... and the most essential.

What didn't work.

Equally, you must decide what you did that didn't work... and radically root it out of your brain and daily schedule.

Were you so confident of victory that you began to cut corners? For instance, instead of emailing to your safe lists every single day (the necessary standard for champs) perhaps you emailed them only 4 or 5 times in a week. Or, maybe you didn't do your blogging daily as you should; again getting by, instead of getting ahead. If so, you need to re-read the story of the tortoise and the hare. There's a lesson there just for you.

Important point: the factors discussed above are the two easiest components of the thorough review you must make, the review that puts winning closer to your grasp... and lessons the probabilities of future failure. Approach these factors as if you had never been a champ before... as if winning were your objective, your destiny, and you were determined to identify each factor that would help deliver victory. In other words, start from square one... never assume... never give it a "lick and a promise"... you need to reinvent your game to win it again.

Adding potential new success factors.

Okay, you've considered what you did that was successful and vowed to do more of that. And, you have reviewed the failure factors with stern determination to expunge them from your play book and daily success agenda. Now you need to brainstorm new things you can do which, if successful, make your time in the wilderness short and your restoration inevitable.

For instance, say that you were trying to run your business without calling a single prospect ever. In such a situation the "something new" you'd need to adopt would be calling so many prospects each and every day.... and not just calling them either, but connecting with them.

Equally, say you hadn't been using landing pages, blogs, safe lists, traffic exchanges, etc. Now's the time to add them.... one at a time. The objective is to improve your game, not spread yourself too thin. Focus is key...not overwhelming yourself, making yourself tired.

Now improve your offer.

Business champions all know that making a superior offer, an offer that excites, motivates, enthuses is the key to business success. To become a champion you need such an offer... to stay a champion you need such an offer... and to regain your throne you need such an offer... only better.

Thus brainstorm improvements you can make in your offer that will cause prospects to jump through hoops to get it. The offer is your key to becoming champion again.

Set your objectives.

At my company, Worldprofit, Inc., each month we crown a sales champ, then one grand champ for the year. To win these titles you need a daily, weekly and monthly objective.. Remember this is a champ's objective... and must be appreciably better than the one you lost by. Here's a hint. Structure your game so that you achieve at least 10% of your monthly objective in the first two days of the month. That'll show the folks you mean business, and makes you a cheerful competitor.

Get started.

Every loser has never been a champ, but every champ has been a loser. And, properly handled, losing can be a very good thing. Because losing forces you to review your methods; study your methods, and improve your methods...

... because from such study and analysis come all future championships... won by you, because you accept nothing less from yourself -- and never will.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Truth About Abs -> http://silver45b.mikegeary1.hop.clickbank.net/

Lawrence Rinke

Business Coach

President : ActionEqualsProfit.com
Join Me On Skype: lawrencecrinke

P.S., If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 310-561-2580, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

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High Energy for $6.97 at TripleClicks

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lawrence: 'What so proudly we hailed...' Our clear and pres...

Lawrence: 'What so proudly we hailed...' Our clear and pres...: Dr. Lant has established The Lant Prize for Civics for high school students. “Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one o...

'What so proudly we hailed...' Our clear and present danger... and what we must do at once to improve civics education.

Dr. Lant has established The Lant Prize for Civics for high school students.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..'What so proudly we hailed...' Our clear and present danger... and what we must do at once to improve civics education.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. My mother used to sing a little ditty -- complete with rollicking delivery --- called "School days." It went something like this

"School days, school days Dear old Golden Rule days. Reading and 'riting and 'rithmetic Taught to the tune of the hick'ry stick."

I never knew much about this tune beyond the lyrics. Its interest for me was in the way my young mother sang it to me and my siblings, always upbeat and cheerful, an American lass belting out an American tune.

It was written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards. Lots of people other than my mother liked this song... and like Byron G. Harlan (who made it a great hit) recorded it. It provides just the right note for this article. Go now to any search engine and find the rendition you like best. Sing it now. Its effervescence will will help cheer you in advance of my more sombre message. "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."


In 1907 when Byron Harlan was singing of his school days the golden promise of the Great Republic was like a celestial magnet pulling expectant multitudes from everywhere on this planet to... America! Not merely a land, a territory, a mere place... but a dream made flesh by people like -- them! It was a place to be not a serf, a servant, a subject... but yourself, your own person. And the world came in waves to find themselves... and breathe free for the first time in their lives.

Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) set the exact mood in her famous poem (1883) chiselled on the Statue of Liberty, appropriately the first thing every emigrant saw and which set the uplifting, liberating mood.

Because these people were so various in their histories, the need to Americanize them was acute and highly desired by the emigrants themselves. They embraced this cause as their own, and proudly so. And so American civics came to America's schools and helped deliver one proud American after another, citizens who proved their devotion to the Great Republic and its soaring ideals on all the battlefields of our planet.

But all this, having culminated in my parents' World War II generation, then began to recede as my rebellious Baby Boomer generation grew into turbulent adolescence. We brooked no discipline... and showed it in ways various, often affronting, and contentious. And so, bit by bit, the flood tide of Americanization waned and left us... divided, selfish, no longer united or cohesive, or resolved upon common goals... still a republic, but no longer as great as we had been.

And it is this malaise, this palsy on the body politic, this diminishing of our great cause that confronts us now on every front... and which I address here, now, to caution you that great institutions fail and fall when necessary and fundamental repairs, restorations, and reconstructions are neglected and put off to another day.

Thus it is now time, and well past, that civics education and instruction be restored as part of the curriculum, the curriculum that explains and advances the cause of the Great Republic. This curriculum must include, but never be limited to, such grave and important matters as the necessity for a Great Republic as the instrument of God's Will; the history of the implementation of this idea; the people great and small who have contributed to this idea -- as well as the people who have opposed it, why, and to what extent they may at first have succeeded... only to falter before the majesty of this cogent idea and of the Great Republic which embodies it....

As part of this curriculum, there must be full and sustained attention to the governance of the Great Republic, what has been tried and found true; what has been tried and found wanting and even dangerous. In this particular, we must focus on both men and their measures.

And above all we must focus on the essential concept of the citizen, for I must remind you, the Great Republic is founded upon, built and protected by its citizens -- that is people like you and me who have been born into or otherwise admitted to its rights and obligations. These citizens must understand that, know their duties and be clear on what is expected of them for the success and furtherance of the Great Republic.

Sadly, all this is now in our little days neglected, cast down, derided, forgotten, to the detriment of the present and the certain ruination of the future. We stand at a critical moment in the affairs of the Great Republic, the people -- the responsible citizens -- are restive... but uninformed about what must be done, how to achieve the desired results, and, most of all their particular role.

No where is this more true than in the schools of the Great Republic, almost all of which have neglected their role -- what must citizens know and do to fulfill their essential role and responsibilities?

One point illustrates the entire problem and what must be done.

Too many young Americans of voting age, like too many older Americans, do not understand the importance of the suffrage, the single most important aspect of citizenry. The guarantee of this right was hard won by the blood and strenuous efforts of committed, audacious men and women who placed the life and prosperity of the Great Republic above their own. They acted... they suffered... they died, so that we might vote.

And how have we treated this sublime gift?

We have been casual about it, unthinking, ill prepared, forgetful, dismissive of its significance. And the results are clear and dismaying: citizens who do not participate in the electorate and who do not vote threaten the very structure, the very future of the Great Republic.

And so schools must deal with every aspect of the suffrage, from the origination of the very concept, through the struggles many and various which either retarded or advanced the ultimate end, its glorious achievement, and what they must do now and forever to sustain and enhance this vital aspect of our affairs.

Merely saying "vote today" will never be enough, for an imperative injunction without understanding is unacceptable and will never do.

"What so proudly we hailed..."

Once upon a time in this Great Republic, when we had the problems of assimilating the unending waves of emigrants, we had such a program in place... and it worked, building and solidifying the Great Republic, making each of us proud. We now have a problem, and it is the genius of our people to do what is necessary to solve such problems -- once they are informed about it and understand their role in its solution.

Each of us who are citizens must do what we can to advance this essential matter by

* contacting superintendents of schools and asking what they are doing;

* asking all teachers for situation and progress reports;

* doing the same with all elected officials;

* informing the president and asking for what the current administration is doing, and so on.

But above all, two musical pieces will help us frame the debate and the action which must occur.

First, "Hail to the Chief", a tune which every American knows for it precedes the impending arrival of a sitting President. But here's the twist: the president is only "chief" during his administration. In reality it is the citizen -- people like you and me -- who are chief... for our responsibilities never end and are essential to the realization of every goal. In the republic, the citizen is king.

Finally, we must understand the vital importance of schools in the solution of this problem; indeed, there can be no solution without their full and complete cooperation.

And so we return to where we began, a rousing tune by Cobb and Edwards composed and sung when we were proud to be Americans, understanding of our role and work as citizens, eager to do it... feeling certain we were doing God's work... And so we were... and so we must do again.

Note: Dr. Lant has established The Lant Prize for Civics for high school students.

*** We invite you to submit your comments to this article.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Ruthless Income -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=qm6whuJW

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Lawrence Rinke

Business Coach

President : ActionEqualsProfit.com
Join Me On Skype: lawrencecrinke
P.S., If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 310-561-2580, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.

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Decadence Shower Gelee for $0.99 at TripleClicks

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What he was doing, what she was doing, new details from the KennedyWhite House, revelation, titillation, wonder, disgust.

Job description as intern probably read like!....

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..What he was doing, what she was doing, new details from the KennedyWhite House, revelation, titillation, wonder, disgust.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

Mimi Alford, deflowered at age 19

by President Kennedy.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Just when you think the story cannot possibly get any more shocking.... it does. And this time, it shows President John Fitzgerald Kennedy exercising his undoubted droit de seigneur, using his over used marital bed to deflower a clueless 19 year old virgin, sexual plaything, to be used for and at the President's bidding.

For this smutty story, I have selected Cole Porter's 1938 tune "My heart belongs to daddy." Find it now in any search engine... and listen to its insinuating tune and lyrics. I prefer the version by Valaida Snow.


The Facts.

In 1962 a wide-eyed ingenue named Mimi Alford got a plum position as intern in the Kennedy White House. She was young, dazzled, a virgin who had never been kissed, a top drawer social registry type... not bad looking either, although that wasn't her most important feature. No, that would have been her instant availability... and complete discretion and unquestioning acceptance... whatever happened.

Mimi's job description as intern probably read like that of every other Washington intern in history: go-fer, errand girl, always available, ready to do whatever, go wherever, to smile, and above all to obey without question.

Come swim with the President.

As such when she was, on only her fourth day, summoned to swim with the Leader of the Free World, she didn't say why me. She said, when shall I be there? And from such unquestioning acquiescence everything else emanated. She was unquestioning, too, when premier go-fer and ultimate loyalist Dave Powers plied her with drinks. Down the hatch, whatever you say, sir. Then, in her alcoholic haze... the President of the Great Republic... a man on a (very fast) mission.

According to Alford's just published memoir "Once Upon A Secret", it was a forced encounter of the "wham bang, thank you ma'am" variety. The President maneuvered her to his marital bed, shoved her down, and without kiss, cuddle, or hardly a single word had his way with her...

And as he did, he put his presidency, his reputation, his entire life in the hands of a young lady (for she was that) who, thereby, became (in this way) the most powerful person on earth...

... but never knew it, never exploited it, never told anyone (especially not her parents) what had happened... waiting a half century before (at age 68) spilling the beans.

And maybe that is the real story... that Mimi Alford thought nothing out of line, even now, at what JFK did to her... unceremoniously, without any tenderness whatsoever, stripped her of her virginity... the word "rape" hanging in the air, a victim used, used whenever the Lord of Camelot deigned to think of her and demand instant relief.

This sordid situation, he summoning, he demanding, she unquestioning, she accommodating -- and all regarded as perfectly normal and acceptable -- went on for 18 months, until Lee Harvey Oswald stopped it; until then Dave Powers was charged by the President with arranging assignations however, wherever JFK wanted them... and he wanted them often, and always in ways that reduced sweet Mimi Alford to raw meat and nothing more.

And then it got worse, if that is possible. According to Alford, the President not only insisted on oral sex for himself... he commanded that Mimi so service Powers whilst he watched and savored... to their mutual embarrassment and shame. And so Camelot grew fetid and in need of strong lye soap.

And no one, absolutely no one thought this unusual or exceptional in any way whatsoever.

And so the Lord of Camelot had agent Powers deliver the girl upon request, just like Louis XV of France at the Parc aux Cerfs. "What does your majesty value most in a woman," he was once asked, "Availability" was the trenchant reply... and no doubt JFK concurred.

And what of the little woman?

What was Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy doing as her errant lord rutted? For she knew, must have known, of this and the many other flagrant indiscretions.

She took refuge in what so many wronged ladies had done before: she passed her time as best she could and with what satisfaction she might... remodeling the White House, returning it to its pristine elegance and refinement. And so the piquant image takes shape...

Jackie Kennedy, chic, mistress of garment, coiffeur, jewel and hauteur, put her talents as interior designer to work, creating the necessary backdrop for the royal image she insisted she would have... whilst her husband, randy, careless, took every risk for a wisp of pleasure, thumbing his nose at every convention, selfish, hurtful to wife, confident that everything he did, whenever he did it, to whomever he did it to would be confidential, privileged, covered up, forgiven, forgotten.

So was Camelot born, a Camelot far from the one we knew... but believe in no longer.

So what then are we to deduce from this latest sordidness?

First, that JFK was expert in selecting just the people he needed to live the life he wanted. For, as this tale proves, he selected the perfect wife from whom he could expect complete and utter loyalty, whatever he did to affront their marriage; whatever he did to abase and humiliate her. She not only stood beside him, she accepted all his blatant behavior, whatever he did...

And he was able, such was his charm and charisma, to get men like Powers to do his bidding, even when it disgusted and diminished them.

And, of course, Kennedy, too, knew how to pick just the right women, the malleable women, the women star-struck by their practiced seducer, willing to do his bidding, grateful for even the smallest crumb from his table; accepting of the little they got, never asking for more.

And so their hearts, all their hearts, their loyalties and sworn faiths belonged to Daddy "Cause my daddy, he treats it so well."

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Commission Avalanche -> http://silver45b.commava.hop.clickbank.net

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Chance of a Lifetime to actually meet and chat with Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Any questions? email me personally at lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com
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phone:310-561-2580 http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

Thank you for stopping by, and Please Come again!

Lawrence Rinke

Business Coach

President : ActionEqualsProfit.com
Join Me On Skype: lawrencecrinke

P.S., If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 310-561-2580, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.

Thanks Again

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The Natural Basin, Tub & Tile Cleaner - Quart for $5.97 at TripleClicks

Monday, February 20, 2012

More Kennedy video, more Kennedy audio as the charisma and allure drip awayin Camelot.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..More Kennedy video, more Kennedy audio as the charisma and allure drip awayin Camelot.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. So, whose bright idea was it anyhow; you know, to get Marilyn Monroe (of all people) to slither down the runway to sing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" the night of May 19,1962 in the Big Apple? You know this film clip... everybody does. But just in case you can't quite remember, go to any search engine and watch it.

It's Marilyn Monroe, famous for never being on time, even by accident, in a skin-tight glittery number that breathes "Hollywood", her hair not merely a "do" but a construction... breathy in the baby-doll way she made famous, the essence of ou la la on Earth...

... every move writhing, eye-popping, outraging moralists worldwide... every move launching a thousand stories about this Love Goddess and the bumptious Kennedy boys.

It was an image maker's worst nightmare... because, in just a couple of minutes, it had the whole country kibbitzing about these questions: did she, would they, where, how long, OMG!

Oh, yes, this is the kind of film clip we love, because it adds to the Kennedy myth; adds to their chic, asks way more questions than it answers... and makes us want to know more about the family we just cannot get enough of.

Sadly... this is not the kind of Kennedy audio I have for you today; not the kind of Kennedy video either.

"No man is a hero to his valet." (Montaigne, 1533-1592)

Consider the following scenario which will be played out today in thousands and thousands of conference rooms, CEO offices, board rooms worldwide: you called a big meeting, so portentous in its implications that you decide to film it because it's a Very Historic Occasion and must be recorded, remembered, revered.

"Lights, camera -- no action."

But as you review the finished film, it's at once boring, dull as ditch water, embarrassing, a close your eyes, hold your nose fiasco. The folks who should be in it are all in it, but they look, well... insipid, yawn-making, jerky in their movements, awkward beyond belief... redundant in what they say, unclear in the way they say it....yikes.

Now you finally understand why people like Stephen Spielberg get the really Big Bucks, because they know how to take the mundane and turn it into mesmerizing magic... the kind of magic that grabs you and just won't go away; that holds you, keeps you, makes you want more and more and more; the kind of magic no where apparent in....

The new Kennedy audio.

As you may know, the Kennedy family has released quite a lot of footage the last several months. And now, in just released (January 24, 2012) tapes from the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, they're releasing some more. This time we see President Kennedy unsure of himself, desperately trying to figure out how to connect with middle class Americans, wondering whether he can really gain re-election after his Administration's rocky start.

This is history all right, history the leveler, history that strips allure, that knows nothing about glamour and chic, history that turns the sharpest possible light on both men and measures... not only diminishing those portrayed, but leaving us sad, disappointed, wondering at how the mighty have fallen, pedestrian now, lessoned, mere humans after all.

"What is it we have to sell them?"

When JFK was running for president in 1960, at the time of the crucial Wisconsin and West Virginia primaries, his father said they'd get "Jack" elected by selling him like laundry soap. It worked. And so it was natural for President JFK to revert to the language of Madison Avenue, always working the marketing, the image, the public relations angle rather that the substance. "What is it that's going to make them go for us?"

Listening to these tapes is like listening to a bull session at Harvard Business School, talking yes, but not engaged with either the subjects or the people... only one question of any real interest: how do we get re-elected; the most important, endlessly engaging question of all.

And so we see that the chief topic at the White House is the same as the chief topic at our house: not how do we do our job better... but how do we keep our job while finessing the substance... a question of consuming, gnawing interest... riveting, unsettling, engrossing.

The final 45 hours of secret recordings.

The newly released tapes lead up to the November 20, 1962 trip to Dallas and destiny. They provide a snap shot of daily life in a White House anything but Camelot. The President was concerned about Vietnam... but he was also concerned that the staff vacuuming the Oval Office blotted out what he and his advisors were saying. It didn't seem to have occurred to anyone to shoosh the cleaners, asking them to return later. And so remarks intended for posterity were obliterated by an insistent vacuum.... This is how real life is... battery acid to fairy tales and heroic sagas.

248 recorded hours total.

Throughout his presidency, Kennedy was assiduous in his recording. He was enough of an historian to know how helpful they'd be to his memoirs, but I wonder whether he knew how deflating they'd be to his image, the golden image of Camelot? These muddled, grainy tapes, fascinating as they must be as an aperture to the presidential mind and hurtles, never increase our regard, but often diminish it.... until we wonder that there was any magic at all.

But the magic still exists... just not in these quotidian audio recordings.

It comes instead in a new documentary film by Rory Kennedy. It is a love letter to her mother, Ethel, a woman we have always wanted to hug and to know better.... and not just because she is the widow of Senator Robert Kennedy and the mother of his children.

Just released at the Sundance Film Festival, it brought the audience to tears, warm, welcome, refreshing, comforting; tears that show us that we are not yet beyond empathy, though we have all been sorely tried and near surfeit.

"Ethel" the film shows us a woman of conviction, joy, family, and above all else of faith, endurance and love. Most of all love which radiates through the many interviews with most of her sons and daughters. There are the mirthful moments, as when her abysmal cooking "skills" are brought up along with the unexpected tale of how she pranked J. Edgar Hoover, who so loathed her husband.. and the stark portrayals of the pain she has witnessed and endured; JFK and beloved brother RFK, of course, but also two of her sons, David (1984) and Michael (1997), dying too young.

Ethel Kennedy was silent for 30 years, never giving a public interview or comment. She wasn't at all sure doing this film, even for her beloved daughter, was a very good idea. But I believe it was... and that the tale worth telling was told well... sustaining the dream that must never die... but which has been so eroded in one diminishing tape after another.

"Ethel" comes therefore in most good time, and welcome.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Ruthless Income -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=qm6whuJW

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

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Summitsoft 1500 Fonts Software w/Font Installer for $4.99 at TripleClicks

Lawrence: Sweet dreams, baby. Don't get mad. Get even. Somet...

Lawrence: Sweet dreams, baby. Don't get mad. Get even. Somet...: FREE ICE CREAM! “Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.” I wish to thank each and everyo...

Sweet dreams, baby. Don't get mad. Get even. Something we've all wanted to do.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..Sweet dreams, baby. Don't get mad. Get even. Something we've all wanted to do.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. I've just turned 65 (February 16, 2012). And it is entirely natural to reflect at such a moment, the moment society starts telling you in ways subtle and minute, to "give it up", "pack it in, "sit back and smell the roses" (never mind that they cost $5 a stem hereabouts). Such comments are irritating in the extreme. I mean, I've got all my hair (grey suits me just fine), most of my teeth, and a body to die with. I'm ready for the next 40 years or so, maybe more.

But I want to make some adjustments before beginning the next part of my earthly journey. Call it a check-up; call it a tweak; call it anything you please, but it's time for a few (minor) adjustments, things I've been thinking about doing... and want to implement now before the Grim Reaper precludes me from making these trivial modifications that'll make me more perfect than ever.

To put you in the mood for what we must do (for I know that you, too, want to change a couple of things), go to any search engine and listen to the most popular record Roy Orbison ever recorded, "Sweet Dreams" (released in 1962). It's about a guy who wants a girl... he dreams about her... fantasizes... can't get enough. Then he snaps, gets tired of waiting, tired of hanging around, tired of begging, and he sings his song, the song we all want to sing, "Dream baby make me stop dreaming. You can make my dream come true." But she ignores him... and breaks his heart... Okay, so I've altered the meaning of Orbison's lyrics... but that's the point of my article... which is for the good people of Terra Firma, the people like you and me, who get shafted every single day... who are nice, kind, reasonable, sweet tempered; who get abashed, rejected, humiliated, embarrassed, taken advantage of every single day... and want to learn how to get their own back, have to learn -- or we'll keep getting crushed.


Sweet baby, you've come to the right place... for we're dishing out comeuppance today, oh yeah!

It was a hot, humid day in Chicago.

Dreams are funny things and while I pooh-poohed their significance when I was a young and callow fellow, I don't pooh-pooh them any more. Dreams are a way of processing the things that happen to all of us, presenting them in a new way; a way that enables us to understand things better, get them off our chests, and get some good ideas for resolving situations still unresolved, for all that they happened years, even decades, ago. It's one of these situations, I am about to share with you now, something my brain, through its picture-perfect dreams, is telling me it's time to take care of.

I no longer recall when the actual incident took place, but I remember it was during one of my many barn storming book tours of years ago; when you write 18 books like I do you find yourself in a plethora of odd situations of the "It's Tuesday, it must be Milwaukee" variety. And because I was an aggressive, indefatigable promoter, few authors had more of those moments than I did.

Now, anything can and will go wrong on such tours. Planes can and will be missed. The television station you counted on for that crucial mid-day interview can fire the anchor and change its format minutes before you're due to be featured. Books can get there a day late... the seams of your favorite trousers can split when you bend over... and, yes, this actually happened, some certifiable moron can position the American flag too near the mega-watt lightning and start the auditorium on fire, threatening you with incineration, extinction, and a very bad hair day.

Luckily, in at least most of these situations, there were good people around to help; people who know you're on a schedule, under the gun, and go the extra mile and really help you. I must say I've been the beneficiary of such kindness all my life... but not always... and that's why I'm writing this article; to get it off my chest... and show you how to get sweet revenge... rather than restless dreams.

Like I said, it was a hot day in Chicago... and the folks at the bookstore where I was to be autographing books were anything but cooperative. And this time they went out of their way to be as difficult and uncooperative as possible; maybe it was the heat... or maybe they were malefactors sent from an evil empire. It didn't matter, they made me hotter under the collar than I already was. But I didn't snarl, vituperate, or go ballistic. I am far too well bred for that. And that's where my dream kicks in...

In it the nasty whelp who called himself a manager was doing everything he could to make the day miserable for me... only (and this is why dreams are so therapeutic, so satisfying, so uplifting and cheering) this time I didn't take it. Instead, as soon as I was firmly convinced that Mr. Manager was not going to help, I decided to pay him in some of his own irritating currency.

But you've got to do it subtly, shrewdly, carefully, with patience, biding your time, so that you're never fingered as the culprit. Here an old Italian adage is worth recalling: "Revenge is a dish best tasted cold." Vero!

Thus, on the day of the incident, my way of handling it was all politeness and punctilio; not an affronting syllable to be had or heard; it is for such moments that the ins and outs of civility exist, to be used, and lavishly, too, as called for. But all the while, your brain should be churning, turning, dreaming up the perfect revenge. And so it did for me...

First, I made it a point to complete my difficult encounter so that every person in the management and administration of that friggin' store, was personally thanked by me... that hand shake, that smile, those last few words all a necessary camouflage for what I was conniving.

Then a trip to a local quick copy shop where I could create my own sure-to-wow 'em proclamation, featuring these arresting words!

"Beat the heat!


ALL Flavors. As much as you can eat.

Our special "beat the heat" offer from Joe's Books.

Just ask for Joe when you arrive!!!!"

Organizing urchins...

The hardest part of the entire episode was finding the person who would find the necessary street arabs to stand in the sun distributing the flyers to all and sundry. That person must be efficient, loyal to me, capable of escaping quickly, no trace whatsoever. And, because this was a dream, that was easily effected...

.... And so the flyers went out without hitch... Manager Joe became (for an instant) the most popular man in Chicagoland... until the eager mob discovered they'd been "had." Unfortunately good taste and my own inherent sensitivity prevent me from telling you of the many and various outrages then perpetrated on ol' Joe. But they were sufficient for my purposes. One anonymous call to the "Chicago Tribune" ensured that... and the picture that accompanied the story told the rest; outraged citizens, a squad of sweating cops, chaos all round. Delicious. And so, while the level of invective, imprecations, maledictions waxed at Joe's, I sat back, just a few blocks away, in the ornate Palm Court at the Art Institute I love, enjoying tea and Henry James. Perfect.

"Sweet dreams, baby."

Thus my sweet dream became even sweeter reality and a lesson of life one needs as soon as possible. Now sing a bit to me, for I have well and truly deserved it:

"Dream baby make me stop dreaming you can make my dreams come true."

You betcha.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Commission Breakthrough -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=mh2QSx0t

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life...' Thoughts on turning65 February 16, 2012 and my most memorable birthday.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..'Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life...' Thoughts on turning65 February 16, 2012 and my most memorable birthday.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. I have always liked Charles Dickens. Not only was he a writer able to make words do his bidding, but he roused multitudes of people, people who after reading this master could never see the world as before... but only through his eyes. That is power indeed.

When I was a student living in London in the late '60s, Charles Dickens' house was right around the corner on Doughty Street; I went often, my mission clear: to see how the master of words lived his messy, turbulent, always productive life. That didn't help; I had to wait until I lived my own to find out how it's done....

But I resolved that when it came time for me, as an older man, looking back on my young and tender self, that I should incorporate the great beginning to "David Copperfield" (published 1850)... and so today I shall do so:

"Chapter 1. I am born.

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously." And so, very similarly, it went for me... and, no doubt for you, too; for at that moment we are all similar... something we ought to remember later, when we cultivate and embrace divisiveness instead of diversity.

Seeking clues, finding clues.

There is no adventure so thrilling, so personally significant, so completely fulfilling as going on expedition to find yourself, for the discovery of you cannot help but be the most important journey you will take. For this epic journey -- for your life must always be that -- I have selected the lush 1969 score by Sir Malcolm Arnold to one of the several filmed versions of "David Copperfield". You can find it in any search engine. Play it now before going on...

And so we begin...

I was born in Illinois February 16, 1947, making me a card-carrying Baby Boomer. It was the date of my parents' first wedding anniversary; the date, too, when two of my paternal aunts gave birth to boys the same time. Family, fecundity, faith in the Great Republic and its devices were in the air.

It is fashionable, particularly in political circles, to minimize what one's parents had, while enhancing the struggles they faced; the deprivations many and humiliating visited upon the hapless children... but this is not my story, even if I stretched the truth.

When I see my life in its whole, the words that come to mind are words of security, amplitude, family... words about the Great Republic, its especial place in the firmament... and of small town life and verities... where everyone knew you, almost from the first moment of conception. There my father built us a rambling ranch house graced by a sign that said "This is the house that Don built, 4906 Woodward Avenue".

It was set in the midst of acres of violets whose very color I can never see without a lump in my throat....if in such circumstances we may have lacked this or that, we didn't know and it never mattered... because we were blessed in so many ways... No one more so than I.

"You looked at me," she said, "with interest and intelligence, as if you had come to tell me something and know me better."

Life revealed one of my important traits right from the start. My mother was young and feared delivery and the burdens of maternity. She told me often in later years that she didn't want children, didn't like them... and was resentful when her early pregnancy was discovered. But then...then... a nurse placed me in her arms for the first time... and that changed everything.

She told me, always as if she had never told me before, I looked at her at that crucial moment of acknowledgement... not with fear, anxiety, trepidation or even uncertainty... but instead steadily, with empathy, as if I had come to cheer her and tell her all would be well.

Thus it came to be said that I had a special mission to humanity and the necessary skills and healing gifts. If so, I used them that day.


All mothers probably think their children prodigies, especially the first born... but my mother's oft reiterated belief about what she saw on our first meeting put my feet upon the path I continue to tread this very day... a path that gave me what, age ten or so, I told them I wanted: to go to Harvard, to write books, to be a millionaire, all accomplished before thirty. This is how it happened...

Exemption, recognition

Boys in 1950's Illinois needed to be good at sports, especially baseball, basketball or football, handy with cars, or at some practical subject like mathematics, a requirement for careers in engineering and the like. I was good at none of these... and yet it never mattered. I was, from the first day of school, the recognized school leader, master of words and thoughts which were always more adult than my schoolmates, who might so easily have derided... but never did, not least because I was always perceived as a friend, even confidante of my teachers, able to empathize and understand their situations; always, therefore a (young) colleague, never merely a pet. I used this influence for the good of my classmates, my instructors, the support staff... and myself. As such, I had the ear of all, for the benefit of all.

I learned what it took to assist authority and to achieve what I wanted... by helping such people get what they wanted. And this skill, once planted, has never deserted me... and as a result I have always been welcomed by the intelligent, the accomplished, the powerful, and all manner of people whose brains are fertile, whose visions are expansive, and for whom life is a grand thing, to be savored, improved, enhanced at every step and always shared, as I share mine with such people; now including you. In this way I lived a life enhanced by those good people and kind who have chosen to live it with me, as you perhaps will do, too.

My favorite birthday.

Have I then become the hero of my own life? Even now, it is too early to tell, though I remain resourceful and always hopeful. But I can resolutely tell you this: my favorite birthday is my actual birth day for from it everything else has come... and it all started with a look, two eyes just opened looking for the first time into two eyes anxious and frightened just a moment ago, now with a dawning realization that all will be well and with incipient happiness, too.

That is why, so equipped, I approach each new day as a pilgrim to this planet; ready to smile, to laugh, to use my talents, to enhance life... and above all else to love... for love explains all, enables all, enhances all, forgives all, understands all, embraces all... which is why, just 65, the best is yet to come... the last of life for which the first is made. So Browning enlightened my mother; so my mother enlightened me... and so I trust, on this special day, I have now enlightened you.

For this is the only acceptable kind of life... where, one by one, we reach out to each other... determined to engage... to touch... to venture upon the ocean of time with hope, humility, humanity. This is what I have learned in my first 65 years... and now it is my present to you... gratefully given... and I hope gratefully received and used for good... for this is the way if you, too, wish to become the hero of your own life, as I know you wish to do...

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Ruthless Income -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=qm6whuJW

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lawrence: The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-m...

Lawrence: The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-m...: “Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.” I wish to thank each and everyone of you who re...

The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-martial, the biggest leak ofclassified information in US history. Was anyone paying attention?

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..The weakest link. PFC Bradley Manning, his court-martial, the biggest leak of classified information in US history. Was anyone paying attention?

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

PFC Bradley Manning, charged in the biggest leak of classified information in US history.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

I have been thinking a lot lately about Eddie Slovik. He was a private in the US Army during World War II and had the unsavory distinction to be the only soldier of the Great Republic to be court-martialled and executed for desertion since the American Civil War.

Eddie Slovik was the kind of guy it was very easy to ignore, unless you were one of the householders in the Detroit, Michigan area; then, you needed to be alert, because he was probably burgling your house or stealing your car. He was a man whose life was going nowhere until he met and in November 1942 married a good woman he adored named Antoinette Wisniewski. Shortly thereafter he was drafted for service but his criminal record made him classified as unfit for duty in the US military... later, as the nation pushed for victory and needed every man, he was re-classified as fit for duty... and sent to France, where he discovered fear, desertion, execration, execution -- by no means the only man who deserted... but the only man who paid the supreme price for doing so.

But consider this, Eddie Slovik never killed a man, never hurt a man, never took the necessary secrets of the Great Republic and gave them to our sworn enemies. No, Eddie Slovik never did any of these things... yet he was executed, his American born and bred body riddled with American bullets, his blood dappling the snows of newly liberated France where the crucial question resonates to this day and beyond: did we overcharge Pfc Eddie Slovik for a sin that was venial, not cardinal, an incident that hurt him, but no one else?

Another PFC, a different kind of war.

Now meet another Private First Class -- Bradley Manning, young like Slovik, just 24 years old. A native of main street Crescent, Oklahoma...slight, fey, a malevolent Peter Pan who came to work day after day, wearing the insignia of the Great Republic, wearing her proud uniform, whose sworn duty was preserving, maintaining, defending, advancing America's interests... and yet every hour of every day engaged in systematic betrayal, disloyalty, treason ... the man who allegedly alone accessed over 700,000 sensitive, classified, ultra-private documents... which he then released to foes who wish us ill in all climes and places.

And yet these foes did not seek out PFC Manning. PFC Manning contacted them on his own volition... And so we come to know him...

sworn to defend the nation and all his fellow citizens, selected treason as his code; reckoning that the betrayal of his nation was more important than defending his nation.

educated himself in treason. He was his own tutor of hate, disdain, and disloyalty to America.

having discovered the means of accessing sensitive data he had no right to peruse, much less disburse, gathered these data in epochal proportions. He didn't want just to hurt America... he wanted to humiliate her, harming as many of his fellow citizens as he could.

took hundreds of thousands of these sensitive documents, as many as 700,000 of these documents, and offered them to WikiLeaks, an organization which breaks every law to release every sensitive document it can; disclosure always trumping in their self-sanctified minds all sense, sensitivity, confidentiality, privacy; all things we value and rely upon.

released documents which had severe implications for our emissaries, agents, representatives and all their families. The very lives of America's people at home and abroad were jeopardized -- are jeopardized now -- because of one man's adamant, unyielding belief that America needed chastisement.... and that that chastisement was suitable and particular work and high mission for PFC Manning, self-appointed to do what the nation would regard as heinous, inexplicable, despicable.

And so PFC Manning became a man of infamy doing a thing of disgust.

Meet Bradley Manning, a man with a dark mission.

Bradley E. Manning was born innocent on December 17, 1987. He was born an American, son of a Navy man... every prize of the Great Republic his to win. What then caused his troubled journey? Did it start with his diminutive stature, just 5 feet 2 inches, 105 pounds? Was it his adamant disavowal of God and religion? Was it a father's disdain of his effeminate son's homosexual preferences, the source of argument, fights, an unloving home for a son who deserved more than disdain, threats, physical violence instead of understanding and a loving home?

If there was treason in this boy then, the boy who loved the saxophone, science, and computer games and was firm in his often controversial opinions but could make his case without rancor and with all civility; if there was treason here, it was seen by none of the Sooners who were his classmates, friends, and neighbors, the people who see nothing at the time but talk of strange eyes and odd habits years later. Besides, no one wants to think that the quiet, unobtrusive loner at the back of the classroom is a traitor and menace to the Great Republic.

Yet America took a body blow from this forgettable, average, hardly observed young man, voluminous in his discoveries, unrelenting in his high crimes and misdemeanors.

Arrested in Iraq, May, 2010.

In October, 2009 Manning was assigned to a unit of the 10th Mountain Division, based near Baghdad. There he had regular access to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet). It was used by the United States government to transmit classified information. He was arrested for hubris, namely by bragging to computer hacker Adrian Lamo about what he was doing. Lamo reported to the FBI that Manning had told him during online chats what he had done, what he was doing, and who got the data he downloaded to his personal computer. Amongst these data there were 250,000 diplomatic cables of first-rate significance, footage of a July 2007 Baghdad airstrike and footage of a May 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan.

The FBI acted promptly and so Bradley Manning's need to be perceived as the big guy, the important guy, the coolest of spooks, brought him down, his pride his undoing, in the proper manner of every Greek play... for if one thing is clear in this sordid matter, it is this: that Bradley Manning, product of divorced parents, one-time resident of his pick-up truck, the victim of sexual obloquy, an employee who found the computer job he loved, only to be let go after four months... if one thing is clear, it's that Manning is just like all of us... a man buffeted by hard times and out-of-control circumstances... a man without self-respect who needed to brag and was brought down by his own foolishness and indiscretion; a man who in this gnawing vortex lost his way... a victim, to be sure, but a victim with the means to hurt us all. And so we say, "There but for the grace of God..."

But PFC Manning, despite every painful incident of his short life, despite his undeniable pains, despite every bad thing that happened to him was still a Child of God, still had the benefit of God's boundless grace. He just didn't get that point, and even now as he faces the majestic wrath and stern protocols of military justice he probably still doesn't grasp this essential matter... And yet, even in extremis the perpetrator of this great evil, even now God's grace abides for Bradley Manning, arch traitor, all unknowing about God, His Ways, and the Great Republic, God's great enterprise.

Amazing Grace.

Your court-martial is near at hand. Tell all, Bradley Manning, reserve nothing and throw yourself upon the merciful people of this forgiving nation... the people who are horrified by what you have done and all the terrible things which could yet come from your terrible indiscretions... people who still have mercy for you and concern, although you gave none of these to us. Because of that mercy you will not receive a bullet in the heart, like Eddie Slovik, though life incarceration is possible. But even there you will still have life, for the prosecutor will not ask for your extinction.

And, thus, where there is life, there abides hope and God's eternal grace, even for a wretch like you...

Author's program note. Go now to any search engine; find your favorite rendition of "Amazing Grace." We all know the tune; this time listen to the words... and ponder them.


** We invite you to submit your comments to this article.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Siphon Traffic Listbuilder -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=gw8cykpO

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Massaging Cushion for $12.49 at TripleClicks

Friday, February 10, 2012

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels February 1, 2012 signs first right-to-worklaw in over 10 years... the key is that it's for a crucial state in the 'rust

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..Indiana governor Mitch Daniels February 1, 2012 signs first right-to-worklaw in over 10 years... the key is that it's for a crucial state in the 'rust belt'.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

Robert A. Taft

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. When I was a little whippersnapper 60 years agohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif and more, my young father used to take me on his knee, his only very occasionally used guitar in hand and sing me a song that I hadn't thought of in all these years. It's the kind of childhood memory that comes at you when you're least expecting, bittersweet, tugging at your heart. Now I just cannot get it out of my mind...

The song is the "Wabash Cannonball" originally written in 1882 as "The Great Rock Island Route", a happy-go-lucky number credited to one J.A. Roff. In 1904 William Kindt rewrote the lyrics, changing the name of the train to the "Wabash Cannonball".

Johnny Cash - "Wabash Cannonball"

It's a pip of a tune with a chorus that makes you glad to be alive...

"Now listen to the jingle, and the rumble, and the roar, As she dashes thro' the woodland, and speeds along the shore, See the mighty rushing engine, hear her merry bell ring out, As they speed along in safety, on the 'Wabash Cannonball'."

... named after the great American main street town of..... Wabash, Indiana, its claim to fame the fact that in 1880 it became the first electrically lighted city on Earth. It is the center of the center state of America, the state that has just tossed a stink bomb into the politics of the Great Republic with its brand-new right-to-work law.

Get into the spirit of this article by going to any search engine, finding one of the many excellent versions; (I prefer the one by Johnny Cash).... then let 'er rip.... because you're riding the rails through the great American heartland, once so prosperous, the pride of the nation, now blighted in so many disheartening ways.

Born in 1947.

In the year of our Lord 1947, at least two significant things occurred: I was born... and the Congress of the Great Republic resoundingly overrode the adamant veto of President Harry S. Truman on a matter of resolute importance to unions. The result was the Taft-Hartley Act, a haymaker by the Republican Party that punched a gaping hole in the closed union shop, thereby providing the U.S. labor movement with an abiding grievance and red-meat for a million stump speeches and union halls. Here's what Taft-Hartley did to the prevailing National Labor Relations Act.

NLRA dictated that all employees at unionized workplaces must be members of the union as a condition of employment. It turned employee coercion into union power... and as such became a critical component of what transformed the disorganized, scattered Democratic Party into the majority party that ruled the Great Republic under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman for 20 years, with still major influence today.

The politics of the matter went like this: To wed the millions of laboring people to his governing coalition, Roosevelt cut a series of deals with union leaders, including giving them the right of introducing the closed shop, wherein every worker -- whatever their personal views and politics -- was forced to join the union... and finance it with their dues.

This gave the unions raw political power and Democrats a leg-up for local, state, and federal elections where this muscle delivered victory after victory. But it also created an outraged, seething menace from people who didn't like Roosevelt (and despised Truman)... patriots who vociferously demanded to know how such coercion, the stuff of Red revolution and godless Communism, could possibly be justified in the Land of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

One side said that employee coercion, fueling union power, brought good jobs and the realization of the American dream... the other demanded liberty and unfettered freedom of choice. Both arguments had valid points... which made the resulting battle bloody, bitter, protracted and internecine, a bona fide civil war... which Indiana has now re-opened, to the outrage of the unions...

The matter was further complicated because of the unconcealed contempt the leaders of each side felt for their opponents, dictated by the unyielding, abiding, fathomless scorn and disdain of Senator Robert Taft (R-Ohio) (1889-1953) for President Truman. "To err is Truman," Mrs. Taft said... The words Senator Taft used are unprintable. No quarter asked for, no quarter given by anyone, war to the death.

Taft-Hartley became the crucial weapon in that war.

Taft-Hartley outlawed the closed shop. The union shop rule, which required all new employees to join the union after a minimum period of time, is also illegal. As such, it is illegal for any employer to force an employee to join a union.

Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act goes further and authorizes individual states (but not local governments such as cities and counties) to outlaw union (as well as so-called agency) shops. Under the open shop rule, an employee cannot be compelled to join or pay the equivalent of dues to a union, nor can the employee be fired if he joins the union. In other words, the employee has the right to work, regardless of whether or not he is a member or financial contributor to such a union.

22 states ban "forced unionism"... 27 states and the District of Columbia do not.

Proponents of right-to-work laws, based on freedom of association, went to work with a will signing up one state after another. The states they persuaded reads like the playbook of the Republican Party, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. There the great roll call of right-to-work states stopped, until now... with the adhesion of Indiana.

Why did Indiana act now... and why does it matter?

The signature tune of the people they call Hoosiers is "Back Home Again In Indiana" (1917) ... and there's nothing more domestic, more American, more representative of the Great Republic, than these sane, decent, responsible folk. They are the very salt of the Earth, the bedrock of who we are and what we believe in. And these folks in recent years have watched as the land -- and lifestyle they love -- diminish, as one job after another ends, so many shipped overseas, all gone forever. And as the jobs left, their outrage and despair waxed.

To sustain the people, to maintain the land, there must be jobs... and so the people demanded jobs... seeing the bloated unions no longer as job providers but as menaces to their revival and reconstruction. Their representatives (in the persons of the majority Republican Party in the legislature) heard this plea... and essentially said by their actions that Indiana, to compete again and prosper again, must be prepared to face economic facts, no matter how unpleasant. Thus, unions must give back, divest, rethink... instead of merely waving placards, opposing this, blocking that, fulminating, never solving. For the issue here is and always will be the welfare of the people, not merely the welfare of the unions.

Thus the unions face the growing disbelief in towns like Wabash that they are not up to the job at hand, the job of making Indiana, a key industrial state, livable again. And so as the unions argue against their fate in Indiana, the "Wabash Cannonball" surges anew... to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois... an engine of change for a nation that needs it, the ghost of Senator Robert Taft riding in triumph.

"Oh, the Eastern states are dandy, so the Western people say Chicago, Rock Island, St. Louis by the way To the lakes of Minnesota where the rippling waters fall No changes to be taken on the Wabash Cannonball." All aboard...

** We invite you to submit your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Ruthless Income -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=qm6whuJW

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Monday, February 6, 2012

It's time to recognize those who have failed. It may be the very best way to get them to succeed. An audacious idea.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..It's time to recognize those who have failed. It may be the very best way to get them to succeed. An audacious idea.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. In 1962 one of the grandest American musicals hit the cinemas of the Great Republic. It was Meredith Wilson's "The Music Man"... and we got up and marched as we heard its effervescent score. No high fallutin' Eye-talian music you had to scratch your head about, understanding hardly a word.

No, this was Iowa music, Kansas music, music every last citizen of Tennessee and Oklahoma could understand, every last word. As for the star, insinuating Robert Preston; we all knew someone like him... scamp, con man, plausible trickster redeemed by the love of a good woman.

Oh, yes, "The Music Man" was something we could get our teeth into... which is why, a mere lad, I was set the onerous task of mastering its "76 Trombones" on the piano; for the next school recital. Anyone but a doting mother and her unctuous piano teacher, who had wife and children (and, I always thought, a bit of a drinking problem) to support would have looked at me on that concrete piano bench (or so it seemed) and blurted out the first words that came to mind: "He stinks!" But those words were not heard until...

... the day of the school recital.

Kids good got up and did their bit... that didn't take so long, since there weren't so many of them... and it was obvious which ones had worked hard and deserved the top prizes.

Then kids, carefully turned out in best bib and tucker, got up and did their mediocre bit. A large chunk of my classmates found themselves in this category; having done some work, but not enough to reap the blue ribbons that said "First Prize". They got the red ribbons... just good enough to assuage anxious parents.

Finally, there were the kids who had to be pushed -- umbrella ferule in the small of their back -- to get up and recite... or dance... or play an uncooperative instrument. And I -- and my ragged rendition of "76 Trombones" -- was in this group... stinkers all. But awarded notwithstanding an Honorable Mention and a few seconds of rousing, possibly even sincere applause, lead by mothers who would never admit -- much less on school recital day -- their little Hannah, Billie and Mike were anything other than paragons; "most likely to succeed" tattooed on their foreheads.

Privately, however, even some of the mothers gave vent to the truth; being Midwestern they just couldn't help themselves.... "They stink!" I heard them say... and then "Jeffrey stinks!"

And so truth came to River City. Truth, embarrassment, red-faced humiliation... which could not be assuaged by any white ribbon that said Honorable Mention. It all poured out now; how I was horrid... tone deaf... rhythm challenged... note oblivious... absolutely hopeless.... hot words that caused my little brother (who had a lifetime of Jeffrey plaudits to work through) to dance with glee... "Ol' Jeffrey stinks." On this day of days he just couldn't say it enough and knew a profound happiness long deferred. He talks about it to this very day.

I was 15, I was humiliated, I was determined this would not be the end of the story... .... and that's why I won the next recital prize fair and square... because I was resolved, and fiercely too, that "Jeffrey stinks" would not be the last word on this subject...

... In other words, from abashment and humiliation came triumph and reward. So it worked for me on the grave matter of the school piano recital and so it is about to work for you in your business. For I am about to urge that all your business failures, slothful habits, egregious errors, failure to achieve significant results; that all of these, things which have placed you well and truly amongst the stinkers... be brought out... and publicized to the world; thereby ensuring that your humiliation be thorough and detailed...


So that you will do everything needful, yes move heaven and earth, to ensure you are never, ever in that shocking place again, your dunce cap retired, your name no more ridiculed but revered, honored and extolled, which is the only way it should be.

Consider how you did "business" yesterday, the day before, the day before that...

Have you done the necessary to profit? Did you get up early to handle all aspects of your prospect-generating machine? Did you generate prospects? Follow up (and especially telephone) prospects? Did you make offers, improve offers, and improve these offers again until you had a deal and the money that accompanies it? If so, you made money... and have every right to be happy with yourself... for you are a true and faithful business impresario and you deserve every penny and every compliment you got.

You did get that profit and those compliments, didn't you? Well, didn't you? If not, it's time for an alternative approach to the business of helping you succeed in business. It's time for the motivating Failure Awards, a kick in the pants like no other.

Imagine the following scenario. You wake up tomorrow, go to your website, and see emblazoned across it these words

"You have just been dishonored with the


Trustees of the foundation have selected you because you didn't do one darn thing yesterday, absolutely nothing, to make money, generate leads, work with leads, make offers, close deals and build your business.

Yep, you are on the bottom of the heap, no money in the till and none expected or possible, until you change the way you do 'business' so that you can profit from it.

Then you see a picture of yourself festooned with mulish ears... with a caption that says simply

LOSER OF THE DAY... (then the date)."

Your reaction?

How will you feel when you see this? I'll tell you, you'll fly into an unparalleled rage... condemning everyone... everyone, that is, except the one person whose lack of constructive endeavors got you there in the first place: that would be you!

Your lack of effort got you this (boobie) prize. It's only your constructive efforts that can get you out.

But will you make them?

In my humble opinion you will do so faster, with more energy and determination if you publish the unpalatable truth, shining full, unyielding light on the success you didn't get, letting the world see your inadequacies. You will hate this situation and rightly so, for being amongst such a passel of losers is humiliating indeed.

That's why you should award yourself this egregious and sick-making award... and spend the rest of this day and every day doing what is necessary to expunge it and reap the substantial benefits which you'll get when you do.

Now go to any search engine. Play "76 trombones" and get in the mood for success, joy, and many happy returns of the day, a day where failure is just a word in the dictionary.


About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Commission Breakthrough -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=mh2QSx0t

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Lawrence Rinke

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Join Me On Skype: lawrencecrinke

P.S., If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 310-561-2580, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.

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Forever Green 16 Piece Food Storage System for $9.99 at TripleClicks

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spotlight on Mark Zuckerberg, hacker, Harvard drop-out, with a cute smile and a net worth already over 28 billion dollars. What's not to like?

Special Edition

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..Spotlight on Mark Zuckerberg, hacker, Harvard drop-out, with a cute smile and a net worth already over 28 billion dollars. What's not to like?

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email lrewhomebusiness@gmail.com; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

27 years old, net worth $28 billion

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. I doubt that the subject of today's article is familiar with the celebrated English novelist E.M. Forster, but he ought to be. Foster's famous aphorism "Only connect" is the basis for what is already one of the greatest fortunes in the history of the world. Only connect... and the world is your oyster, all the oysters and all the pearls within them, too.

For what is the secret to the vast Zuckerberg fortune but an understanding that people need people, crave connection with them, need togetherness and a place to hang out. And so today I have selected as the incidental music for this article, the song made famous by Barbra Streisand (1964), "People", composed by Jule Styne; lyrics by Bob Merrill.

Go now to any search engine and listen to that soaring Streisand sound. Forster got it... Streisand got it... and now Zuckerberg has enabled everyone in the world to get it, for no one more than he, in the entire history of mankind, has connected more people than he has, as effortlessly as he has. And that is both good and not good... as we shall see.

Meet Mark Zuckerberg.

Whether you are familiar with Mark Zuckerberg depends to a considerable extent on your age and Internet savvy. The greater the one, the less the other, the more this soon to be iconic name will be unknown... and that, of course, means you're the oldest of fogies... and must instantly make amends. I intend to make that very easy for you.

Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in a "Leave It to Beaver" town with the quintessential name of Dobbs Ferry, New York. His life consisted of the very best and most appealing of what suburban life in the Great Republic offers; his father a dentist, his mother (before the birth of her four children), a psychiatrist. His was a loving, close-knit family that valued the most important thing of all: education, and made sure Mark got the best.

He was a prodigy from his earliest days; spurred on by his parents, who supplied tutorial assistance for this gifted boy, who seemed to know from conception that computers were his destiny, as they were for the world. He was sent to one of the Great Republic's most celebrated prep schools, Phillips Exeter Academy, where he captained the school's fencing team. Then, like so many of his gifted classmates, he made the expected move to Harvard... There in his now famous dorm room, right across the street from where I am writing, he began the steps that would not only make him one of history's wealthiest people... Croesus and Midas being pikers by comparison... but a social innovator of literally cosmic significance.

But all that is hindsight. At Harvard, Zuckerberg with his boyish grin that won't quit, danced administrators a merry measure. Harvard is famous for dealing with exceptional students; they are there, after all, precisely because they are exceptional... and, as often, difficult... as they try the patience of lesser deans charged with riding genius with a deft hand... and a recognition that these students will in due course rule the Great Republic and many other nations, its businesses and nonprofit organizations of every kind, and one tech enterprise after another. Future success -- and generous donations to Harvard -- must never be forgotten... and never are.

Zuckerberg, hacking meister.

Harvard was, of course, familiar with young men of technical brilliance for whom The World's Greatest University, though undoubtedly an honor, moved just too slow. Quick, can you say Bill Gates?

Zuckerberg was impatient with things others deemed appropriate and suitable for him; a common Harvard malady. He had a sense, growing clearer by the day, of what he wanted, and it wasn't writing term papers on recherche' subjects minutes before they were due.

No, he wanted a career on the Internet, something his young generation "got" which was (and to a considerable extent still is) terra incognita to its woefully clueless parents. Not to put too fine a point on it, he spent his time at Harvard inventing what every red- blooded boy wants: a simple, effortless, infallible way to pick up chicks (and their hunky male equivalents.) And there was the Internet, universal, revolutionary, exhilarating right before him.... How could this force be put to work assisting the massive energies of "the urge to merge," the most powerful drive in the lives of everyone on this planet, especially adolescents pulsating with untrammeled desire...

Mark, a recognized "go-to" guy at Harvard for solving computer problems, first invented something scholastically useful: "CourseMatch" which gave students absolutely candid (and hence often abashing to instructors) reviews of all courses and professors. It was an instant, irreverent hit...

Then, he invented Facemash, which matched pictures of two students, asking teen-aged connoisseurs to deliver comments on the various merits (and demerits) of each. Needless to say, comments were often rude, crude, hurtful... and funny. Harvard stepped in and killed this enterprise as "inappropriate". And chastised Zuckerberg, who, to get the personal information Facemash required, hacked into protected areas of Harvard's sensitive and strictly private computer network. Its popularity was undoubted -- 22,000 photo-views in its first four hours alone. But what was equally undoubted was Zuckerberg's blatant disregard of privacy and misuse of other people's data, issues which will always be part and parcel of his business life and fortune.


In February, 2004 Zuckerberg launched "Thefacebook" at www.thefacebook.com All hell broke loose amongst Zuckerberg's classmates -- Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra -- who complained he was using their ideas. They sued, got a settlement and for the rest of their lives -- no matter how successful they may well be -- will always be overshadowed by Zuckerberg, and no matter how many bucks they settled for... It Will Never Be Enough. Just as the hapless owner of the domain name facebook.com probably says, getting a mere $200,000 for a name that is now worth untold riches. But it is in the nature of entrepreneurs to see things others don't and reap an avalanche of benefits as a result... and, why not? For after all they shouldered all the risks which are real enough and daunting.

Young, richer than rich, the apple of Wall Street's eye.

Mark Zuckerberg is now not merely a role model to every young techie just out of rompers, but a titan amongst plutocrats, whom he can now buy and sell. He is said to be quiet, unassuming, polite, never flaunting his fabulous wealth. But his may be the technical equivalent of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray." We shall just have to wait and see.

As for Zuckerberg, he should be reminded of the aphorism by Satchel Paige, "Don't look back. Something may be gaining on you." Because you can bet on it, Zuckerberg and the wealth of Facebook with over 800,000,000 members, one-third of all the Internet's ad revenues, and a mailing list worth billions and billions more, is now the target...

With the Initial Public Offering for Facebook stock coming very soon, this month, Zuckerberg has other things on his mind, like what's a young man, just 27 years old, to do with 28 billion dollars, give or take a buck? There aren't enough things on our tired old planet to purchase... as he'll soon find out.

But while he's wondering how many zeroes there are in all those billions, he should never stop focusing on how to improve his corporate baby, for he must tend its cornucopia of information with strict regards for privacy, and he has a bad record here. He must root out the millions of underaged users (13 being the threshold) and urge them, with all due respect, to do more with their lives then develop oversized posteriors clicking computer keys.

He must urge all members to tell the truth (to be barred if they do not), for the "Veritas" (truth) he learned at Harvard is in lamentable short supply online, with Facebook members amongst the worst offenders.... Finally, he must work assiduously with all law enforcement personnel for Facebook is a haven for every human vice and malefactor on Earth. Use some of your mind-boggling fortune to preserve what is best about Facebook where happy serendipity is a constant occurrence and must remain so.

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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com. Check out Commission Breakthrough -> http://www.ActionEqualsProfit.com/?rd=mh2QSx0t

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