by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
As protests go, it was short and undeniably sweet: a man ran up the central aisle of Brussels' main cathedral and shoved a cherry pie in the face of Archbishop Andre Leonard, a man seemingly tailor-made by history and Catholicism to roil and divide. Appointed by Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Leonard's in-your-face pastry clearly indicated that he was adding to the hapless Benedict's already at-risk pontificate instead of helping out, as he was supposed to.
And the pope had no one to blame but himself.
Archbishop Leonard is smiling.. but the well- living, comfortable Belgians are not.
It's easy to see why the archbishop is enjoying himself. At 70, an age when other men contemplate their gardens and the dinner menu, Archbishop Leonard is a man of destiny. Striding through an airport the other day, his grace was dogged by paparazzi and protestors... the cynosure of every eye, the darling of Rome and other intractables. His deeply self-satisfied smile could not be mistaken. He was where he was meant to be defending (in)fallibility, injustice, and the deeply troubled Church of Rome, whose saviour he could imagine becoming.
It was the perfect formula for maximum unhappiness and division... and his grace was nothing if not the man to savor every divisive moment of this unexpected opportunity.
And the pope had no one to blame but himself.
The pope's policy has been this: remove liberals, like retired Cardinal Godfried Danneels, beloved of the dwindling believers, and replace them with hard-liners, driven by an ardent desire to bring back the good old days of Pius XII and the undoubted majesty of Torquemada and the ardent joys of the long lamented, so satisfying Spanish Inquisition. Ah, yes, those good old, good old days.
The pope laid his hands upon the exultant Leonard, whom he had plucked from well-warranted obscurity in January, 2010 from a picturesque Belgian citadel town. Exultant, indeed, because he thought his rising days were long over.
But the Holy Father needs loyalists to do his bidding, and there is no one more loyal than a washed out party man who is summoned to a higher fate by a leader who desperately needs such troops... and has all the loaves and fishes to reward those who serve -- and obey.
The archbishop returned to Brussels and its over 30 years of progressive theological thought and an unceasing attempt to reconcile the Church of Rome with the satisfied, live- and-let-live people of Belgian... and he returned with a determined vengeance. He would root out the heresies of the Belgians with vigor, determination and the joys of complete and total submission by the erring (no longer) faithful.
His grace lost not a minute in announcing his red-blooded views... and his determination that the Belgian faithful must submit today, tomorrow, forever.
Pow! AIDS is a form of "justice" for homosexuals. They deserve what they get.
Pow! Retired pedophile priests must go UNpunished for their transgressions, ending their years of abuse in prayer and protected from further review and action.
Pow! Women who undergo abortion will be greeted in the afterlife by the heart-rending screams of their murdered children "Momma! Momma!"
The archbishop, like so many hard-liners, has a gift for the trenchant, chilling, hell- conjuring phrase... and he uses this gift lavishly.
The hapless Vicar of Rome sent this man of stern views and complete self satisfaction to the Belgians of all people, cosmopolitan, sophisticated, laissez faire, tolerant.... and now appalled by this archbishop's distinctly unBelgian views.
Two of the 10 bishops of Belgium have publicly challenged Archbishop Leonard's views; he is their superior in the hierarchy but they have distanced themselves from him notwithstanding.
M. Yves Leterme, Belgium's prime minister and a Catholic, has been resolute in his condemnation of the archbishop, who no doubt is not surprised by the protests of the easy-living miscreants, for all they may be a prime minister. Let them howl, so long as they submit.
Bert Claerhout, editor of Church and Life, a Catholic weekly, reports he's been inundated with fierce letters of complaint from readers, awakened from their good living lethargy by a determined man who quite clearly believes everything he says and is equally determined that you believe it, too --or else.
Then there is the matter of the cherry pie which in its simple, gastronomic way made such a tasty impression on a nation which insists upon the proper preparation and delivery of its fine cuisine. For such a people, such a pie, presented and delivered properly was most apropos.
And then this: even Archbishop Leonard's spokesman resigned, saying he could no longer morally defend his slash-and-burn employer. Ouch. Juergen Mettepenningen called the archbishop a "loose cannon who thinks everybody else is wrong."
All this the pope brought on himself and must continue to do if he maintains his flawed policies which have only the aging intransigents to draw on to defend them. In short, this is a pontificate in deep, profound trouble which every word from the fiery archbishop and his ilk intensifies. As the Church of Rome removes itself from the people, the people will firmly and irrevocably remove themselves from the Church of Rome.
A sense of doom surrounds the Bishop of Rome and his stewardship of the Vatican. These are the words that come to mind about this beleaguered, increasingly unhappy Holy Father: misguided, flat-footed, slow to understand, slower to address. He is a man whose pontificate was bound to be difficult, following John Paul II for whom the adoring faithful filled St. Peter's Square shouting "Santo! Subito!" But it didn't have be this difficult, this unsatisfactory, this unhappy.
However, Benedict XVI selected doctrinal purity over universal inclusiveness; he chose to look backwards... when we all, whether Catholic or not, wanted him to look ahead and plot the way to bring us all demonstrably closer to universal harmony and peace.
The strident partizan Archbishop Leonard is the merest detail, easy to return to the obscurity from whence he came at the pope's merest motion. But the pope himself? He is the unhappy man... the man who called upon to improve the future, gave us nothing more than patches on the past. And he did it to himself.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Jeffrey Lant is a well known marketer, speaker, consultant, and author of 18 best-selling books.
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Clickbank Traffic Warrior ->
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Your lousy communication skills are hurting yourself and others. Here's what you need to do at once.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It's time to call a spade a spade. We are members of the most communications savvy and personally wired generation ever. Even the tiniest mite has her cell phone with camera. Yet the truth is, the explosion of communications tools has produced less real communication than ever; you and your poor communications skills are one of the culprits. Listen up! After all, it's time your communication skills improved to the level of your communications tools.
The quality of communications is not strained...
You, being an educated soul, are no doubt familiar with Portia's famous speech:
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
(The Merchant of Venice. Act 4, scene 1.)
Bold and even impious, I now advise you (while great Shakespeare rolls in his grave) to change the word "mercy" to "communications," thus:
The quality of communications is not strain'd... it is twice blessed..."
And so it is. Good communications are good for the recipient and for the sender too.
You know this... but you do not act accordingly. Which is why this (shall we say) motivating article is so necessary and why you should take every single word to heart and make radical adjustments in your lamentable behavior.
Poor communicators (with the probability strong that you are one of them) exhibit these traits:
Arrogance. The human animal is a selfish animal, conceived in selfishness and nurtured in the belief that the Great Me, the universe-centered I Am is the most important animal anywhere at any time. As a result, this animal well and truly believes that she is so important that others must feel grateful, even when the communication is not returned. Oh, my!
People (like you?) who do not communicate effectively are people who are telling others, clear as crystal, that they are superior to you; that their time is more valuable than yours... and that these lesser folk need wait (and happily so) and wait and wait some more until you condescend to respond.
Such people by their behavior and non responsiveness clearly indicate that you and your concerns are, by definition, of infinitely less consideration than theirs. And that you'd best be glad for the little you get, for it is infinitely more than you deserve.
Poor communicators are slothful.
Good communicators, effective communicators realize that the business of communicating is like a tennis match. The ball must always be in motion between the communicator and those he wishes to communicate with. When the ball stops moving, the communication stops with it. The person who has stopped the communicating process is , by definition, the lazy, inhibiting one.
All too often the communication stops and is not extended because of unadulterated sloth. It takes work to communicate... it takes work to conceive a message and deliver that message. It takes work to be prepared and move matters to their next stage. However the slothful communicator can and does think of a myriad of "reasons" why he can obliterate the communications process without remorse. Thus he goes blithely on with his affairs while others, fuming, apply language which is ever more blue as time passes and their legitimate reasons for communicating go without any response whatsoever. Oh, my!
A special cycle of hell
For the intractable, for the miscreants arrogant and slothful who will not change, an idea: for them: a special cycle of hell wherein they are asked such questions as "are you hungry?" or "are you feeling hot and uncomfortable?" These hungry and uncomfortable miscreants answer and answer and answer. But response comes there none, ever. Delicious.
Help for the socially challenged and shy johns and janes everywhere.
Yet is the world of the non communicators made up solely and exclusively of the arrogant and slothful? Certainly not. It is also, and in significant numbers, the preserve of the shy, the timid, the socially malaprop, and untutored.
For them a single word: study.
There is one thing and only one thing which sets us apart and elevated from animals of every kind and place... and that one thing is communicating. So, if you truly wish to learn, improve and foster rather than retard communications, here is what you must learn and do.
1) Learn empathy, that crucial ability to enter into the minds and hearts of the people you are to communicate with. What is it they are expecting from you? Deliver that, to the furthest extent possible, and you have the essential element of success.
2) Be prompt about responding. In an age of instant communications, there can be absolutely no reason for delayed or no response at all except your own failure to provide it. The means are at hand; use them "as quick as boiled asparagus." And that's very fast!
3) Be clear on where you can be reached. Assume the person you are communicating with does not have this vital intelligence. State it clearly, thoroughly... and reiterate to avoid any confusion whatsoever.
4) Be willing to try again if the person you are trying to reach (even if that person initiated the communication) fails to respond. Remember, empathy is the basis for successful communications.
5) Above all else, never stop improving your knowledge of communication and its techniques. In this golden age of communications, the overwhelming majority of loaves and fishes will go to the communicating elite... those who make it a point to master communications and steadily enhance their knowledge and expertise. Make that person you!
Give this article to the communicating challenged. They need it so.
Your last task for today is to give a copy of this article to every substandard and inadequate communicator you can. The task at hand, training communicators and enhancing their skills, is a lifetime affair. Start it now. There is so very much to do and so many who need the help.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books, as well as being an internationally recognized marketer. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
It's time to call a spade a spade. We are members of the most communications savvy and personally wired generation ever. Even the tiniest mite has her cell phone with camera. Yet the truth is, the explosion of communications tools has produced less real communication than ever; you and your poor communications skills are one of the culprits. Listen up! After all, it's time your communication skills improved to the level of your communications tools.
The quality of communications is not strained...
You, being an educated soul, are no doubt familiar with Portia's famous speech:
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
(The Merchant of Venice. Act 4, scene 1.)
Bold and even impious, I now advise you (while great Shakespeare rolls in his grave) to change the word "mercy" to "communications," thus:
The quality of communications is not strain'd... it is twice blessed..."
And so it is. Good communications are good for the recipient and for the sender too.
You know this... but you do not act accordingly. Which is why this (shall we say) motivating article is so necessary and why you should take every single word to heart and make radical adjustments in your lamentable behavior.
Poor communicators (with the probability strong that you are one of them) exhibit these traits:
Arrogance. The human animal is a selfish animal, conceived in selfishness and nurtured in the belief that the Great Me, the universe-centered I Am is the most important animal anywhere at any time. As a result, this animal well and truly believes that she is so important that others must feel grateful, even when the communication is not returned. Oh, my!
People (like you?) who do not communicate effectively are people who are telling others, clear as crystal, that they are superior to you; that their time is more valuable than yours... and that these lesser folk need wait (and happily so) and wait and wait some more until you condescend to respond.
Such people by their behavior and non responsiveness clearly indicate that you and your concerns are, by definition, of infinitely less consideration than theirs. And that you'd best be glad for the little you get, for it is infinitely more than you deserve.
Poor communicators are slothful.
Good communicators, effective communicators realize that the business of communicating is like a tennis match. The ball must always be in motion between the communicator and those he wishes to communicate with. When the ball stops moving, the communication stops with it. The person who has stopped the communicating process is , by definition, the lazy, inhibiting one.
All too often the communication stops and is not extended because of unadulterated sloth. It takes work to communicate... it takes work to conceive a message and deliver that message. It takes work to be prepared and move matters to their next stage. However the slothful communicator can and does think of a myriad of "reasons" why he can obliterate the communications process without remorse. Thus he goes blithely on with his affairs while others, fuming, apply language which is ever more blue as time passes and their legitimate reasons for communicating go without any response whatsoever. Oh, my!
A special cycle of hell
For the intractable, for the miscreants arrogant and slothful who will not change, an idea: for them: a special cycle of hell wherein they are asked such questions as "are you hungry?" or "are you feeling hot and uncomfortable?" These hungry and uncomfortable miscreants answer and answer and answer. But response comes there none, ever. Delicious.
Help for the socially challenged and shy johns and janes everywhere.
Yet is the world of the non communicators made up solely and exclusively of the arrogant and slothful? Certainly not. It is also, and in significant numbers, the preserve of the shy, the timid, the socially malaprop, and untutored.
For them a single word: study.
There is one thing and only one thing which sets us apart and elevated from animals of every kind and place... and that one thing is communicating. So, if you truly wish to learn, improve and foster rather than retard communications, here is what you must learn and do.
1) Learn empathy, that crucial ability to enter into the minds and hearts of the people you are to communicate with. What is it they are expecting from you? Deliver that, to the furthest extent possible, and you have the essential element of success.
2) Be prompt about responding. In an age of instant communications, there can be absolutely no reason for delayed or no response at all except your own failure to provide it. The means are at hand; use them "as quick as boiled asparagus." And that's very fast!
3) Be clear on where you can be reached. Assume the person you are communicating with does not have this vital intelligence. State it clearly, thoroughly... and reiterate to avoid any confusion whatsoever.
4) Be willing to try again if the person you are trying to reach (even if that person initiated the communication) fails to respond. Remember, empathy is the basis for successful communications.
5) Above all else, never stop improving your knowledge of communication and its techniques. In this golden age of communications, the overwhelming majority of loaves and fishes will go to the communicating elite... those who make it a point to master communications and steadily enhance their knowledge and expertise. Make that person you!
Give this article to the communicating challenged. They need it so.
Your last task for today is to give a copy of this article to every substandard and inadequate communicator you can. The task at hand, training communicators and enhancing their skills, is a lifetime affair. Start it now. There is so very much to do and so many who need the help.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books, as well as being an internationally recognized marketer. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Abdicate? Not a chance. Here's why Charles will reign when his time comes.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
The engagement of Prince William of Wales and the comely commoner Kate Middleton has caused a long simmering question to flare up again. Will Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, stand down in favor of the lovely couple?
Those who advocate such an unprecedented event base their case on the following points:
* Charles is uninspiring, eccentric, even odd.
* Charles will be "too old" at his accession to have a meaningful, effective reign.
* By his caddish treatment of his wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, he forfeited the affection and respect of the nation... and should therefore lose the throne.
* His son William and his winsome Kate are young, popular, already national icons. As a result, it makes more sense for them to reign... than the shop-worn Charles and his frumpish Duchess Camilla.
What do the people think?
An October, 2010 poll of 2,012 adults by ComRes shows support for changing the order of succession. 25 percent of those polled say that Charles should make way for Wills and Kate. The younger the respondent, the more that person is likely to support such a change.
Let's take a look at all the "reasons" advanced for altering the line of succession for the world's most prestigious monarchy.
* Charles in uninspiring. True. Mention the Prince of Wales' name and the likely response will be tepid, at best. But this is hardly reason for revoking his right to reign. In World War I, Charles great grand father King George V was pilloried by H.G. Wells as "alien and uninspiring." George when he heard the comment was outaged: "I may be uninspiring," he said. "But I'm damned if I'm alien." His reign was successful (unlike those of the principal dynasties of Europe), and he lived long enough to see himself as respected, admired, even loved. Britain will never pull the rug on Charles because he lacks charisma.
* Too old. This, too, won't fly. Right now the queen is 84 years old. Her mother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, lived to 101. She could live as long, or longer. Each second reduces the reign of Charles III.. But that is irrelevant.
He's prepared his entire life to be king and if he rules for just 5 minutes or less... he'll reign for those. There is no provision in the Constitution to remove the sovereign merely because of his age... and the righteous uproar from senior citizens would be mind boggling if a man were removed from his job because of age alone. Remember, centenarians are the fastest growing segment of the population... and they know how to make themselves heard. Charles will NEVER lose the throne because of his age alone, never.
Charles the cad doesn't deserve to reign. Here the ghost of Diana, Princess of Wales appears, accusing Charles of every crime in the calendar. For betraying his young wife, and for a frump at that, he deserves to pay the ultimate price, losing the throne. More rubbish.
Sovereigns are not chosen because they have (or have not) remained faithful to their marriage vows. If this were the case, there would be precious few sovereigns.... or presidents of republics either. Bedroom morality has no place in the succession of kings, randy or otherwise. And it should have no place here either, whatever fanatical partizans of Diana, Princess of Wales may say. They have it in for the hapless Charles... and always will have. By his duplicitous treatment of Diana, he certainly forfeited the affection and respect of a great nation... but he did not forfeit his long-recognized right to the throne. His right to that is secure.
Charles is not as popular as the winsome two-some. True... but, again, beside the point.. Advancing princes is not determined "American-Idol" like by the voting masses. It is a matter of established custom, rights, and the little matter of the Constitution. Charles has done nothing to forfeit his rights. Unimaginative, odd, eccentric, true... but hard-wording, dutiful, loyal... and patient.
Why abdication is unthinkable
Now hear this:
The queen will NEVER abdicate. The most conservative of all the Windsors, her majesty will fight tooth and nail for Charles to be king. She is a woman who has lived for the dynasty... and fought for its ever dwindling rights and privileges. Support for another over Charles is unthinkable, not merely because he is her first-born son... but because he is Prince of Wales, the recognized and acknowledged heir.
So, it comes down to this:
Charles will NEVER be removed from the succession; there is no reason or party sufficient to urge or persuade. He will never willingly give up his right to the throne, even for a reign of months, or even weeks. He cannot, for such an act diminishes the monarchy to which he had dedicated his life.
What's more can anyone, anyone at all, imagine Prince Wills and his newly minted princess broaching the topic with his father, the long-patient prince? Unthinkable. For Prince Wills to ascend the whole royal establishment would have to concur... starting with a father who never could or would agree.
Like it or not... in the fullness of time Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, that high and mighty princess, will by her passing transfer the throne to his gracious majesty King Charles III.... and he, in his time, will do the same to King William V.
Now for a radical prediction: Charles will reign. Camilla will become, in due course, queen consort. Their reign, very likely short, will be diligent, respectable, even popular. For you see, it is in the interest of all to have it so. Charles and Camilla cannot want it otherwise; they will work hard for this result.. The nation he has served responsibly owes it to him, if not to her, to deliver this result. What's more it will be better for their royal highnesses Wills and Kate to succeed to a well- run, respected institution than one marred by controversy and in tatters.
God save the Queen! God save them all! And may they all reign happy if not glorious.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is the author of 18 best-selling business books, including 'Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria's Court.' This book was the result of Dr. Lant being the first American to gain access to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle.
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
The engagement of Prince William of Wales and the comely commoner Kate Middleton has caused a long simmering question to flare up again. Will Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, stand down in favor of the lovely couple?
Those who advocate such an unprecedented event base their case on the following points:
* Charles is uninspiring, eccentric, even odd.
* Charles will be "too old" at his accession to have a meaningful, effective reign.
* By his caddish treatment of his wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, he forfeited the affection and respect of the nation... and should therefore lose the throne.
* His son William and his winsome Kate are young, popular, already national icons. As a result, it makes more sense for them to reign... than the shop-worn Charles and his frumpish Duchess Camilla.
What do the people think?
An October, 2010 poll of 2,012 adults by ComRes shows support for changing the order of succession. 25 percent of those polled say that Charles should make way for Wills and Kate. The younger the respondent, the more that person is likely to support such a change.
Let's take a look at all the "reasons" advanced for altering the line of succession for the world's most prestigious monarchy.
* Charles in uninspiring. True. Mention the Prince of Wales' name and the likely response will be tepid, at best. But this is hardly reason for revoking his right to reign. In World War I, Charles great grand father King George V was pilloried by H.G. Wells as "alien and uninspiring." George when he heard the comment was outaged: "I may be uninspiring," he said. "But I'm damned if I'm alien." His reign was successful (unlike those of the principal dynasties of Europe), and he lived long enough to see himself as respected, admired, even loved. Britain will never pull the rug on Charles because he lacks charisma.
* Too old. This, too, won't fly. Right now the queen is 84 years old. Her mother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, lived to 101. She could live as long, or longer. Each second reduces the reign of Charles III.. But that is irrelevant.
He's prepared his entire life to be king and if he rules for just 5 minutes or less... he'll reign for those. There is no provision in the Constitution to remove the sovereign merely because of his age... and the righteous uproar from senior citizens would be mind boggling if a man were removed from his job because of age alone. Remember, centenarians are the fastest growing segment of the population... and they know how to make themselves heard. Charles will NEVER lose the throne because of his age alone, never.
Charles the cad doesn't deserve to reign. Here the ghost of Diana, Princess of Wales appears, accusing Charles of every crime in the calendar. For betraying his young wife, and for a frump at that, he deserves to pay the ultimate price, losing the throne. More rubbish.
Sovereigns are not chosen because they have (or have not) remained faithful to their marriage vows. If this were the case, there would be precious few sovereigns.... or presidents of republics either. Bedroom morality has no place in the succession of kings, randy or otherwise. And it should have no place here either, whatever fanatical partizans of Diana, Princess of Wales may say. They have it in for the hapless Charles... and always will have. By his duplicitous treatment of Diana, he certainly forfeited the affection and respect of a great nation... but he did not forfeit his long-recognized right to the throne. His right to that is secure.
Charles is not as popular as the winsome two-some. True... but, again, beside the point.. Advancing princes is not determined "American-Idol" like by the voting masses. It is a matter of established custom, rights, and the little matter of the Constitution. Charles has done nothing to forfeit his rights. Unimaginative, odd, eccentric, true... but hard-wording, dutiful, loyal... and patient.
Why abdication is unthinkable
Now hear this:
The queen will NEVER abdicate. The most conservative of all the Windsors, her majesty will fight tooth and nail for Charles to be king. She is a woman who has lived for the dynasty... and fought for its ever dwindling rights and privileges. Support for another over Charles is unthinkable, not merely because he is her first-born son... but because he is Prince of Wales, the recognized and acknowledged heir.
So, it comes down to this:
Charles will NEVER be removed from the succession; there is no reason or party sufficient to urge or persuade. He will never willingly give up his right to the throne, even for a reign of months, or even weeks. He cannot, for such an act diminishes the monarchy to which he had dedicated his life.
What's more can anyone, anyone at all, imagine Prince Wills and his newly minted princess broaching the topic with his father, the long-patient prince? Unthinkable. For Prince Wills to ascend the whole royal establishment would have to concur... starting with a father who never could or would agree.
Like it or not... in the fullness of time Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, that high and mighty princess, will by her passing transfer the throne to his gracious majesty King Charles III.... and he, in his time, will do the same to King William V.
Now for a radical prediction: Charles will reign. Camilla will become, in due course, queen consort. Their reign, very likely short, will be diligent, respectable, even popular. For you see, it is in the interest of all to have it so. Charles and Camilla cannot want it otherwise; they will work hard for this result.. The nation he has served responsibly owes it to him, if not to her, to deliver this result. What's more it will be better for their royal highnesses Wills and Kate to succeed to a well- run, respected institution than one marred by controversy and in tatters.
God save the Queen! God save them all! And may they all reign happy if not glorious.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is the author of 18 best-selling business books, including 'Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria's Court.' This book was the result of Dr. Lant being the first American to gain access to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle.
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hello Members, and the world
Brad Webb here. I would like to share with you some
devastating news my friend and business partner, Jaye
Pause, got about his very young daughter, Ava Pause.
I would also ask that you read the entire message and
offer your support. We are not asking for money, just
your positive thoughts and support for Jaye and his family
during this tough time.
Jaye and I spend a ton of time on Skype discussing
modifications for SOTAM, future site concepts, and
marketing strategies. A normal part of our day is
having Ava Pause (his little gem) interrupt because
she wants a toy or wants to jump on her daddy's
back. I have listened to this little girls speech
improve over the months and years just like any
toddlers would.
However, about 3 weeks ago, her speech all of the
sudden started changing from easily recognizable
words to complete gibberish. It was very perplexing
to listen to and cause for concern for Jaye and his
To make a long story short, they took Ava in for some
tests and Ava was diagnosed with Landau–Kleffner Syndrome.
LKS is a rare childhood neurological disorder that affects
the area of the brain that controls comprehension and speech.
In essence, the area of the brain that controls her speech
has epileptic seizures causing her development to be set
back drastically to the point where she cannot communicate.
Here is a good website that explains more on the disorder:
Anyway, Jaye has been off for the past few weeks studying
Reiki so he can help heal his daughter. Without going into
too much detail about Reiki, good positive vibrations, or
energy if you will, can only help.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, Jaye could use your
positive energy, prayers, or any other positive messages
or energy you could send his way.
If you have the time, give some good positive thoughts
to Jaye and his family, say a prayer, or drop Jaye a support
ticket with some positive words.
Feel free to share this message with others as well so
this family feels the support of the masses during this
time of giving.
Love can heal the world and with your help, his daughter too.
Brad Webb
[ To State-Of-The-Art-Mailer ]
Brad Webb here. I would like to share with you some
devastating news my friend and business partner, Jaye
Pause, got about his very young daughter, Ava Pause.
I would also ask that you read the entire message and
offer your support. We are not asking for money, just
your positive thoughts and support for Jaye and his family
during this tough time.
Jaye and I spend a ton of time on Skype discussing
modifications for SOTAM, future site concepts, and
marketing strategies. A normal part of our day is
having Ava Pause (his little gem) interrupt because
she wants a toy or wants to jump on her daddy's
back. I have listened to this little girls speech
improve over the months and years just like any
toddlers would.
However, about 3 weeks ago, her speech all of the
sudden started changing from easily recognizable
words to complete gibberish. It was very perplexing
to listen to and cause for concern for Jaye and his
To make a long story short, they took Ava in for some
tests and Ava was diagnosed with Landau–Kleffner Syndrome.
LKS is a rare childhood neurological disorder that affects
the area of the brain that controls comprehension and speech.
In essence, the area of the brain that controls her speech
has epileptic seizures causing her development to be set
back drastically to the point where she cannot communicate.
Here is a good website that explains more on the disorder:
Anyway, Jaye has been off for the past few weeks studying
Reiki so he can help heal his daughter. Without going into
too much detail about Reiki, good positive vibrations, or
energy if you will, can only help.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, Jaye could use your
positive energy, prayers, or any other positive messages
or energy you could send his way.
If you have the time, give some good positive thoughts
to Jaye and his family, say a prayer, or drop Jaye a support
ticket with some positive words.
Feel free to share this message with others as well so
this family feels the support of the masses during this
time of giving.
Love can heal the world and with your help, his daughter too.
Brad Webb
[ To State-Of-The-Art-Mailer ]
An Appreciation of Dr. Robert Butler, Advocate for the Aging
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Do you intend to live to a ripe old age? To enjoy "the last of life for which the first was made," as Robert Browning wrote?
If so, you need to pause a moment and tip your hat to Dr. Robert Butler, who passed July 3, 2010 in New York City. He was 83 years old., full of honors and of years.
I knew Dr. Butler professionally and worked with him as a consultant to The National Caucus and Center on Black Aged. He was a much respected and even revered member of the Board of Directors. His fellow directors realized that they, along with so many other elder services, might not even exist without his pioneering work on aging.
Dr. Butler And The Invisible Aged
Until Dr. Butler and his ground breaking work, it is hardly too much to say that the aged, while everywhere among us, were not seen and were but rarely considered.
In a very real way, therefore, Dr. Butler discovered the aged and turned the spotlight on their deplorable situation. His 1976 book "Why Survive: Growing Old in America" won the Pulitzer Prize for its unflinching look at the how the elderly were systematically ignored, mistreated, forgotten, treated with contempt, neglect, and just plain cruelty.
This book made a great nation squirm with embarrassment and ensured that the aged would never be forgotten again, a finding which brought hope as well as some beneficial change to millions. It was but one in a lifetime of accomplishments.
To read Dr. Butler's accolades is to understand how one informed, persistent person can alter the course of human events and assist the process of amelioration and systematic improvement for millions, including every one now alive and aging.
Item: Dr. Butler was a founding director of the National Institute on Aging, one of the National Institutes of Health.
Item: In 1968, Dr. Butler coined the term "ageism", or age discrimination and lead a pioneering task force on the impact of age prejudice.
Item: Dr. Butler was instrumental in research that established that senility was not inevitable with aging, but rather a consequence of disease.
Item: In 2006 Dr. Butler lead another study that addressed age discrimination in the workplace, elder abuse, and the media's role in perpetuating and even condoning such abuse.
Item: at the time of his death, from leukemia, he was leading a committee on aging for the World Economic Forum.
Dr. Butler Understood The Power of Institutions
Unlike certain prophets unable to work within the system, Dr. Butler, a trained gerontologist and psychiatrist, understood the necessity to create institutions. He
* was founding chairman of the nation's first department of geriatrics, at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
* was founding president of the International Longevity Center-USA in New York City, a research, policy, and education center dedicated to the field of longevity and ageism.
to name but two. He understood that permanent change required permanent institutions to foster and deliver that change.
What We Need To Recall About Dr. Robert Butler
* He saw what others either would not or could not see. Hard though it may be to believe, when he started his work the aged were largely invisible; their deterioration thought to be inevitable and assistance limited and powerless to present wide spread abuse. We thank him for seeing.
* He knew that public outrage could fuel widespread action. And so he piled fact on fact until had what was necessary to call up the outrage of a hitherto uninformed America. He knew we had the resources, once we had the facts and the desire to change the deplorable situation. We thank him for summoning the moral power of outrage and the best within us.
* He had the grit and determination to stay on course, continuing his research and institution-building skills. He, as Robert Frost wrote, knew he had "miles to go and promises to keep." We thank him for continuing, long after others, secure in their fame, would have stopped, literally up to the day he died.
I recall Dr. Butler as quiet, courteous, informed of course, always informed, but never pushy or arrogant, truly a gentle man. And ALWAYS fierce in his advocacy for the aging.
As you become one of them, you, like me, should be grateful for what he did to make your senior years as comfortable and productive as possible.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Do you intend to live to a ripe old age? To enjoy "the last of life for which the first was made," as Robert Browning wrote?
If so, you need to pause a moment and tip your hat to Dr. Robert Butler, who passed July 3, 2010 in New York City. He was 83 years old., full of honors and of years.
I knew Dr. Butler professionally and worked with him as a consultant to The National Caucus and Center on Black Aged. He was a much respected and even revered member of the Board of Directors. His fellow directors realized that they, along with so many other elder services, might not even exist without his pioneering work on aging.
Dr. Butler And The Invisible Aged
Until Dr. Butler and his ground breaking work, it is hardly too much to say that the aged, while everywhere among us, were not seen and were but rarely considered.
In a very real way, therefore, Dr. Butler discovered the aged and turned the spotlight on their deplorable situation. His 1976 book "Why Survive: Growing Old in America" won the Pulitzer Prize for its unflinching look at the how the elderly were systematically ignored, mistreated, forgotten, treated with contempt, neglect, and just plain cruelty.
This book made a great nation squirm with embarrassment and ensured that the aged would never be forgotten again, a finding which brought hope as well as some beneficial change to millions. It was but one in a lifetime of accomplishments.
To read Dr. Butler's accolades is to understand how one informed, persistent person can alter the course of human events and assist the process of amelioration and systematic improvement for millions, including every one now alive and aging.
Item: Dr. Butler was a founding director of the National Institute on Aging, one of the National Institutes of Health.
Item: In 1968, Dr. Butler coined the term "ageism", or age discrimination and lead a pioneering task force on the impact of age prejudice.
Item: Dr. Butler was instrumental in research that established that senility was not inevitable with aging, but rather a consequence of disease.
Item: In 2006 Dr. Butler lead another study that addressed age discrimination in the workplace, elder abuse, and the media's role in perpetuating and even condoning such abuse.
Item: at the time of his death, from leukemia, he was leading a committee on aging for the World Economic Forum.
Dr. Butler Understood The Power of Institutions
Unlike certain prophets unable to work within the system, Dr. Butler, a trained gerontologist and psychiatrist, understood the necessity to create institutions. He
* was founding chairman of the nation's first department of geriatrics, at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
* was founding president of the International Longevity Center-USA in New York City, a research, policy, and education center dedicated to the field of longevity and ageism.
to name but two. He understood that permanent change required permanent institutions to foster and deliver that change.
What We Need To Recall About Dr. Robert Butler
* He saw what others either would not or could not see. Hard though it may be to believe, when he started his work the aged were largely invisible; their deterioration thought to be inevitable and assistance limited and powerless to present wide spread abuse. We thank him for seeing.
* He knew that public outrage could fuel widespread action. And so he piled fact on fact until had what was necessary to call up the outrage of a hitherto uninformed America. He knew we had the resources, once we had the facts and the desire to change the deplorable situation. We thank him for summoning the moral power of outrage and the best within us.
* He had the grit and determination to stay on course, continuing his research and institution-building skills. He, as Robert Frost wrote, knew he had "miles to go and promises to keep." We thank him for continuing, long after others, secure in their fame, would have stopped, literally up to the day he died.
I recall Dr. Butler as quiet, courteous, informed of course, always informed, but never pushy or arrogant, truly a gentle man. And ALWAYS fierce in his advocacy for the aging.
As you become one of them, you, like me, should be grateful for what he did to make your senior years as comfortable and productive as possible.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,
where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Monday, November 22, 2010
Massive Passive Income: What are the Differences between WordPress and WordPress MU?
Wordpress is the free, wildly popular blogging platform that millions of bloggers use to power their blogs. Many web hosts offer a quick install script for Wordpress that will allow you to have a blog set up and ready to receive fresh content in about 10 minutes or less.
Wordpress MU, with the MU standing for multi-user, used to be a separately developed solution for setting up a network of blogs which allowed blogs to have multiple users each with their own dashboard and theme. But since the launch of Wordpress version 3.0, all of the functionality of Wordpress MU that was once separate has now been folded into the basic Wordpress software. So, now there really is no difference between Wordpress and Wordpress MU as they are now one and the same product.
For a classic example of Wordpress MU, take a look at It represents a single install of the Wordpress software that allows you to run hundreds or even thousands of separate blogs. Wordpress MU is often used by newspapers, magazines and blog networks. It's also a great solution for schools and universities as well as small or big companies that want to set up public or private blogging networks. The beauty of the system is that administrators can perform management tasks on a site-wide basis on a single login to the main dashboard.
Can you see now how amazing this is for marketers who previously had to install a new instance of Wordpress for each separate blog? That meant logging in and logging out of each blog, doing the same maintenance tasks such as database backups and managing plug-ins over and over. Imagine if you wanted to set up a network of niche blogs on various topics. Traditionally, you?d set up each blog, set up the Adsense or whatever ad network you were using, create the content and then move on to the next one. It's a labor-intensive process that is now obsolete thanks to Massive Passive Profits.
Massive Passive Profits is a mass deploy autoblogging system that allows users to automate the set up and content generation of wordpress multiuser sites. But isn't autoblogging an easy way to get your site banned? Absolutely not. Autoblogging, if done correctly can automate the creation of niche blogs which aggregate content on a particular topic that people are searching for. When they land on your blog they will find the information that they were looking for, along with some ads selected to appeal to your niche target market.
Autoblogging takes the sweat out of setting up and maintaining a blog network and puts this lucrative, passive income opportunity within the reach of many more people. If you've been running a bunch of blogs the traditional way that is painstakingly researching and writing the content yourself, or hiring a freelancer to do it, you know that this method is time consuming and expensive on the front end.
Lawrence Rinke
Wordpress MU, with the MU standing for multi-user, used to be a separately developed solution for setting up a network of blogs which allowed blogs to have multiple users each with their own dashboard and theme. But since the launch of Wordpress version 3.0, all of the functionality of Wordpress MU that was once separate has now been folded into the basic Wordpress software. So, now there really is no difference between Wordpress and Wordpress MU as they are now one and the same product.
For a classic example of Wordpress MU, take a look at It represents a single install of the Wordpress software that allows you to run hundreds or even thousands of separate blogs. Wordpress MU is often used by newspapers, magazines and blog networks. It's also a great solution for schools and universities as well as small or big companies that want to set up public or private blogging networks. The beauty of the system is that administrators can perform management tasks on a site-wide basis on a single login to the main dashboard.
Can you see now how amazing this is for marketers who previously had to install a new instance of Wordpress for each separate blog? That meant logging in and logging out of each blog, doing the same maintenance tasks such as database backups and managing plug-ins over and over. Imagine if you wanted to set up a network of niche blogs on various topics. Traditionally, you?d set up each blog, set up the Adsense or whatever ad network you were using, create the content and then move on to the next one. It's a labor-intensive process that is now obsolete thanks to Massive Passive Profits.
Massive Passive Profits is a mass deploy autoblogging system that allows users to automate the set up and content generation of wordpress multiuser sites. But isn't autoblogging an easy way to get your site banned? Absolutely not. Autoblogging, if done correctly can automate the creation of niche blogs which aggregate content on a particular topic that people are searching for. When they land on your blog they will find the information that they were looking for, along with some ads selected to appeal to your niche target market.
Autoblogging takes the sweat out of setting up and maintaining a blog network and puts this lucrative, passive income opportunity within the reach of many more people. If you've been running a bunch of blogs the traditional way that is painstakingly researching and writing the content yourself, or hiring a freelancer to do it, you know that this method is time consuming and expensive on the front end.
Lawrence Rinke
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Massive Passive Income: Does Autoblogging Really Work?
Autoblogging is quite a hot topic these days in the Internet Marketing social circles. In case you have not heard all of the recent buzz and are scratching your head about what autoblogging is, it's a method for creating blogs in a ?set it and forget it' kind of way that have plugins in place to automatically post content daily. This essentially takes much of the labor out of creating unique content and posting daily or even every few days. But, the question of the moment is, does autoblogging work? Can you really generate a ton of passive income just from setting up these little niche blogs and then leaving them to fend for themselves?
Here are some things that you might hear about autoblogging:
Autoblogging is nothing but a scam
Most likely written either by folks who have tried it and failed, or who simply dismiss the concept out-of-hand because they firmly believe that they only way to blog is by creating unique content daily.
Autoblogging is your gateway to untold Internet Marketing riches
At the other end of the spectrum you might here claims that autoblogging is your ticket to riches and fame. Those messages are most often promulgated by those who are selling an autoblogging product.
The truth about autoblogging
Somewhere in between the idea that autoblogging is a black hat scam, and the idea that you can auto-blog your way to untold wealth is the truth that falls somewhere in between those extremes.
With autoblogging you use automated plugins that grab content based on your keywords from RSS feeds, article directories, your own stash of PLR content, and videos. You are aggregating all of this content and presenting it under your chosen category along with adverts that would appeal to the particular audience that you are targeting with your content.
You also need the tools and technology to make setting up and maintaining multiple blogs simple and straightforward. Wordpress is the perfect platform for your auto-blogs because it allows you to host multiple, individual blogs with their own domain names on a single installation of the Wordpress software on your server.
Autoblogging has many moving parts, so it's good to have a proven system to follow to help ensure your chances for success. Trying to patch together a solution and work through trial and error on your own can cost you valuable time and money.
If you follow a proven system and if you are willing to invest some time, thought and strategy on the front end, you can set up an empire of auto-blogs that will generate a healthy stream of passive income for you.
If you are serious about getting started building your own autoblogging empire, you must check out Massive Passive Profits, which is a mass deploy autoblogging format that completely automates the creation of Wordpress multi-user blog and feeds them with tons of content. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Massive Passive Income ->
Here are some things that you might hear about autoblogging:
Autoblogging is nothing but a scam
Most likely written either by folks who have tried it and failed, or who simply dismiss the concept out-of-hand because they firmly believe that they only way to blog is by creating unique content daily.
Autoblogging is your gateway to untold Internet Marketing riches
At the other end of the spectrum you might here claims that autoblogging is your ticket to riches and fame. Those messages are most often promulgated by those who are selling an autoblogging product.
The truth about autoblogging
Somewhere in between the idea that autoblogging is a black hat scam, and the idea that you can auto-blog your way to untold wealth is the truth that falls somewhere in between those extremes.
With autoblogging you use automated plugins that grab content based on your keywords from RSS feeds, article directories, your own stash of PLR content, and videos. You are aggregating all of this content and presenting it under your chosen category along with adverts that would appeal to the particular audience that you are targeting with your content.
You also need the tools and technology to make setting up and maintaining multiple blogs simple and straightforward. Wordpress is the perfect platform for your auto-blogs because it allows you to host multiple, individual blogs with their own domain names on a single installation of the Wordpress software on your server.
Autoblogging has many moving parts, so it's good to have a proven system to follow to help ensure your chances for success. Trying to patch together a solution and work through trial and error on your own can cost you valuable time and money.
If you follow a proven system and if you are willing to invest some time, thought and strategy on the front end, you can set up an empire of auto-blogs that will generate a healthy stream of passive income for you.
If you are serious about getting started building your own autoblogging empire, you must check out Massive Passive Profits, which is a mass deploy autoblogging format that completely automates the creation of Wordpress multi-user blog and feeds them with tons of content. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Massive Passive Income ->
Monday, November 15, 2010
Reflections on the U.S. National Debt. Will we do what it takes to shrink it?
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
So, President Obama’s bipartisan deficit commission
headed by former Wyoming Senator Alan K. Simpson
(R) and former Clinton Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles
(D) has issued its preliminary report.
It is a stark, sobering document. It says, in glaringly
specific ways, that we as a nation have blithely spent too much
too long, unconcerned like Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Newman:
“What me worry?”
Well, we have partied and now wake up to a colossal
headache of global proportions. Now what?
President Obama, understanding that Congress needs
help with this hot potato,early on in his term issued
an Executive Order on the matter. Per this order, a panel of
18 members was created; 12 are members of Congress.
Six are private citizens of impeccable pedigree. Fourteen
of these commissioners must agree before the panel can send
any recommendations to Congress, which they must do
What the commissioners recommend… so far
The commissioners were given a breath taking charge by the
president: either recommend $4 trillion dollars in budget cuts and
savings and/or raise that sum in tax revenues. Everything
was on the table; nothing was sacrosanct and inviolable.
In short, “deal with it, boys and girls, for the good of the nation!”
The commissioners, selected for a gravely serious purpose,
took the matter seriously, and have produced a serious document…
the more so since others both within the Congress and out
continue to play “gotcha politics” on the matter. Not so the
commissioners. They set about their vital work with a will
that promises to be sadly lacking in a Congress which will
ultimately decide on what to do. Here is the heart of what
they reported.
Item: deep cuts in domestic and military spending
Item: gradual 15-cents-per-gallon increase in the federal
gasoline tax
Item: limiting or eliminating popular tax breaks (including
the home mortgage deduction) in return for lower rates.
Item: benefit cuts and an increased retirement age for
Social Security.
It is all sensible, logical, necessary and desirable.
It is also DOA because only the commissioners have
the will to make changes… and they don’t have the
power to save a penny or increase tax revenues
Thus, under the heading “Fools rush in where angels
fear to trend”, here are my thoughts and recommendations.
Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea, take note.
1) We live in supremely selfish times where no one is
willing to give up anything. “Ask not what you can do for your
country. Ask what your country can do for you.”
I start from the proposition that making the necessary
changes to the budget will arouse the wrath of
Americans nationwide, whatever Tea Party budget-
balancing tenets they espouse. Everyone entering into this
necessary budget shrinking debate should expect
two certain things: up front high-blown patriotic rhetoric about sacrifices
willingly made ; behind the scenes bare knuckle fighting of the crudest
variety to protect the haves… no matter how grossly illogical
and piggish their benefits.
2) Tackle Social Security first. It is the easiest to
It is time someone told the American people,
who treat tampering with Social Security as the third
rail in politics (touch it and die), the truth. The entitled, immovable
age of 65 is the cynical legacy of Europe’s most successful
politician, Prince Otto von Bismarck. He’s the man who
engineered the unification of Germany. Looking for a
way to undermine the burgeoning late 19th century Socialist
movement (very strong in Germany) he asked actuaries
to find a number where most men would be dead and
only voteless women left. Pensions would begin then.
Otto and his conservatives get the credit… but have to
pay little! Actuaries said age 65 would do the trick… and so it has
Since Bismarck’s day, however, there have been huge
improvements in health and longevity, thereby making the
number 65 less an “entitlement” than a fantastic
gift from the government for many years, to the detriment of
succeeding (and rightly concerned) generations who foot the bill.
Note: Congress should bite this bullet early and deep. Whereas
the president’s commissioners want to raise the age by
gradual stages to year 69, instead make the magic number go to 71
for those in reasonable health who can work. It’s the right thing.
3) Make each member of the Congress take a pledge to
eschew “gotcha politics” on this matter. In our brutally tit for blood-letting
tat Congress to say A (like “you voted to slash military spending”) immediately
fuels the opposition to return (B) a blow of equal or greater
intensity (like “you voted to gut all domestic spending programs”). This gets
us no where and fuels national rage about “do nothing” congresses.
Members of Congress raise money to clobber each other.
That’s what they do. They’ve been doing it since Minute 1
of the new republic. Now some aspiring statesman should,
in the name of getting to yes with this budget imbroglio,
say “basta!” and ask all members, on both sides of the
aisle, to join him and appreciably move towards the
solution we must have. Make working together politically
attractive and a “must”; do this and the politically pusillanimous
who constitute the core of the Congress will rush to embrace it.
4) Urge the president to spend his (admittedly diminished)
political capital to solve this problem — even at the risk of
losing a second term.
Americans love big men who focus on big things
which benefit the nation in big ways. Let our now
wounded president do this and secure a truly
significant and majestic legacy.
President Obama could rise to the occasion and say,
“The issue of securing a balanced, lean, fair budget and
with it the sound future of the nation is so
important, I intend to make it my Number 1 priority.
It is crucial that America get this benefit,
and if it costs me my second term, so be it. It is the
right thing to do.” (P.S. Not only would this be
statesmanship in the grand manner, but this wounded
man would sail to a second term and a legacy of
substance and real worth.)
5) Explain to America what is at stake. Then sell it to
the nation.
John F. Kennedy’s father, Joseph Kennedy, was a marketing
man. He stayed behind the scenes, raised money and gave
sharp, sensible advice. Before the crucial Wisconsin primary
in 1960, he told his son Jack that they would sell him “like
soap flakes.” They did… he romped in the primary…. and got
a crucial boost on the road to the presidency.
President Obama et al need to do the same thing now.
Hire the best marketing brains on earth… brainstorm every
benefit. Then go out and sell it to the nation. This matter of the budget
is not the most difficult problem this country has ever faced;
it’s entirely solvable. What is necessary is to enlighten Americans,
enlist their support and show them what to do. Then lock the Congress
in a room and tell them to cut deals until the deed is done. And
because cutting deals is what they do best, in due course the
thing will be done. Then spread the credit, take the White House
photographs… and start the next spending spree. For that is the
American way!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to
No Comments » Tags: articles by Jeffrey Lant, dr. Lant, Jeff Lant, jeffrey lant, President Obama, US economy
So, President Obama’s bipartisan deficit commission
headed by former Wyoming Senator Alan K. Simpson
(R) and former Clinton Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles
(D) has issued its preliminary report.
It is a stark, sobering document. It says, in glaringly
specific ways, that we as a nation have blithely spent too much
too long, unconcerned like Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Newman:
“What me worry?”
Well, we have partied and now wake up to a colossal
headache of global proportions. Now what?
President Obama, understanding that Congress needs
help with this hot potato,early on in his term issued
an Executive Order on the matter. Per this order, a panel of
18 members was created; 12 are members of Congress.
Six are private citizens of impeccable pedigree. Fourteen
of these commissioners must agree before the panel can send
any recommendations to Congress, which they must do
What the commissioners recommend… so far
The commissioners were given a breath taking charge by the
president: either recommend $4 trillion dollars in budget cuts and
savings and/or raise that sum in tax revenues. Everything
was on the table; nothing was sacrosanct and inviolable.
In short, “deal with it, boys and girls, for the good of the nation!”
The commissioners, selected for a gravely serious purpose,
took the matter seriously, and have produced a serious document…
the more so since others both within the Congress and out
continue to play “gotcha politics” on the matter. Not so the
commissioners. They set about their vital work with a will
that promises to be sadly lacking in a Congress which will
ultimately decide on what to do. Here is the heart of what
they reported.
Item: deep cuts in domestic and military spending
Item: gradual 15-cents-per-gallon increase in the federal
gasoline tax
Item: limiting or eliminating popular tax breaks (including
the home mortgage deduction) in return for lower rates.
Item: benefit cuts and an increased retirement age for
Social Security.
It is all sensible, logical, necessary and desirable.
It is also DOA because only the commissioners have
the will to make changes… and they don’t have the
power to save a penny or increase tax revenues
Thus, under the heading “Fools rush in where angels
fear to trend”, here are my thoughts and recommendations.
Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea, take note.
1) We live in supremely selfish times where no one is
willing to give up anything. “Ask not what you can do for your
country. Ask what your country can do for you.”
I start from the proposition that making the necessary
changes to the budget will arouse the wrath of
Americans nationwide, whatever Tea Party budget-
balancing tenets they espouse. Everyone entering into this
necessary budget shrinking debate should expect
two certain things: up front high-blown patriotic rhetoric about sacrifices
willingly made ; behind the scenes bare knuckle fighting of the crudest
variety to protect the haves… no matter how grossly illogical
and piggish their benefits.
2) Tackle Social Security first. It is the easiest to
It is time someone told the American people,
who treat tampering with Social Security as the third
rail in politics (touch it and die), the truth. The entitled, immovable
age of 65 is the cynical legacy of Europe’s most successful
politician, Prince Otto von Bismarck. He’s the man who
engineered the unification of Germany. Looking for a
way to undermine the burgeoning late 19th century Socialist
movement (very strong in Germany) he asked actuaries
to find a number where most men would be dead and
only voteless women left. Pensions would begin then.
Otto and his conservatives get the credit… but have to
pay little! Actuaries said age 65 would do the trick… and so it has
Since Bismarck’s day, however, there have been huge
improvements in health and longevity, thereby making the
number 65 less an “entitlement” than a fantastic
gift from the government for many years, to the detriment of
succeeding (and rightly concerned) generations who foot the bill.
Note: Congress should bite this bullet early and deep. Whereas
the president’s commissioners want to raise the age by
gradual stages to year 69, instead make the magic number go to 71
for those in reasonable health who can work. It’s the right thing.
3) Make each member of the Congress take a pledge to
eschew “gotcha politics” on this matter. In our brutally tit for blood-letting
tat Congress to say A (like “you voted to slash military spending”) immediately
fuels the opposition to return (B) a blow of equal or greater
intensity (like “you voted to gut all domestic spending programs”). This gets
us no where and fuels national rage about “do nothing” congresses.
Members of Congress raise money to clobber each other.
That’s what they do. They’ve been doing it since Minute 1
of the new republic. Now some aspiring statesman should,
in the name of getting to yes with this budget imbroglio,
say “basta!” and ask all members, on both sides of the
aisle, to join him and appreciably move towards the
solution we must have. Make working together politically
attractive and a “must”; do this and the politically pusillanimous
who constitute the core of the Congress will rush to embrace it.
4) Urge the president to spend his (admittedly diminished)
political capital to solve this problem — even at the risk of
losing a second term.
Americans love big men who focus on big things
which benefit the nation in big ways. Let our now
wounded president do this and secure a truly
significant and majestic legacy.
President Obama could rise to the occasion and say,
“The issue of securing a balanced, lean, fair budget and
with it the sound future of the nation is so
important, I intend to make it my Number 1 priority.
It is crucial that America get this benefit,
and if it costs me my second term, so be it. It is the
right thing to do.” (P.S. Not only would this be
statesmanship in the grand manner, but this wounded
man would sail to a second term and a legacy of
substance and real worth.)
5) Explain to America what is at stake. Then sell it to
the nation.
John F. Kennedy’s father, Joseph Kennedy, was a marketing
man. He stayed behind the scenes, raised money and gave
sharp, sensible advice. Before the crucial Wisconsin primary
in 1960, he told his son Jack that they would sell him “like
soap flakes.” They did… he romped in the primary…. and got
a crucial boost on the road to the presidency.
President Obama et al need to do the same thing now.
Hire the best marketing brains on earth… brainstorm every
benefit. Then go out and sell it to the nation. This matter of the budget
is not the most difficult problem this country has ever faced;
it’s entirely solvable. What is necessary is to enlighten Americans,
enlist their support and show them what to do. Then lock the Congress
in a room and tell them to cut deals until the deed is done. And
because cutting deals is what they do best, in due course the
thing will be done. Then spread the credit, take the White House
photographs… and start the next spending spree. For that is the
American way!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to
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Friday, November 12, 2010
CB Cash Grenade System is Different
CB Cash Grenade is backwards and unlike any other online marketing system, I’ve ever reviewed!
For instance, when was the last time anyone asked you what you really wanted out of life?
Sales pages may tell you what you need, and they point to the problems you are having and they promise solutions.
But, they rarely ever ask you what you want, out of life.
The products they sell, while they may be helpful at solving problems, they really never give you what is important in terms of the big picture.
Forgive me if I’m sounding too touchy-feely here.
But this “backwards”, CB Cash Grenade System is going to change my life.
Sure, it’s going to make me more money, but after going over the first few videos, I remembered why I got into online marketing in the first place.
And you know what?
It wasn’t just for the Money!
I wanted to do something and create something that I could be proud of.
I was tired of having a boss tell me to “let it go” when I wanted to do it right and not let it go out the door, all half-assed!
I wanted security because I saw people who were really qualified and good at what they did, axed, and downsized because their supervisor needed to lower the overhead.
This is why I got into being an online entrepreneur, and what this course has led me back too.
As I said, “It’s as backwards as anything I’ve ever seen.”
I don’t know how else to describe it.
First, it teaches you how to find your “Freedom Formula” which is a way of figuring out what you really need out of life, to get what you really want.
Then it converts that into a number of visitors you need to get to your sales funnel, based on real statistics to achieve your ultimate goal!
Now, for the first time in your online career you can forget about money, and just know it will be there!
When you do this system, you are free to apply your skill and finesse to the things in your business that are really important to you.
This program gives you tons of options to help you reach your goal.
Some are creative and allow you to play around and be inventive.
Testing and tweaking, tracking your ideas until you’re happy with the results.
Some other methods in this system are brain dead simple like, do-this and get-that.
It teaches you how to trade this-for-that, and-so-on. So if you have a bad day and you don’t feel like Michelangelo you can still keep your business going.
But all of it, together makes a whole system, for a business unlike any other, because like I said, it’s all based on solid statistics that allow you to not worry about the money and just flourish.
The system will put all the money in your account that you need, if you are honest with yourself, when you’re deciding your “Freedom Formula” in the beginning.
And of course, to make it work, you need to follow the rest of the system.
If you want cutting-edge online marketing tactics, this system is stuffed with all sorts of inventive ideas, on ways to spy on your competition, find the right keywords, the right products, and the best ways to offer them to people (that it also shows you how to find).
Do you want to take advantage of all the specificity that Facebook is capable of offering advertisers?
This system will show you how to do demographic research, and find the people most likely to respond to your offers.
So, you won’t waste a cent taking your offer to the wrong parts of the marketplace.
Unlike, other forms of online marketing that rely heavily on driving more and more traffic until your blue in the face, this system has a built-in-system that allows it to grow, all on its own!
You can literally let the system market itself, while you concentrate on using the methods that are detailed in this system, to create a real value that you can be proud of and that customers will cherish and come back for.
There is so much more to this system than I can describe all in one blog post, but I can say, it has changed my life!
I recommend CB Cash Grenade to anyone who wants to take a step in a more positive, productive and profitable direction.
Business is about more than just money, it’s about what you do, to live the life you want.
Oprah doesn’t worry about money anymore.
She does what she wants, what she loves, and what she’s proud of, and that is what CB Cash Grenade offers to you.
A formula to reach your Freedom!
You can even target your competitors name as a keyword, with this program!
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
For instance, when was the last time anyone asked you what you really wanted out of life?
Sales pages may tell you what you need, and they point to the problems you are having and they promise solutions.
But, they rarely ever ask you what you want, out of life.
The products they sell, while they may be helpful at solving problems, they really never give you what is important in terms of the big picture.
Forgive me if I’m sounding too touchy-feely here.
But this “backwards”, CB Cash Grenade System is going to change my life.
Sure, it’s going to make me more money, but after going over the first few videos, I remembered why I got into online marketing in the first place.
And you know what?
It wasn’t just for the Money!
I wanted to do something and create something that I could be proud of.
I was tired of having a boss tell me to “let it go” when I wanted to do it right and not let it go out the door, all half-assed!
I wanted security because I saw people who were really qualified and good at what they did, axed, and downsized because their supervisor needed to lower the overhead.
This is why I got into being an online entrepreneur, and what this course has led me back too.
As I said, “It’s as backwards as anything I’ve ever seen.”
I don’t know how else to describe it.
First, it teaches you how to find your “Freedom Formula” which is a way of figuring out what you really need out of life, to get what you really want.
Then it converts that into a number of visitors you need to get to your sales funnel, based on real statistics to achieve your ultimate goal!
Now, for the first time in your online career you can forget about money, and just know it will be there!
When you do this system, you are free to apply your skill and finesse to the things in your business that are really important to you.
This program gives you tons of options to help you reach your goal.
Some are creative and allow you to play around and be inventive.
Testing and tweaking, tracking your ideas until you’re happy with the results.
Some other methods in this system are brain dead simple like, do-this and get-that.
It teaches you how to trade this-for-that, and-so-on. So if you have a bad day and you don’t feel like Michelangelo you can still keep your business going.
But all of it, together makes a whole system, for a business unlike any other, because like I said, it’s all based on solid statistics that allow you to not worry about the money and just flourish.
The system will put all the money in your account that you need, if you are honest with yourself, when you’re deciding your “Freedom Formula” in the beginning.
And of course, to make it work, you need to follow the rest of the system.
If you want cutting-edge online marketing tactics, this system is stuffed with all sorts of inventive ideas, on ways to spy on your competition, find the right keywords, the right products, and the best ways to offer them to people (that it also shows you how to find).
Do you want to take advantage of all the specificity that Facebook is capable of offering advertisers?
This system will show you how to do demographic research, and find the people most likely to respond to your offers.
So, you won’t waste a cent taking your offer to the wrong parts of the marketplace.
Unlike, other forms of online marketing that rely heavily on driving more and more traffic until your blue in the face, this system has a built-in-system that allows it to grow, all on its own!
You can literally let the system market itself, while you concentrate on using the methods that are detailed in this system, to create a real value that you can be proud of and that customers will cherish and come back for.
There is so much more to this system than I can describe all in one blog post, but I can say, it has changed my life!
I recommend CB Cash Grenade to anyone who wants to take a step in a more positive, productive and profitable direction.
Business is about more than just money, it’s about what you do, to live the life you want.
Oprah doesn’t worry about money anymore.
She does what she wants, what she loves, and what she’s proud of, and that is what CB Cash Grenade offers to you.
A formula to reach your Freedom!
You can even target your competitors name as a keyword, with this program!
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Rules to blog by, for blog publishers and readers
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Maybe HE likes all the hubbub.
But will you?
The calm of my Cambridge, Massachusetts neighborhood
was punctuated the other day by student protestors outside
Harvard University's Science Center. There 1960's wannabees
chanted "Harvard, Harvard, shame on you, honoring a
racist fool."
The cause of this mayhem was Professor Martin Peretz
and his latest blog post on his The New Republic website:
"But, frankly Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims."
It was more than enough to stir up a reaction from the
politically correct, who live to chant and picket.
They shouted... they taunted... they heckled... and HE, owner
of The New Republic, the subject of so much fuss, got valuable,
eye-catching full-page publicity in The Boston Globe, New England's
paper of record.
One of America's most experienced provocateurs
had succeeded, yet again, in using his blog to get
even more publicity for his "take no prisoners"
Martin Peretz' blog had done its work and done
it well.
Will yours? It most assuredly will... if you understand
the true purpose of a blog, run it accordingly, and
learn to be a responsible blog publisher and blog
reader. Here are recommendations to assist you.
Bogs MUST be honest.
The purpose of a blog is to give ANYONE ANYWHERE
in the world, whatever creed, class, station, nationality,
or political position, the opportunity to be heard on any subject
Thus, your task as a blogger is to open yourself up...
to tell the truth, straightforwardly, honestly, bluntly. The
blog is, first and foremost, about you, its publisher and
focus. To write anything other than the whole truth, so help
you God, is to demean the medium -- and yourself.
If you are new to blogging, you'll find this kind of
openness difficult, challenging. Most people grow up
adept at masking their true opinions. For fear of what
the listener may say or do, we moderate and water
down the way we really feel and what we say.
That will never do on a blog where truth is called
for at all times.
Now, you may think you are a straightforward,
honest person but blogging will show you soon
enough that you, like all social beings, are considerably
more adept at masking how we feel, our true views,
rather than telling them.
In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", for instance,
there is an incident that makes this point lucidly,
succinctly. Atticus Finch is walking with his children
past Miss DuBois' home. She is a notorious termagant
and scold. Does he say that to her? Certainly not.
He lifts his hat cordially, saying "Good afternoon, MissDuBois.
You look pretty as a picture." Scout, his young daughter,
says just loud enough "You notice he don't say a picture
of what." Miss DuBois just catches a few words and
wants to know what the impish Scout has said... but
Atticus Finch is a wise man, a gentleman and knows
the value of good relations, over the strict, unyielding
truth. He lifts his hat again and moves his children
along. Most of us would do the same.
But bloggers cannot. Bloggers must opt for candor,
honesty at all times.
The more honest YOU are, the more reactions you
will get. Take Professor Peretz, for example. Given
that he is an experienced blogger, I take him at his
word, when he writes his latest anti-Muslim diatribe.
Others, who feel differently, will abhor and detest
what he has written... and propose such sanctions
as having a speaking engagement at Harvard cancelled.
But this is wrong.
Voltaire, that very clever fellow, said it best:
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend
to the death your right to say it."
Unfortunately, sanctimonious members of the
Academy (usually the least intelligent on campus)
have forgotten their true calling: facilitating
free speech, not suffocating and penalizing it. Blogs, then,
do the work academicians should do (the reason they
are given tenure to do), but are now too often emasculated,
self-protecting and lazy to do.
Thus, when you write, the objective is always to achieve Harvard's
ultra clear motto: "Veritas", the pure and always unsimple
Write regularly,consistently.
One of the major problems with most blogs is that
they are not regularly produced. Remember, whatever
else a blog may be it is also and always the story
of your life. It is a window into your thoughts and
occupations. Blogs must therefore be regularly
undertaken. Don't start it.... unless you mean to do it.
Write regularly and consistently, being always aware
that the first day you do not feel like writing your blog
is the very day you must be sure to write it... or risk
the ending of your blog altogether.
The more honest you are, the more and stronger
reader reaction you should expect.
When Professor Peretz posted his incendiary
opinions about Moslims (a subject on which he writes
often), I suspect he knew that tea cups in Cambridge
and beyond would be rattled. What's more, being a
true provocateur,he probably relishes the instant,
insistent responses of those he has provoked. He
might not like being followed through Harvard Yard by
hecklers... but he cannot truly have been awfully
surprised by such a response. Relish, rather than
alarm, was most probably his reaction.
You, too, need to reach this level of reaction and
response as you achieve greater candor and honesty
in your bog. Because as my grandfather used to say, some
damned idiot is sure to protest; the stronger the opinions
rendered, the stronger the response from those disagreeing.
(He would have been a great blogger, grandfather Walt would have
Prepare for the reaction... expect it... ignore it.
Blogging is one of the jewels of the Internet... treat it
with care and consideration.
Millions and millions of folks have come and gone
on this planet without leaving even a foot print in the
dust. To our chagrin and detriment, we do not know
them in any way at all. But blogging has changed all that,
not merely for the potent and celebrated... but even
unto the lowest among us. At last they have a place
for their opinions...not matter how alarming, uninformed,
and (to the rest of us) silly they may be. And this is a very
good thing... for our job is to cherish the bloggers, protecting and
defending them, even at their most reprehensible and
loathsome. And that includes you, too, Professor Peretz,
as you sit in comfort and security here in Cambridge, spewing
venom. I defend to the death your right to say it... and blog it
worldwide. Defending you, I have done the right thing, while taking
joy from the fact that every hostile word you blog drives down the
certified circulation figures of your moribund rag, The
New Republic. In the end the marketplace, not censorship,
will determine your fate. So blog on....
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
Maybe HE likes all the hubbub.
But will you?
The calm of my Cambridge, Massachusetts neighborhood
was punctuated the other day by student protestors outside
Harvard University's Science Center. There 1960's wannabees
chanted "Harvard, Harvard, shame on you, honoring a
racist fool."
The cause of this mayhem was Professor Martin Peretz
and his latest blog post on his The New Republic website:
"But, frankly Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims."
It was more than enough to stir up a reaction from the
politically correct, who live to chant and picket.
They shouted... they taunted... they heckled... and HE, owner
of The New Republic, the subject of so much fuss, got valuable,
eye-catching full-page publicity in The Boston Globe, New England's
paper of record.
One of America's most experienced provocateurs
had succeeded, yet again, in using his blog to get
even more publicity for his "take no prisoners"
Martin Peretz' blog had done its work and done
it well.
Will yours? It most assuredly will... if you understand
the true purpose of a blog, run it accordingly, and
learn to be a responsible blog publisher and blog
reader. Here are recommendations to assist you.
Bogs MUST be honest.
The purpose of a blog is to give ANYONE ANYWHERE
in the world, whatever creed, class, station, nationality,
or political position, the opportunity to be heard on any subject
Thus, your task as a blogger is to open yourself up...
to tell the truth, straightforwardly, honestly, bluntly. The
blog is, first and foremost, about you, its publisher and
focus. To write anything other than the whole truth, so help
you God, is to demean the medium -- and yourself.
If you are new to blogging, you'll find this kind of
openness difficult, challenging. Most people grow up
adept at masking their true opinions. For fear of what
the listener may say or do, we moderate and water
down the way we really feel and what we say.
That will never do on a blog where truth is called
for at all times.
Now, you may think you are a straightforward,
honest person but blogging will show you soon
enough that you, like all social beings, are considerably
more adept at masking how we feel, our true views,
rather than telling them.
In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", for instance,
there is an incident that makes this point lucidly,
succinctly. Atticus Finch is walking with his children
past Miss DuBois' home. She is a notorious termagant
and scold. Does he say that to her? Certainly not.
He lifts his hat cordially, saying "Good afternoon, MissDuBois.
You look pretty as a picture." Scout, his young daughter,
says just loud enough "You notice he don't say a picture
of what." Miss DuBois just catches a few words and
wants to know what the impish Scout has said... but
Atticus Finch is a wise man, a gentleman and knows
the value of good relations, over the strict, unyielding
truth. He lifts his hat again and moves his children
along. Most of us would do the same.
But bloggers cannot. Bloggers must opt for candor,
honesty at all times.
The more honest YOU are, the more reactions you
will get. Take Professor Peretz, for example. Given
that he is an experienced blogger, I take him at his
word, when he writes his latest anti-Muslim diatribe.
Others, who feel differently, will abhor and detest
what he has written... and propose such sanctions
as having a speaking engagement at Harvard cancelled.
But this is wrong.
Voltaire, that very clever fellow, said it best:
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend
to the death your right to say it."
Unfortunately, sanctimonious members of the
Academy (usually the least intelligent on campus)
have forgotten their true calling: facilitating
free speech, not suffocating and penalizing it. Blogs, then,
do the work academicians should do (the reason they
are given tenure to do), but are now too often emasculated,
self-protecting and lazy to do.
Thus, when you write, the objective is always to achieve Harvard's
ultra clear motto: "Veritas", the pure and always unsimple
Write regularly,consistently.
One of the major problems with most blogs is that
they are not regularly produced. Remember, whatever
else a blog may be it is also and always the story
of your life. It is a window into your thoughts and
occupations. Blogs must therefore be regularly
undertaken. Don't start it.... unless you mean to do it.
Write regularly and consistently, being always aware
that the first day you do not feel like writing your blog
is the very day you must be sure to write it... or risk
the ending of your blog altogether.
The more honest you are, the more and stronger
reader reaction you should expect.
When Professor Peretz posted his incendiary
opinions about Moslims (a subject on which he writes
often), I suspect he knew that tea cups in Cambridge
and beyond would be rattled. What's more, being a
true provocateur,he probably relishes the instant,
insistent responses of those he has provoked. He
might not like being followed through Harvard Yard by
hecklers... but he cannot truly have been awfully
surprised by such a response. Relish, rather than
alarm, was most probably his reaction.
You, too, need to reach this level of reaction and
response as you achieve greater candor and honesty
in your bog. Because as my grandfather used to say, some
damned idiot is sure to protest; the stronger the opinions
rendered, the stronger the response from those disagreeing.
(He would have been a great blogger, grandfather Walt would have
Prepare for the reaction... expect it... ignore it.
Blogging is one of the jewels of the Internet... treat it
with care and consideration.
Millions and millions of folks have come and gone
on this planet without leaving even a foot print in the
dust. To our chagrin and detriment, we do not know
them in any way at all. But blogging has changed all that,
not merely for the potent and celebrated... but even
unto the lowest among us. At last they have a place
for their opinions...not matter how alarming, uninformed,
and (to the rest of us) silly they may be. And this is a very
good thing... for our job is to cherish the bloggers, protecting and
defending them, even at their most reprehensible and
loathsome. And that includes you, too, Professor Peretz,
as you sit in comfort and security here in Cambridge, spewing
venom. I defend to the death your right to say it... and blog it
worldwide. Defending you, I have done the right thing, while taking
joy from the fact that every hostile word you blog drives down the
certified circulation figures of your moribund rag, The
New Republic. In the end the marketplace, not censorship,
will determine your fate. So blog on....
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke
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