Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Lawrence: Hats off to Sherry!
Lawrence: Hats off to Sherry!: Hats off to Sherry!
Sherry Hackett, ...
Sherry Hackett, ...
Hats off to Sherry!
Hats off to Sherry!
Sherry Hackett, wife of the late Buddy Hackett, is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. I would think that many other Democrats share her position...
This was written by Sherry Hackett, Buddy Hackett's widow
President Obama:
Today I read of your administrations' plan to re-define September 11 as
a National Service Day. Sir, it's time we had a talk.
During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our
tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance
was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not
honoring our tradition.
YES, "We noticed."
During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you
intended to visit all 57 states. We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.
YES, "We noticed."
When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a
flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto
the pile without leaning over.
YES, "We noticed."
Every time you apologized to other countries for America 's position on
an issue we have wondered why you don't share our pride in this great
country.. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and
our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the
British Crown beyond belief.
YES, "We noticed.."
When your pastor of 20 years, "God-damned America " and said that
9/11 was " America 's chickens coming home to roost" and you denied
having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could
be. You later disassociated yourself from that church and Pastor
Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.
YES, "We noticed."
When you announced that you would transform America , we wondered
why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth.
Sir, KEEP THIS IN MIND, "if not for America and the people who built
her, you wouldn't be sitting in the White House now." Prior to your
election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from
Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a
very remarkable one.
YES, "We noticed."
All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded
yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the
positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority
of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or
affection for this country and her traditions.
YES, "We noticed."
You are well into your term and every morning millions of
Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to
saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package
that, along with cap and trade, will bankrupt this nation.
YES, "We noticed."
We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not
in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled
"un-American","racist", "mob". We wonder how we are supposed to let
you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem
isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right
to speak out.
YES, "We noticed."
On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only
Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in
whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are
And YES, "We noticed."
There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could
help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy
this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.
YES, "We noticed."
September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans.. You
propose to make 9/11 a "National Service Day". While we know that you
don't share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report
your proposal as what it is, a disgrace.
YES, "We noticed."
You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that
you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits
and policy.
YES, "We noticed."
We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans
come together again, it will be to remove you from office.
Take notice.
If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not, I'm sorry.
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Sherry Hackett, wife of the late Buddy Hackett, is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. I would think that many other Democrats share her position...
This was written by Sherry Hackett, Buddy Hackett's widow
President Obama:
Today I read of your administrations' plan to re-define September 11 as
a National Service Day. Sir, it's time we had a talk.
During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our
tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance
was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not
honoring our tradition.
YES, "We noticed."
During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you
intended to visit all 57 states. We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.
YES, "We noticed."
When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a
flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto
the pile without leaning over.
YES, "We noticed."
Every time you apologized to other countries for America 's position on
an issue we have wondered why you don't share our pride in this great
country.. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and
our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the
British Crown beyond belief.
YES, "We noticed.."
When your pastor of 20 years, "God-damned America " and said that
9/11 was " America 's chickens coming home to roost" and you denied
having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could
be. You later disassociated yourself from that church and Pastor
Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.
YES, "We noticed."
When you announced that you would transform America , we wondered
why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth.
Sir, KEEP THIS IN MIND, "if not for America and the people who built
her, you wouldn't be sitting in the White House now." Prior to your
election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from
Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a
very remarkable one.
YES, "We noticed."
All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded
yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the
positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority
of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or
affection for this country and her traditions.
YES, "We noticed."
You are well into your term and every morning millions of
Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to
saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package
that, along with cap and trade, will bankrupt this nation.
YES, "We noticed."
We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not
in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled
"un-American","racist", "mob". We wonder how we are supposed to let
you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem
isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right
to speak out.
YES, "We noticed."
On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only
Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in
whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are
And YES, "We noticed."
There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could
help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy
this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.
YES, "We noticed."
September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans.. You
propose to make 9/11 a "National Service Day". While we know that you
don't share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report
your proposal as what it is, a disgrace.
YES, "We noticed."
You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that
you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits
and policy.
YES, "We noticed."
We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans
come together again, it will be to remove you from office.
Take notice.
If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not, I'm sorry.
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
And as she aged, she asked with trepidation 'Am I still beautiful to you?'And he said, 'yes, yes, more beautiful than ever....'
Please read and enjoy our articles. Turn off the T.V. the radio, lock the door, and take the telephone off the hook . Give yourself a bit of quiet time to enjoy the full flavour of emotions, ideas, and inspirations you will get from these articles.
Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. The world is graying as the Baby Boomers, now millions of us in our sixties, get older and older still day by inexorable day. Farseeing Stephen Sondheim, who I once met when I was at Harvard many years ago, wrote the musical for us back in 1971. It's called "Follies", and it has the perfect music for today's article...a knock-out number called "Beautiful Girls."
If you know it, you'll be glad to hear again the lyrics and music to age by... and if you've never heard it before, you are in for a treat you'll want repeated over and over again, not least for its profound message that, aging, we are yet deeply and profoundly desirable...and that if we're lucky we have the empathetic people around us, especially that special person, to say so... You'll find this song in any search engine. Go find it now... and listen to it, really listen... You are about to make a very special person so very happy....
Can you even remember the last time...?
The problem with relationships is that the good thing, having it there every day, is the bad thing. It's comfortable like an old shoe or bunny slipper. You don't have to do much, maybe nothing, because it's right there, right now.... and so it goes until you are well and truly in a rut, devaluing and taking for granted the most important thing you'll ever have.
If I'm describing things at your home, then this article is for you, and not a moment too soon!
Not a woman's issue, not a man's issue, a human issue.
We humans are social animals. We do not do well alone which is why solitary confinement in prison is considered the ultimate punishment... to deprive us of the necessary company of our fellow beings is completely unsettling. Thus, because togetherness is not merely a nice thing to have but an absolute necessity, we spend our entire lives, men as well as women, working (and working hard) to find that "perfect" mate... the one who gives us just the volatile mixture of peace and passion we require. It is a tall order; many never find it, many have much of it, but throw good relationships away trying to get the rest. In many ways the struggle to find and keep the "perfect" person constitutes the most important of life's many struggles.
People need to have their desirability noted, confirmed, extolled, especially as the burdensome years add up.
I am 64 now and acutely aware of time's winged chariot; I often feel it is running me over... or at least that I am slower these days about getting out of its way. It is an irksome feeling, irritating, exasperating and shared by millions worldwide. "Why," we wonder "couldn't we have had just a bit more of the magic of being twenty, thirty, thirty nine... even an extension on yesterday?" We're smart... we know why... but we never stop wishing for more of what we had.
But such wishes, as we know only too well, won't add even a single moment to the brilliant events of our lives. Thus, we must focus on what we have, for that, too, will be gone too soon and deeply missed. Under such circumstances we must learn to enjoy... to appreciate... to celebrate... to exult. And that must start today.
First, understand that it is the universal human condition to experience dismay, despair, even desperation as we age. We see aging as a process of diminution and diminishment. As a society, we are fixated on the bodies, the looks, the capabilities and agilities of the young, often the very young. We are a youth-centered society and as a result end up depressing those whose youth is often a distant memory. This is wrong. And Stephen Sondheim knew it was wrong, a situation screaming for a different emphasis. And so he wrote "Follies". It's the story of 5 women, all stunners, who have aged through the engrossing, demanding high times and low of their lives...
Sondheim wants them to live again in all their beauty and jaw-dropping perfection. And so "Follies" was born. It was a great success, an enchantment that made an audience leap to its feet as one aging gloriosa after another came down the circular staircase into the limelight and applause she claimed by right. We all wanted her to have it... and we were all grateful to Sondheim for resurrecting the joy these women gave us, beautiful girls forever... whatever their chronological ages.
Now for you...
When was the last time you took a moment to consider the situation and desirability of the most important person in your life, the person who needs the balm of your reassurance. "Am I still beautiful to you?"
This question is a gamble, only asked in extremis, out of anxiety, fear that their entire world will crash if they get the wrong answer. And so, first, recognize the courage of the questioner. They risk everything by your answer.
In such a moment, seize your beloved as if this were your last day on earth and say, "Yes, yes, more beautiful than ever!", a sentiment confirmed by the most passionate kiss ever.
This does not end the matter... it just starts it... for from such a moment a greater love is born... the love that is greater and more important than any physical perfection.
When you look at your beloved, man or woman, you are looking at the most significant person in your life. When was the last time you made that clear... clear that you understand his sacrifices, her unceasing focus on you and everything about you? Each wrinkle, each furrow on a furrowed brow is there for you... is evidence that you were wanted, desired, lived for and loved... You have been and are a lucky person indeed.
Don't wait for a special occasion, the fact that you both are here now is special occasion enough. Taking action today, on an "ordinary" day gives whatever you do its poignant significance and power. You are saying, and saying loud and clear, that your so special being is not merely special on the days society has appointed for such matters... but each and every day... a day which touched by your inventiveness transforms an ordinary day into one of the days of your life.
Now use the magic of Sondheim's music and profound understanding of the human condition to assist. in making a point which cannot be made too often.. Sondheim's lyrics are about all beautiful girls; change them now to be solely for your special one:
Hats off, Here she comes, that Beautiful girl. That's what I've been waiting for. Nature never fashioned A flower so fair. No rose can compare- Nothing respectable Half so delectable. Cheer her In her glory, Diamonds and pearls, Dazzling jewels By the score. This is what beauty can be. Beauty celestial, The best, you'll Agree: All for me, my beautiful girl!
I don't have to tell you what to do now... the stage is now set for a day you will never forget... and which is there to remind you that what you once had you have again... ... thanks to that beautiful girl, or guy, in your life, in whose grateful eyes you see the resounding.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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I hope you Enjoyed this article.
Lawrence Rinke
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Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. The world is graying as the Baby Boomers, now millions of us in our sixties, get older and older still day by inexorable day. Farseeing Stephen Sondheim, who I once met when I was at Harvard many years ago, wrote the musical for us back in 1971. It's called "Follies", and it has the perfect music for today's article...a knock-out number called "Beautiful Girls."
If you know it, you'll be glad to hear again the lyrics and music to age by... and if you've never heard it before, you are in for a treat you'll want repeated over and over again, not least for its profound message that, aging, we are yet deeply and profoundly desirable...and that if we're lucky we have the empathetic people around us, especially that special person, to say so... You'll find this song in any search engine. Go find it now... and listen to it, really listen... You are about to make a very special person so very happy....
Can you even remember the last time...?
The problem with relationships is that the good thing, having it there every day, is the bad thing. It's comfortable like an old shoe or bunny slipper. You don't have to do much, maybe nothing, because it's right there, right now.... and so it goes until you are well and truly in a rut, devaluing and taking for granted the most important thing you'll ever have.
If I'm describing things at your home, then this article is for you, and not a moment too soon!
Not a woman's issue, not a man's issue, a human issue.
We humans are social animals. We do not do well alone which is why solitary confinement in prison is considered the ultimate punishment... to deprive us of the necessary company of our fellow beings is completely unsettling. Thus, because togetherness is not merely a nice thing to have but an absolute necessity, we spend our entire lives, men as well as women, working (and working hard) to find that "perfect" mate... the one who gives us just the volatile mixture of peace and passion we require. It is a tall order; many never find it, many have much of it, but throw good relationships away trying to get the rest. In many ways the struggle to find and keep the "perfect" person constitutes the most important of life's many struggles.
People need to have their desirability noted, confirmed, extolled, especially as the burdensome years add up.
I am 64 now and acutely aware of time's winged chariot; I often feel it is running me over... or at least that I am slower these days about getting out of its way. It is an irksome feeling, irritating, exasperating and shared by millions worldwide. "Why," we wonder "couldn't we have had just a bit more of the magic of being twenty, thirty, thirty nine... even an extension on yesterday?" We're smart... we know why... but we never stop wishing for more of what we had.
But such wishes, as we know only too well, won't add even a single moment to the brilliant events of our lives. Thus, we must focus on what we have, for that, too, will be gone too soon and deeply missed. Under such circumstances we must learn to enjoy... to appreciate... to celebrate... to exult. And that must start today.
First, understand that it is the universal human condition to experience dismay, despair, even desperation as we age. We see aging as a process of diminution and diminishment. As a society, we are fixated on the bodies, the looks, the capabilities and agilities of the young, often the very young. We are a youth-centered society and as a result end up depressing those whose youth is often a distant memory. This is wrong. And Stephen Sondheim knew it was wrong, a situation screaming for a different emphasis. And so he wrote "Follies". It's the story of 5 women, all stunners, who have aged through the engrossing, demanding high times and low of their lives...
Sondheim wants them to live again in all their beauty and jaw-dropping perfection. And so "Follies" was born. It was a great success, an enchantment that made an audience leap to its feet as one aging gloriosa after another came down the circular staircase into the limelight and applause she claimed by right. We all wanted her to have it... and we were all grateful to Sondheim for resurrecting the joy these women gave us, beautiful girls forever... whatever their chronological ages.
Now for you...
When was the last time you took a moment to consider the situation and desirability of the most important person in your life, the person who needs the balm of your reassurance. "Am I still beautiful to you?"
This question is a gamble, only asked in extremis, out of anxiety, fear that their entire world will crash if they get the wrong answer. And so, first, recognize the courage of the questioner. They risk everything by your answer.
In such a moment, seize your beloved as if this were your last day on earth and say, "Yes, yes, more beautiful than ever!", a sentiment confirmed by the most passionate kiss ever.
This does not end the matter... it just starts it... for from such a moment a greater love is born... the love that is greater and more important than any physical perfection.
When you look at your beloved, man or woman, you are looking at the most significant person in your life. When was the last time you made that clear... clear that you understand his sacrifices, her unceasing focus on you and everything about you? Each wrinkle, each furrow on a furrowed brow is there for you... is evidence that you were wanted, desired, lived for and loved... You have been and are a lucky person indeed.
Don't wait for a special occasion, the fact that you both are here now is special occasion enough. Taking action today, on an "ordinary" day gives whatever you do its poignant significance and power. You are saying, and saying loud and clear, that your so special being is not merely special on the days society has appointed for such matters... but each and every day... a day which touched by your inventiveness transforms an ordinary day into one of the days of your life.
Now use the magic of Sondheim's music and profound understanding of the human condition to assist. in making a point which cannot be made too often.. Sondheim's lyrics are about all beautiful girls; change them now to be solely for your special one:
Hats off, Here she comes, that Beautiful girl. That's what I've been waiting for. Nature never fashioned A flower so fair. No rose can compare- Nothing respectable Half so delectable. Cheer her In her glory, Diamonds and pearls, Dazzling jewels By the score. This is what beauty can be. Beauty celestial, The best, you'll Agree: All for me, my beautiful girl!
I don't have to tell you what to do now... the stage is now set for a day you will never forget... and which is there to remind you that what you once had you have again... ... thanks to that beautiful girl, or guy, in your life, in whose grateful eyes you see the resounding.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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I hope you Enjoyed this article.
Lawrence Rinke
YOU Can have yourself over 258 Articles on YOUR Blog
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Takes the time to check out what Worldprofit offers. You not only learn extensively how to market your business, but how to market yourself as well.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
'Darlin', everybody hustles. It's just a question of how, when and where.' A tale of pre-Katrina New Orleans and your business success.
Please read and enjoy our articles. Turn off the T.V. the radio, lock the door, and take the telephone off the hook . Give yourself a bit of quiet time to enjoy the full flavour of emotions, ideas, and inspirations you will get from these articles.
Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. I didn't have to look for the perfect tune to accompany this article. I've known it for decades. "I'm still here," from Stephen Sondheim's incredible musical "Follies" (1971). It's a song about grit, determination, doing what you have to do with the person you must do it with... to move up, move on, and force the big guys at the top to move over. This is the song you listen to on days when the recalcitrant world is just not going the way you want... it's the song you listen to when you mean to change that... and try again, because that's what winners do and losers can't even imagine. Go to any search engine now... go into a room all by yourself, the better to turn up the volume to the ear-shattering range... and let Sondheim's incredible music waft you to the place of your dreams... then listen to what you have to do to get there!
In the days before Hurricane Katrina, I used to frequently teach marketing communications at the University of New Orleans. My classes were held on week days downtown and on Saturday's on Lake Pontchartrain, whose name I loved, coming as it does from a great French statesman who had the infinite good sense to be painted by Robert Le Vrac de Tournieres (1667-1752). I loved that picture from the first moment I saw it... and I loved New Orleans, too, its people, its spirit, its often painful madcappery and self destruction. When I came to know about "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole (published 1980), I read it with an avidity fed by its macabre history; (the author had to commit suicide before any publisher would condescend to review it; it then went on to win the Pulitzer Prize). From the very moment I left my hotel room (where I spent the absolute minimum amount of time) adventures were drawn to me, because they knew I was completely receptive to them.
Her name was Yvette...
On my very first day in New Orleans (it was a Friday), I stayed in a big, fancy hotel just off the French Quarter. I never made that mistake again; on my many future visits I always stayed in a little hotel in the Quarter, steps from the wonderful people I met who filled me with admiration for their zest for living and unadulterated joy under unremitting duress.
The first person who met me (note the language) was a person who looked to me like Tinkerbell on something. He walked up to me and said, "Honey, I can tell you are new to La Nouvelle Orleans. Let me be your guide". I had never, and I mean never, been spoken to like that... but I recognized in these words Fate's distinctive messenger. I accepted, bought my guide a drink... and in due course, having gleaned without difficulty but with some incredulity that I was a writer, he said, "But you must meet Yvette." Of course, I must. That too was Fate...
She was, as the French say, a woman of a certain age; that might have been anything from forty into eternity. I knew at once she had that unmistakable quality the Parisians call "chien". Yes, I know that means "dog", and its English connotations are not good... but she had, and unmistakenly, that mixture of age, chic, dress sense, allure and brass that forces one involuntarily to look back and be sad that vision is rushing to be with someone else. But this time, perhaps for the first time, this woman with a Past was going to influence my future... and I was ready to hear whatever she said.
The conversation turned to life... it always does in the French Quarter with such people as Yvette. With each drink (and there were many) came another piquant observation that convinced me "real" life and I had only a nodding acquaintance. Yvette knew the vicissitudes of life inside and out... and I was bright enough to pay close attention to her observations, often as diamond sharp as Madame de Sevigne (1626-1696). This one completely arrested my attention:
"Darlin', everybody hustles. It's just a question of how, when and where." It instantly occurred to me that this is precisely the element missing from far too many of my business students and people starting and running businesses generally. They are running businesses; they are not hustling for success as if their very lives were dependant on it... and that was the reason so many of them were barely getting by and wondering why, when they were such good and proper folk.
It's because they were missing what Yvette had to spare: hustle. In short they wanted success, but they wanted it on their terms... which just ain't gonna happen.
YOU say you want success, but (for whatever reason) you are not willing to work all the necessary hours it takes to achieve success. SUCCESS says, "You will work as many hours as it takes to capture me... not merely the hours you wish to work."
YOU say you want success, but are not willing to work evenings, week-ends, even standard holidays. SUCCESS says, "If you want me, you must be willing to sacrifice time you'd like to use for other things. Choose!"
YOU say you want success, but you'll only do jobs that make you such-and-such amount. SUCCESS says, "If you want the money, stoop to conquer. When you've got the money you want, then you can afford to be so picky. But that day hasn't dawned yet."
YOU say you want success, but your spouse is doing everything but put you in a cage to make sure you can't achieve it. SUCCESS says "Sugarbabe, there are more good women and men in the sea than those who've come out. Dig my meaning?"
YOU say you want success, but you'll only look at business opportunities that cost you nothing. SUCCESS says "Lambikins, ain't nothin' ever come from nothin'. You've gotta invest to get a return on that investment."
Still more...
YOU say you want success, but you are not willing to do the necessary homework and due diligence to ensure that what you do delivers the substantial rewards you want. SUCCESS says, "Quit trying to beat the system. People who make money are constant, never-ceasing students of success. They review each and every thing to understand how it works... then follow the directions EXACTLY to achieve success. They are not trying to cut corners, because they know that doesn't work."
YOU say you want success but once you get some, you don't gun it to get more. SUCCESS says, "Every successful person on earth has a success system. They know that if they do X, they will get Y results. Thus, as soon as they are successful and can prove their system delivers the desired results (or even better), they arrange their time and resources so they can replicate their successful system over and over again, each time reaping the expected (and ever increasing) benefits."
YOU say you will study successful people to see how they do and how they work because you understand that the achievement of success is inextricably linked to studying the successful and making a point of then doing what they do. SUCCESS says, "Well, are you studying the successful? I certainly haven't seen you around anyone but your low-down worthless friends. The only time they'll appear in the media is for robbing a convenience store! Dump 'em."
YOU say you want success on the Internet. Good for you; it's where lots of people nowadays get big bucks and worldwide, too. SUCCESS says, "You're all talk and no action You don't have anyone to help you. You don't have the necessary tools you need; you don't have the training. And, as for your traffic, that's a joke that you don't know how to fix. Moreover, you have no way to profit 24 hours a day in this demanding 24-hour-a-day environment.
And what of Yvette?...
Let's just say my appreciation for Yvette and what she taught me did not flag as the hours advanced. And as for her profound insight into the sustained hustling all true success seekers must engage in?... why that has now gone from just Yvette to me... and now from me to you... for my next adventure... and, by grasping this article and its recommendations, for your faster, greater, truly impressive success.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. I didn't have to look for the perfect tune to accompany this article. I've known it for decades. "I'm still here," from Stephen Sondheim's incredible musical "Follies" (1971). It's a song about grit, determination, doing what you have to do with the person you must do it with... to move up, move on, and force the big guys at the top to move over. This is the song you listen to on days when the recalcitrant world is just not going the way you want... it's the song you listen to when you mean to change that... and try again, because that's what winners do and losers can't even imagine. Go to any search engine now... go into a room all by yourself, the better to turn up the volume to the ear-shattering range... and let Sondheim's incredible music waft you to the place of your dreams... then listen to what you have to do to get there!
In the days before Hurricane Katrina, I used to frequently teach marketing communications at the University of New Orleans. My classes were held on week days downtown and on Saturday's on Lake Pontchartrain, whose name I loved, coming as it does from a great French statesman who had the infinite good sense to be painted by Robert Le Vrac de Tournieres (1667-1752). I loved that picture from the first moment I saw it... and I loved New Orleans, too, its people, its spirit, its often painful madcappery and self destruction. When I came to know about "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole (published 1980), I read it with an avidity fed by its macabre history; (the author had to commit suicide before any publisher would condescend to review it; it then went on to win the Pulitzer Prize). From the very moment I left my hotel room (where I spent the absolute minimum amount of time) adventures were drawn to me, because they knew I was completely receptive to them.
Her name was Yvette...
On my very first day in New Orleans (it was a Friday), I stayed in a big, fancy hotel just off the French Quarter. I never made that mistake again; on my many future visits I always stayed in a little hotel in the Quarter, steps from the wonderful people I met who filled me with admiration for their zest for living and unadulterated joy under unremitting duress.
The first person who met me (note the language) was a person who looked to me like Tinkerbell on something. He walked up to me and said, "Honey, I can tell you are new to La Nouvelle Orleans. Let me be your guide". I had never, and I mean never, been spoken to like that... but I recognized in these words Fate's distinctive messenger. I accepted, bought my guide a drink... and in due course, having gleaned without difficulty but with some incredulity that I was a writer, he said, "But you must meet Yvette." Of course, I must. That too was Fate...
She was, as the French say, a woman of a certain age; that might have been anything from forty into eternity. I knew at once she had that unmistakable quality the Parisians call "chien". Yes, I know that means "dog", and its English connotations are not good... but she had, and unmistakenly, that mixture of age, chic, dress sense, allure and brass that forces one involuntarily to look back and be sad that vision is rushing to be with someone else. But this time, perhaps for the first time, this woman with a Past was going to influence my future... and I was ready to hear whatever she said.
The conversation turned to life... it always does in the French Quarter with such people as Yvette. With each drink (and there were many) came another piquant observation that convinced me "real" life and I had only a nodding acquaintance. Yvette knew the vicissitudes of life inside and out... and I was bright enough to pay close attention to her observations, often as diamond sharp as Madame de Sevigne (1626-1696). This one completely arrested my attention:
"Darlin', everybody hustles. It's just a question of how, when and where." It instantly occurred to me that this is precisely the element missing from far too many of my business students and people starting and running businesses generally. They are running businesses; they are not hustling for success as if their very lives were dependant on it... and that was the reason so many of them were barely getting by and wondering why, when they were such good and proper folk.
It's because they were missing what Yvette had to spare: hustle. In short they wanted success, but they wanted it on their terms... which just ain't gonna happen.
YOU say you want success, but (for whatever reason) you are not willing to work all the necessary hours it takes to achieve success. SUCCESS says, "You will work as many hours as it takes to capture me... not merely the hours you wish to work."
YOU say you want success, but are not willing to work evenings, week-ends, even standard holidays. SUCCESS says, "If you want me, you must be willing to sacrifice time you'd like to use for other things. Choose!"
YOU say you want success, but you'll only do jobs that make you such-and-such amount. SUCCESS says, "If you want the money, stoop to conquer. When you've got the money you want, then you can afford to be so picky. But that day hasn't dawned yet."
YOU say you want success, but your spouse is doing everything but put you in a cage to make sure you can't achieve it. SUCCESS says "Sugarbabe, there are more good women and men in the sea than those who've come out. Dig my meaning?"
YOU say you want success, but you'll only look at business opportunities that cost you nothing. SUCCESS says "Lambikins, ain't nothin' ever come from nothin'. You've gotta invest to get a return on that investment."
Still more...
YOU say you want success, but you are not willing to do the necessary homework and due diligence to ensure that what you do delivers the substantial rewards you want. SUCCESS says, "Quit trying to beat the system. People who make money are constant, never-ceasing students of success. They review each and every thing to understand how it works... then follow the directions EXACTLY to achieve success. They are not trying to cut corners, because they know that doesn't work."
YOU say you want success but once you get some, you don't gun it to get more. SUCCESS says, "Every successful person on earth has a success system. They know that if they do X, they will get Y results. Thus, as soon as they are successful and can prove their system delivers the desired results (or even better), they arrange their time and resources so they can replicate their successful system over and over again, each time reaping the expected (and ever increasing) benefits."
YOU say you will study successful people to see how they do and how they work because you understand that the achievement of success is inextricably linked to studying the successful and making a point of then doing what they do. SUCCESS says, "Well, are you studying the successful? I certainly haven't seen you around anyone but your low-down worthless friends. The only time they'll appear in the media is for robbing a convenience store! Dump 'em."
YOU say you want success on the Internet. Good for you; it's where lots of people nowadays get big bucks and worldwide, too. SUCCESS says, "You're all talk and no action You don't have anyone to help you. You don't have the necessary tools you need; you don't have the training. And, as for your traffic, that's a joke that you don't know how to fix. Moreover, you have no way to profit 24 hours a day in this demanding 24-hour-a-day environment.
And what of Yvette?...
Let's just say my appreciation for Yvette and what she taught me did not flag as the hours advanced. And as for her profound insight into the sustained hustling all true success seekers must engage in?... why that has now gone from just Yvette to me... and now from me to you... for my next adventure... and, by grasping this article and its recommendations, for your faster, greater, truly impressive success.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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Lawrence Rinke
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Lawrence: 'Why was he born so beautiful? Why was he born at ...
Lawrence: 'Why was he born so beautiful? Why was he born at ...: "Please read and enjoy our articles. Turn off the T.V. the radio, lock the door, and take the telephone off the hook . Give yourself a bit o..."
'Why was he born so beautiful? Why was he born at all? He's no bloody good toanyone. He's no bloody use at all!' Of bodybuilder Albert Arroyo and his
Please read and enjoy our articles. Turn off the T.V. the radio, lock the door, and take the telephone off the hook . Give yourself a bit of quiet time to enjoy the full flavour of emotions, ideas, and inspirations you will get from these articles.
Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. If you are lucky in the blog which sent you this article, a well oiled and eye-catching picture of bodybuilder Albert Arroyo accompanies the text. If you don't have it, go to any search engine to find pictures of this now notorious x-Boston, Massachusetts fire fighter. You will have no trouble finding plenty; for Albert was a man born for the camera... and pumping iron videos, too. You'll find that the photographic and video documentation is substantial... our Albert loved the lime light and applause... Now he's bombarded with more of it than he ever dreamed of or bargained for. Sadly it's all negative. As for the title of this article, "Why was he born so beautiful?..." this is a tune sung by raucous soccer lads. I have been unable to find a reference to it in search engines; composer and date of composition are likewise unknown. That's unfortunate for it's a very peppy little number, equal portions of condescension, bombast, and insult. Matey Brits love it... and so do university students who drop into this song at a moment's notice.
Here's how it happened...
For Boston firefighter Albert Arroyo, March and April 2008 were ostensibly rough months. He reported falling on March 21 and suffering a back injury so severe that, a few weeks later, his doctor wrote that Arroyo should be granted an accidental disability retirement because he is "totally and permanently disabled".
Yet, on May 3, after being out of work for six weeks and collecting his full salary tax- free, Arroyo achieved a significant feat. He finished eighth in a men's bodybuilding competition, the 2008 Pro Natural American Championships.
By late May, Boston fire commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr. learned of Arroyo's strict training regimen and his record as a competitive bodybuilder. Fraser urged the Boston Retirement Board to deny the application.Then in July, 2008, the Boston Fire Department shifted Arroyo, then 46, from injured leave to regular sick leave, which is taxable, after its chief medical officer determined that any injury was not work-related.
A very public black eye for Boston and its pampered firefighters.
The story about Albert Arroyo could scarcely have come at a less felicitous time for Boston firefighters. In mid-April 2008, a federal grand jury issued scores of subpoenas to Boston firefighters as part of a criminal investigation into years of questionable disability injury claims by retired and active firefighters of all ranks. Arthur Arroyo became the poster child of a sleaze-ridden system that over and over again granted pension disability payments to those who by no means qualified for them. It was a Boston scandal; one which seemed to be endemic to every mayoral administration, business as usual for all. This was especially true of Local 718, Boston Firefighters. It was a union marked by fraud, chronic cheating, and flagrant favoritism and mismanagement. The citizens of Boston, already hard-pressed by the great recession of those years, erupted in an avalanche of anger, outrage and (because of Arroyo's bodybuilding, wearing little more than a smile) caustic humor, deadly and accurate. Long overdue reforms were a must and the Arroyo case helped insure they were started.
Fire commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr., the man in the middle.
Fraser was relatively new (2006) to his important job. Fraser, a former naval officer, met fierce resistance from the Boston Firefighters Union in his strenuous effort to change the culture in a department long dominated by the union. Firefighters of every rank, except the commissioner, belong to the same union, and until Fraser arrived, commissioners had always risen through the ranks.
Arroyo's application for a disability pension came as the department was roiled by embarrassing disclosures about questionable injury claims.
In January 2008, the (Boston) Globe reported that in the 6 previous years, 102 Boston firefighters has been granted enhanced disability pensions because their career-ending injuries occurred while they were temporarily filling in for superiors and being paid at the higher pay grade The additional cost to the city from paying those pensions at the higher grades will be about $25 million. When this figure was disclosed, citizens screamed again -- and this time hitherto timorous political leaders decided to act. Again the (nearly naked) figure of Arroyo, now universally known throughout the metropolis, was a factor... he and his case were completely understandable... and when they understood citizens screamed bloody murder at the previously recalcitrant and hesitant city officials. This time these officials acted... and one of their first captures was Albert Arroyo. The man who previously could waste a day or two deciding just how small his posing strap should be, highlighting by judicious selection, now had real problems... the feds charged him with applying for a $65,000 a year fraudulent tax-free, accidental-disability retirement benefits package. If proven, the charge could send Arroyo away for up to twenty years, ironically the very length of his service as a firefighter.
Trial underway now.
The trial is now underway in Bean Town.
Having a good basic knowledge of how the law works is important for every citizen of the great Republic. Every citizen is in this sense a repository of what the law is and how it functions. If you're such a citizen, congratulations. You are doing your great task as a citizen. Such people, now jurors, are even now reviewing Arroyo's robust, healthy lifestyle since he claimed to be disabled of playing baseball, shopping, dining out, visiting a tanning salon and taking out-of-state trips. They will seek to show by pointing to each thing he did which as a disabled person he should not have done; that his disability was bogus, a fraud from first to last.
The defense has a more difficult task. They must show that while Arroyo was disabled for certain things (like inspecting buildings for the Fire Department) he was most assuredly not disabled for others (like playing baseball... and competing in high stress, high stakes male bodybuilding competitions). Their's then will be a defence of slicing carefully and hoping they can get the jury to buy into what could be a defence that does not defend.
Good and lasting effects of this fraudulent Boston firefighter pension business.
1) Local 718 Boston Firefighters Union got a wake-up call. Your job is not to protect people who lie, deceive, make-up in order to get a significant pension. Your job is to protect the public by making sure only the best firefighters are selected... and bad firemen are not rewarded but sacked.
2) If you're the doctor Arroyo went to first to certify his disability (that would be Dr. John F. Mahoney, Dorchester neurologist) ask yourself why you didn't see anything odd in the perfectly buff, symmetrical and sculpted patient before you that was requesting disability. Some think you never met Albert Arroyo at all... or if, when you did, you didn't bother to actually look at him. Of course now you're scrambling to show that you really did examine the man, really.
3) If you're Fire Commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr., watch out.... In Boston if you're on the right side of the wrong issue the long knives await you... and for gouging this sacred cow,they definitely want to snuff you. Beware.
And as for Arthur Arroyo, you most assuredly will never get that $65,000 tax-free each year... and a trip to the pokey is likely. There you can practice your posing to your heart's content. Just don't drop any soap in the shower.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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Lawrence Rinke
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Come on in ActionEqualsprofit.com Meet and chat with the renowned Dr. Jeffrey Lant himself! He will be there at 2.15 PM EST most days,Saturday come 2 hrs. early and will be reading his latest article.
Isn't it a shame that nobody reads this
Call me at
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. If you are lucky in the blog which sent you this article, a well oiled and eye-catching picture of bodybuilder Albert Arroyo accompanies the text. If you don't have it, go to any search engine to find pictures of this now notorious x-Boston, Massachusetts fire fighter. You will have no trouble finding plenty; for Albert was a man born for the camera... and pumping iron videos, too. You'll find that the photographic and video documentation is substantial... our Albert loved the lime light and applause... Now he's bombarded with more of it than he ever dreamed of or bargained for. Sadly it's all negative. As for the title of this article, "Why was he born so beautiful?..." this is a tune sung by raucous soccer lads. I have been unable to find a reference to it in search engines; composer and date of composition are likewise unknown. That's unfortunate for it's a very peppy little number, equal portions of condescension, bombast, and insult. Matey Brits love it... and so do university students who drop into this song at a moment's notice.
Here's how it happened...
For Boston firefighter Albert Arroyo, March and April 2008 were ostensibly rough months. He reported falling on March 21 and suffering a back injury so severe that, a few weeks later, his doctor wrote that Arroyo should be granted an accidental disability retirement because he is "totally and permanently disabled".
Yet, on May 3, after being out of work for six weeks and collecting his full salary tax- free, Arroyo achieved a significant feat. He finished eighth in a men's bodybuilding competition, the 2008 Pro Natural American Championships.
By late May, Boston fire commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr. learned of Arroyo's strict training regimen and his record as a competitive bodybuilder. Fraser urged the Boston Retirement Board to deny the application.Then in July, 2008, the Boston Fire Department shifted Arroyo, then 46, from injured leave to regular sick leave, which is taxable, after its chief medical officer determined that any injury was not work-related.
A very public black eye for Boston and its pampered firefighters.
The story about Albert Arroyo could scarcely have come at a less felicitous time for Boston firefighters. In mid-April 2008, a federal grand jury issued scores of subpoenas to Boston firefighters as part of a criminal investigation into years of questionable disability injury claims by retired and active firefighters of all ranks. Arthur Arroyo became the poster child of a sleaze-ridden system that over and over again granted pension disability payments to those who by no means qualified for them. It was a Boston scandal; one which seemed to be endemic to every mayoral administration, business as usual for all. This was especially true of Local 718, Boston Firefighters. It was a union marked by fraud, chronic cheating, and flagrant favoritism and mismanagement. The citizens of Boston, already hard-pressed by the great recession of those years, erupted in an avalanche of anger, outrage and (because of Arroyo's bodybuilding, wearing little more than a smile) caustic humor, deadly and accurate. Long overdue reforms were a must and the Arroyo case helped insure they were started.
Fire commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr., the man in the middle.
Fraser was relatively new (2006) to his important job. Fraser, a former naval officer, met fierce resistance from the Boston Firefighters Union in his strenuous effort to change the culture in a department long dominated by the union. Firefighters of every rank, except the commissioner, belong to the same union, and until Fraser arrived, commissioners had always risen through the ranks.
Arroyo's application for a disability pension came as the department was roiled by embarrassing disclosures about questionable injury claims.
In January 2008, the (Boston) Globe reported that in the 6 previous years, 102 Boston firefighters has been granted enhanced disability pensions because their career-ending injuries occurred while they were temporarily filling in for superiors and being paid at the higher pay grade The additional cost to the city from paying those pensions at the higher grades will be about $25 million. When this figure was disclosed, citizens screamed again -- and this time hitherto timorous political leaders decided to act. Again the (nearly naked) figure of Arroyo, now universally known throughout the metropolis, was a factor... he and his case were completely understandable... and when they understood citizens screamed bloody murder at the previously recalcitrant and hesitant city officials. This time these officials acted... and one of their first captures was Albert Arroyo. The man who previously could waste a day or two deciding just how small his posing strap should be, highlighting by judicious selection, now had real problems... the feds charged him with applying for a $65,000 a year fraudulent tax-free, accidental-disability retirement benefits package. If proven, the charge could send Arroyo away for up to twenty years, ironically the very length of his service as a firefighter.
Trial underway now.
The trial is now underway in Bean Town.
Having a good basic knowledge of how the law works is important for every citizen of the great Republic. Every citizen is in this sense a repository of what the law is and how it functions. If you're such a citizen, congratulations. You are doing your great task as a citizen. Such people, now jurors, are even now reviewing Arroyo's robust, healthy lifestyle since he claimed to be disabled of playing baseball, shopping, dining out, visiting a tanning salon and taking out-of-state trips. They will seek to show by pointing to each thing he did which as a disabled person he should not have done; that his disability was bogus, a fraud from first to last.
The defense has a more difficult task. They must show that while Arroyo was disabled for certain things (like inspecting buildings for the Fire Department) he was most assuredly not disabled for others (like playing baseball... and competing in high stress, high stakes male bodybuilding competitions). Their's then will be a defence of slicing carefully and hoping they can get the jury to buy into what could be a defence that does not defend.
Good and lasting effects of this fraudulent Boston firefighter pension business.
1) Local 718 Boston Firefighters Union got a wake-up call. Your job is not to protect people who lie, deceive, make-up in order to get a significant pension. Your job is to protect the public by making sure only the best firefighters are selected... and bad firemen are not rewarded but sacked.
2) If you're the doctor Arroyo went to first to certify his disability (that would be Dr. John F. Mahoney, Dorchester neurologist) ask yourself why you didn't see anything odd in the perfectly buff, symmetrical and sculpted patient before you that was requesting disability. Some think you never met Albert Arroyo at all... or if, when you did, you didn't bother to actually look at him. Of course now you're scrambling to show that you really did examine the man, really.
3) If you're Fire Commissioner Roderick J. Fraser, Jr., watch out.... In Boston if you're on the right side of the wrong issue the long knives await you... and for gouging this sacred cow,they definitely want to snuff you. Beware.
And as for Arthur Arroyo, you most assuredly will never get that $65,000 tax-free each year... and a trip to the pokey is likely. There you can practice your posing to your heart's content. Just don't drop any soap in the shower.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke http://ActionEqualsProfit.com.
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I hope you Enjoyed this article.
Lawrence Rinke
YOU Can have yourself over 258 Articles on YOUR Blog
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Monday, August 1, 2011
Lawrence: Dear Mr. President
Lawrence: Dear Mr. President: "Dear Mr. President, I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it the scare always has to do..."
Dear Mr. President
Dear Mr. President,
I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't
raised. Why is it the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare and our
Soldiers pay? Why not stop your pay,your staff, or Congress and the Senate
to save more money for our country? Why use seniors, soldiers, & our Needy
as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the
benefits, instead of threatening to withholdSocial Security, VA and
disability payments of people who really need the money.... Lets hold the
paychecks of all house & senate members, then see how fast they resolve the
debtceiling crisis !!!!! If you agree repost this & keep it going across the
whole USA.
Thank you
Lawrence Rinke
I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't
raised. Why is it the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare and our
Soldiers pay? Why not stop your pay,your staff, or Congress and the Senate
to save more money for our country? Why use seniors, soldiers, & our Needy
as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the
benefits, instead of threatening to withholdSocial Security, VA and
disability payments of people who really need the money.... Lets hold the
paychecks of all house & senate members, then see how fast they resolve the
debtceiling crisis !!!!! If you agree repost this & keep it going across the
whole USA.
Thank you
Lawrence Rinke
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