Monday, January 30, 2012

The personal ad you'd love to post... but don't have the guts!

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..The personal ad you'd love to post... but don't have the guts!

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. As far as I can tell, everyone in the world has either run a personal ad (mostly online), is running one at this moment... or will run one before you can say "Jack Robinson." This means you. The question is not whether you will use personal ads... but whether they'll deliver the exact person you are seeking. Sadly, the vast majority of personal ads cannot deliver the bacon (or the cheese cake or the beef cake). They just don't provide enough detail and so are quite capable of delivering the Wrong Prospects. Witness the personal ad celebrated by Jimmy Buffet in the tune that made Pina Coladas mandatory Happy Hour fare as you bar hopped in pursuit of nirvana.

Start by going to any search engine and listen to Buffet's anthem. It was written by Rupert Holmes and recorded in 1979. It's official title is "Escape" but hardly anyone knows that except Buffet who became with each insouciant word the recognized master of la dolce far niente... or, since most of you know no Eye-talian, the art of doing absolutely nothing... and doing it with the utmost style and grace, but without ever breaking a sweat.

Buffet's tune makes it clear why personals as currently structured are silly, pointless, absolutely certain to deliver people you wouldn't be seen dead with. I mean, who doesn't like getting caught in the rain (given the right person on your arm)... who doesn't hate yoga.... and is hardly into health foods... but insists on champagne? Add long walks on a beach, making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape, and holding hands at the cinema... and you've got the personal ad in all its banal insipidity.

The wonder is not that they don't work for most people investing hope, time and money in them; the wonder is that they work for anyone at all... but then there are people (one hopes not you) who can be fully described with a few generic phrases. Avoid them like the plague.

Time for rethinking the personal ad.

In the olden days when personals appeared solely in newspapers and a few progressive publications like the alumni magazine for Harvard and such finicky folk as insisted on making known their preference for classical composers, stock brokers, and obscure holiday destinations; in those days one paid by the word and through the nose. Publishers counted on your desperation and longing to fill their coffers. Even the august Times of London cleaned up with such ads, universally called the agony column and always run on Page 1: "Should the fine lady in the blue mantle with yellow sleeves exiting the horse cars at Grosvenor Square Thursday last at 10:59 a.m. desire the acquaintance of a gentleman of means...", but you get the picture.

When writing such ads, where each word raised the cost, it was necessary to cultivate the virtues of laconic language, short, sweet, clipped. The objective was always to meet the person ardently desired but spend pennies, not pounds. As a result, it was understandable, even excusable when advertisers slashed words; robust clarity at all times was desirable... but unaffordable.

Enter the Internet.

The very first thing I learned about the 'net was that it's boundless, inexhaustible, absolutely unlimited. Thus, it can hold, maintain and preserve infinity. The implications of this fact are fathomless, too... not least on the matter of creating personal ads that get you the long-awaited apple of your eye. For now, since we have an infinity of space, there can be absolutely no excuse for writing and posting ads which are at once jejune, inadequate, and platitudinous in the extreme. They don't work, can never work, and must be abandoned, jettisoned, abjured, forsaken and, in case you miss the point, tossed into the dustbin of history at once.

Now you can write this all-important ad without being hobbled and restricted. You are at last permitted, nay empowered and directed to write what must be written, the ad, the whole ad, and nothing but the ad.

... but this will take careful thought and planning, for it is doubtful ere now that even one personal advertiser has written the magnificent advertisement you are about to write, edit, post, and benefit from for a lifetime. As such the most scrupulous planning is de rigueur and cannot be stinted.

Two people, two parts.

A good personal ad, which is to say an ad that accomplishes the desired objective, must be divided into two parts: half about who you are; half about what you desire in the person you wish to present the key to your (probably much bruised) heart.

Brainstorming, musing, total honesty.

Now, we all know that everyone, absolutely everyone lies in their personal ads. Excess pounds disappear as if by magic; years are thrust in the dresser drawer; educational degrees are now cited from institutions which scorned the pleasure of your company; financial net worth up, all manner of imperfections down; spouses of decades unmentioned, and the eight darling children, too. This is the nature of the beast... until now. Now you have the space to tell everything... and complete details on the extenuating circumstances. Yes, you were flunked out of Alma Mater, but it was most assuredly not your fault... and you insist upon making the full dossier available right here and now. You have the space; honesty is desirable; and your bringing up the subject at all proves what a gem you are.

Thus instead of lying about the pounds you haven't lost, cite the reasons why. Honestly own up to the fact that your dietary habits are lax; list all your favorite foods... and the rate you consume them. List your last month's worth of dinner menus... and be scrupulous, entirely above board with everything you consumed, the kind of dishes on which you served the repast, and exactly what you did with the left-overs. You want your soon-to-be beloved to know you, fully, completely and so ardently; for after all, honesty is the bedrock of every meaningful relationship, don't you agree?

The desired one.

Once you have gathered all the critical intelligence about yourself, proceed at once to Part 2 of your ad, the absolutely crucial verbiage about the person to whom you wish to extend the glorious honor of sharing bed and board. Your complete and total focus is required. Again, brainstorm every desirable point, giving equal attention to what you do not want and cannot abide, and what you must have, a deal killer if not readily available, and in the desired quantity, too.

Starting this list is easy, almost effortless. You either want a smoker... or you don't. You either can accept pets (even the most exotic)... or you can't. But make it a point to move beyond these obvious points. Consider such matters as the odor you desire in a mate; how many showers per day; the kind, frequency and intensity of bodily hygiene. Honesty is required, and so honesty there must be. And if the length of your ad grows long and weighty, what of it? What you are doing here impacts the curvature of two lives, so no apology is necessary.

Post at once, reap your reward.

First, you are to be congratulated. You are a pioneer, a model of integrity and rectitude. Now it's time to reap the inevitable rewards which must come with posting. Mind, it may take a little time to get the single response this ad is meant to generate, for so thorough have you been that there can only be one response... from that extraordinary person daft enough to put up with you...and love you anyway.

*** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Passive Paydays -> leave a comment!

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Lawrence Rinke

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Thera Pen Massager Pen for $3.49 at TripleClicks

Saturday, January 28, 2012

War with all its barbarity, cruelty and crudeness comes to Main Street compliments of YouTube and the U.S. Marines.... what now?

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..War with all its barbarity, cruelty and crudeness comes to Main Street compliments of YouTube and the U.S. Marines.... what now?

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

This is about an incident of war; an incident in which four U.S. Marines decided to outrage the vulnerable corpses of some of their tenacious Taliban foes, dead in the dust at their feet. Such incidents -- and many worse -- have always been a part of war... But such incidents nowadays are not merely rumored or surmised... now they can be seen in your office or home in all their disgusting detail. War, with all its coarseness, vulgarity and shock, is now a thing we cannot escape... for we have now reached the point where every war will take place not just on far-flung battlefields, but -- as fast as a video clip can be posted -- before your very eyes and in your very mind.

The facts.

On January 11, 2012 an undated video was posted by a YouTube user identified as "semperfi LoneVoice". It shows four men in U.S. Marine combat gear standing in a semi-circle over 3 bodies. These men were urinating on the bodies.

The entire film clip took just about a minute.

It was not the worst outrage in the long saga of human warfare, where the desecration of corpses was a garden-variety barbarism. But this act of desecration went viral at once, a matter of instant and immediate concern to officials at the very highest reaches of government. In short, it instantly became a Problem that had to be dealt with, responded to, and contained before the next news cycle commenced.

Who would make such a video... and why would they do it?

I can surmise -- but do not know -- that this video was made for the same reason that 19th Century big game hunters were photographed before the bodies of elephants, tigers and lions... a form of bragging, to show their friends where they had been, what they had done, and, Tarzan-like, beat their breasts and release a primal scream of superiority and glee.

Thus did a fifth marine, perhaps the originator of "what seemed a good idea at the time", egg on his buddies, "Ah, come on. Don't be a wuss; the bastards had it coming." Thus did the idea emerge, spontaneous, ill-considered of course, but an act that would bond the buddies while handing each something to show the admiring folks back home. And so the buddies were positioned just so; zippers opened, a crude video made with cruder remarks about giving the bodies a "shower", ending with "Have a nice day, buddy" ... the final result a video that showed in outrageous detail that these Marines, charged with service to the Great Republic, knew nothing about who we are, how we behave, what being an American is all about...

... Yes, in a minute, just 60 seconds, they had outraged their God, their family values, everything they had ever heard or thought about the shining city on a hill... they had lowered themselves; shown their "Semper Fi" motto to be mere words, not high ideal. And they did this willingly, happily, believing this was suitable for them, unexceptional, a thing right and appropriate to do... good for laughs, another beer, a clap on the back from an appreciative audience back home.

All this was bad enough. But then someone got the bright idea of posting this video. This person had one of two possible objectives in mind; either as a proud trophy..., or shrewder, to show us up as a nation of high words but debased realities and so besmirch the Great Republic, its solders, and the lofty ideals by which we live and for which we fight.

And so the video was posted... its unmistakable image of hubris instantly the property of a world which thereby gained another stick with which to beat us, a stick which our own soldiers had fashioned, completely clueless on what they had done and how destructive to our cause, themselves, and their own buddies, whom the Taliban, biding their time, would serve out worse than the outrage perpetrated upon the bodies of their comrades... for retaliation there must be... swift, sure, painful, revolting. It is as certain as anything can be in the uncertain business of war: some young American Marines, now vibrant and alive, will be captured, tortured, subjected to the most severe pain, killed, then outraged... an unspeakable, horrific end made inevitable by the unconsidered lark of 5 Marines who not just failed us but didn't even know they were doing so.

High-level condemnation, inadequate response.

To their credit, the Marine Corps immediately named an investigative officer to decide whether charges would be brought. They have already identified two of the four who committed the outrage; they are believed to be members of the 3rd Batallion, 2nd Marines, based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. It served in Afghanistan from March to September 2011, presumably the time when the video was made.

Officials at the very highest level of government, Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well as other members of the Obama Administration stepped forward to condemn the desecration... and to limit the damage and repercussions.

But they were checkmated by a belief as old as war itself: that all the king's horses and all the king's men can never do wrong, whatever they do, so long as it is in defense of the realm; Texas Governor and (then) presidential candidate Rick Perry the case in point.

Perry's worrisome reaction went like this: "These kids made a mistake. There's not any doubt about it. They shouldn't have done it. It's bad. But to call it a criminal act, I think, is over the top."

In other words, boys will be boys; they're our boys so sacrosanct. Yes, the act's bad... but slapping their wrists constitutes an appropriate punishment; enough said, let's get back to America's unending business, the business of war. Such remarks constituted the thin edge of the wedge; mild condemnation of the "kids" (Perry's grossly inadequate word and description)... their action bad, yes, but not really so very bad... not least because other nations at other times have done far worse, including worse to us. And that, is that.

But it most assuredly is not.... for if we wish to derive a good result from this entirely avoidable incident a very different response is called for. For if we leave this now in this way we shall surely pay for our negligence with more such incidents, frequent and worse.

The curriculum of war as taught at our great military institutions must be enhanced to include tuition, instruction, and practical training on how to handle the urge to maim, murder, desecrate and outrage our opponents. For if you do not make the act reprehensible and make it clear what must be done and how it must be done, you are surely inviting its frequent occurrence. In other words, silence on this aspect of war, every war, is tantamount to condoning what you say is reprehensible. And so swift, positive action is necessary... so that America and the world need never wake up again to graphic, tangible evidence that we say one thing but do and accept another.

Too much brought to our attention, too little time for thoughtful consideration and response. Sadly, the very process that brought us the intelligence on this incidence will bury it and fast. For the shear amount of data on so many subjects of significance and importance acts to sweep this outrage away... replacing it -- for just a minute -- with others. We once thought that bringing outrages to wide attention would be sufficient to effect reform... but the very ease of disseminating and posting information, its shear volume, has submerged the desired goal. And so, as information explodes and its demands on us grow onerous, the urge neither to see nor to hear evil grows apace... evil proliferating, evil tolerated, evil condoned, thinly condemned, broadly ignored, a fact of life that dismays us but which we will not seriously confront, and less so every single day .

God help us.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Cash Renegade ->

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Thank you for stopping by, and Please Come again!

Lawrence Rinke

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Thanks Again

They have this dance for the rest of their lives.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..They have this dance for the rest of their lives.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

From 'Goodnight, sweetheart' to 'Can I have this dance for the rest of my life.'

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note.

Remember your first crush? The heat! The intensity! The euphoric ups and despondent downs? Of course you do... because while it lasted, we all felt vital! Alive! Complete.... for all that the parents told us, over and over again, that this was nothing but "puppy love" and wouldn't last. But it did last, didn't it, in your mind and heart... to the point where you must find this well remembered person and see how they turned out and whether they still remember you, too, and the special song that was your signature and which even today causes reverie and the sharp, bittersweet pangs of remembrance and a bad case of the "what ifs"...

And so, for the fortieth time, you sit down at the keyboard and search the 'net and its social networks for intelligence... intelligence that will enable you to rediscover your lost love, your youth, and the life you might have had if only... if only...

"Goodnight, sweetheart".

To put yourself in the mood, go to any search engine and find "Goodnight, sweetheart" written by Calvin Carter and James "Pookie" Hudson in 1953. I recommend the original version by The Spaniels (1954). It was bubble-gum music, a tune that signalled you'd better snuggle up fast and close since your evening and its possibilities were about to end.... Whatever you planned to do needed to be done and done now... You know its lyrics so well... you know just how much time you've got left... and you've got something important to say and do.

"Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.... I hate to leave you, I really must say, Oh Goodnight, sweet heart, goodnight."

This is a moment that determines fate... for in this moment the ultimate words of destiny pour out... hot, fast, insistent.... every word of consequence, every word packed with meaning... words of love... desire.... commitment... eternity. You cannot say where these words originate; you didn't even know they were in you... but they are present now, urgent, eloquent, raw, powerful motivating words delivered in a powerful motivating way.

"Mother oh and your father, Might hear if I stay here too long, One kiss and we'll part, And I'll be going You know I hate to go."

And so, at last, reluctantly, you did part... only to hurry home and call the object of your affections ... who might be someone entirely different ...thereby continuing the night, its emotions, its possibilities.

It was all a game, an enticing, exhilarating marvel... and you loved every difficult, contorted, thwarted moment of it.

No one more than Doyle Taylor.

In 1955 and for many years to come, Doyle Taylor was a recognized "catch". Cute, funny, charismatic, Doyle played the dating game with the same manic intensity he brought to the football game. His manifest personal advantages brought him followers, an entourage particularly of the female variety. He liked girls... girls liked him... and these two facts made for exciting, explosive, entirely thrilling times.

Doyle delighted in the messy contortions of his young life; scheduling multiple dates with multiple people; testing his skills, his powers of persuasion and of escape; seeing how far he could push the envelope. Being Doyle, he could always push it just a little bit more.... then a little bit more again. Life was good! Packed with possibilities that caused him to jump up of a brilliant California morning, glad to be alive.

Then he saw Casey... and he knows in the way one does (even if one has never known it before) that this is the person who offers you more in one complete, captivating package than all the others put together, no matter how attractive. And all of a sudden you experience a flood of emotions that weren't there yesterday: tenderness, compassion, wonder... and in an instant this confusing life becomes more confusing still, more confusing and infinitely more important. Life is no longer just about you and what you can get; life is now about what you can give. And Casey was a girl you wanted to give to... without asking for anything but her love in return.

Blocked by Dad.

But as every novel reader knows, the path of true love is never smooth. And so it was with Casey, whose father was strict and knew the insinuating ways of boys. Doyle was not welcome in his house... and so school with all its limitations became the only place they could meet. Little did they suspect that its very restrictions were precisely what their love needed to flourish; from obstruction grew determination... enhanced at the Friday sock hops they never missed... and which ended with their anthem "Goodnight, sweetheart."

But this wouldn't be much of a story if it ended here, two young people captivated by each other who decide to venture forever together. What makes this story a tale worth the telling is what happened next... and what happened after that. Like millions of starry-eyed couples, they split up in high school and went their very separate ways...

... ways that led them to marry others, have children and lives which would only have been dislocated had they connected too early. And so these one-time fierce lovers grew old, apart, and lonely... existing, not living, without love or its magic. And this, too, is the fate of millions. And it might have been their fate, too... but for the fact that out of loneliness they began to think of each other and what had each, so long ago, been for the other. Thus, apart, they began the process of rediscovering each other, beholden to a fate benevolent to them.

One day Casey's computer crashed; all her personal data obliterated. She called a friend to begin the recovery process and asked if this friend remembered Doyle and possibly knew how to find him. The friend did.... and within minutes Casey with excitement and trepidation had emailed Doyle... who answered her at once... and so two once kindred spirits connected... and found that the excitement they had shared so long ago existed still... this time forever.

They met, as so many long ago lovers have met, compliments of the Internet... and at once, in the very first moment, they knew their long ago destiny was at last to be fulfilled.

And so it was. Two people, now married, forever young in the eyes of their beloved, committed to just one thing: loving each other, everything else insignificant and insubstantial. No more "Goodnight, sweetheart" and separation, but "Could I have this dance for the rest of my life?" No need to ask...they know the answer only too well, and gladly.

To put this touching tune sung by Anne Murray in 1980 to work for you, go to any search engine. As you listen to what Wayland Holyfield and Bob House wrote, think... for isn't there a very special person you'd like to dance with for the rest of your life? Go ahead... ask them now, before another day is lost forever.

Dedicated by the author to his friends Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Taylor, whose love is such a happy inspiration to the rest of us.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Killer Content ->

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Thank you for stopping by, and Please Come again!

Lawrence Rinke

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Join Me On Skype: lawrencecrinke

P.S., If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 310-561-2580, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.

Thanks Again

Disk Repair Kit for $6.59 at TripleClicks

Disk Repair Kit for $6.59 at TripleClicks

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

'Nobody wants you when you're old and gray.' On the matter of turning 65... andother outrages.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..'Nobody wants you when you're old and gray.' On the matter of turning 65... andother outrages.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. In 1921, that sultry chanteuse with a silken voice seasoned with a touch of honky-tonk and life's deflating experience -- Ethel Waters (1896- 1977) -- got up before the microphone one fine day and belted into history a little ditty by Billy Higgins and W. Benton Overstreet. It was a swinging song with attitude... and, it turned out, with "legs", too; a song so potent in its magic that over 50 major recording artists couldn't wait to get their vocal chords around it.

It was "There'll be some changes made", and it included the resonating line that made us all queasy... "Nobody wants you when you're old and gray"... the line that justified an ocean or two of wild behavior, the wild oats you'd better indulge in when young and limber... before the Grim Reaper stamped your forehead with the iconic number 65 and measured you for eternity.

Go now to any search engine, review your recorded choices; then "choose your poison" as Grandpa Walt used to say... but, whoever you select, take time to pay homage to Miss Waters, for she was a game old bird and after all was the first to urge us to approach olde age with dignity, composed, resigned, withered hands folded gently in your lap, glass for your false teeth at the ready -- not!

Oh, no, Miss Waters celebrated not just the "you" you were... but the "you" you could be with a few deft changes, tweaks and tucks... all necessary so that your "golden" years are even less demure (by a long shot) than your early days; that you don't just read your Browning -- "the best is yet to be" -- but live him, with plenitude and a "hey, look me over" edge, your original and unique cocktail of defiance, insight, and allure.

Step-dad Jack and the chocolate box.

He was shrunken, smaller than he had been in life... in form that is, never in spirit. And he asked me --before "forever" took him -- for chocolates. He craved them. I didn't have to think twice about what to do. I was on the phone at once and ordered him an exuberant chocolate feast of Godiva's best, the kind of assortment that a boy bent on the delights of love gives to the girl he wants to wash his shirts and cheat on for life. Yes, it was that big. And when I called to make sure he had the package... I was informed this man I hardly knew... had the box open, a few already nibbled, sampled, so he could make the best selection. And he was smiling...

But that's only a part of this tale...

The instant she heard ol' Jack talking to me, my mother, that force of nature and approved behavior, grabbed the phone and Let Me Have It. Jack was ill, she said; Jack was dying, she said; Jack could die at any moment, she said, and face his Maker, as quick as you could say "Jack Robinson." What did I mean by giving him, and on his death bed, too, the rich seduction that was chocolate, a food that could not be found amidst his recommended dietary choices, unappetizing all. Why, didn't I know that could kill him....? Moreover, there was no mention in Emily Post sanctioning death-bed chocolates... and thus they could not be approved, unfitting objects as they were for such an event and its high mysteries and profound enigmas.

"But POM (Poor Old Mother)", I said. His cancer is terminal, he could indeed die at any moment; every doctor said so, and at such a time if there's a dance in the old galoot yet he ought to dance it... he ought to have what he wanted, the savor of life, not another moment of the semblance of life, measured out by tea spoons of this medicine, tablets of that. In short he wanted, with an insistence that comes when time is almost gone, one of life's pleasures, not another indication and token of life's finality.

... Jack died just hours later...

... POM became the Ice Queen to me for too long...

But I was the gainer here... for Jack had reaffirmed a profound truth we cannot hear and contemplate often enough... that life is for the living, that life must be lived, exulted, extolled, celebrated and savored... and that at the end, if you want chocolates, the very best chocolates (or their equivalent) no one -- not even the well-meaning wife and scold -- should be allowed even a moment of jeremiad, pontification, finger-pointing and condescension... "Proper behavior" be damned....

Easy to say, difficult to do.

Now, one can damn, and so easily, too, the bug-a-boo of "proper behavior", but the truth of the matter, an independent course is difficult to pull off. Witness my darlin' mama's frosty reaction on the matter of chocolates an instant prior to demise. We geriatric life-savors need to face up to the shibboleths and prejudices of our rigid adversaries... and become as shrewd as we are aged.

Thus, start from the proposition that for the bulk of the world... but never for ones as wicked cool and winsome as we are, Age 65 is regarded as the gate through which one passes, inexorably, inevitably, slowly on account of rheumatism, arthritis and assembled other maladies attendant upon bigger and bigger birthdays; the gate through which we enter aging... through which we depart dead... truly an inviting scenario... if you're into the macabre pictures of Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) and other mediaeval horrors. . But Hieronymus and his scarry ilk have never been my cup of tea, perhaps because of their unremitting focus on the darker side of life, its miseries, regrets, loneliness and angst about the eternity into which each of us must enter, like it or not. I am a creature of life and light... and aim to live my credo to the very last moment... for all that I may be able to do nothing more at that unique moment of finality than nibble a chocolate. Even that is enough to reaffirm my adamant belief in life, not life's restrictions.

Yet these restrictions are everywhere, built into the very heart of our youth-centered culture. Folks over 65 are lesser beings, unable to do this, incapable of doing that; past it in ways as diverse as eating corn on the cob or satisfying even the least demanding of lovers. Even more than a baby (which after all does not know better) we are held thrall to the do-nots, the should-nots, the could-nots, instead of enjoying the thrills and growth of the why-nots.

But we are not, we crew of 65 plus, babies to be protected and instructed. We are people who have lived life -- and often riotously too -- with gusto and a zest that only begins when you realize that the life force within you is not unlimited or inexhaustible. It is its very limitation that makes it precious... and which drives us to use it... all of it ... never letting a drop of it... any of it... drip away unused and unregarded.

We know the pleasures of life... and intend to explore each and every one of them until the engine that drives our magnificent being can do absolutely nothing more.

That's why I tell you this: Miss Waters sings her song not for you and me who seize and savor life. For we do not need to make changes...

Rather, these changes must be made by the folks -- "age-ists" every one of them -- who want us to stop living before our time, pushing us out of life, anxious to get what we have had. These folks are in the business of denial, living to block us, restrict us and chide us for ideas, thoughts and actions they deem unsuitable to our age and station... They are the ones who would remove us from life, not help us engage it.

It is for these folks and their disapproval and disdain that Miss Waters sings her song, for they cannot be reminded often and enough...

"You're here today and then tomorrow you're gone" ...

Thus I shall live my life while there is a crumb yet to enjoy. And if that bothers you or anyone, get over it... and make the changes which must be made today... for you have far greater need for them than I do...


Dr. Lant turns 65 February 16, 2012.

*** We invite your comments to this article.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Commission AutoPilot ->

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Of earmuffs, sissies, bone-chilling cold, and warm ears; thanks to younginventor Chester Greenwood.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..Of earmuffs, sissies, bone-chilling cold, and warm ears; thanks to young inventor Chester Greenwood.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawencecrinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

Warm ears. Compliments of Chester Greenwod,

inventor of earmuffs

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Winter. What a revoltin' development this is. I often wonder on days so ridiculously cold like this one is why the Puritans stayed here after arriving and sampling the depths of a Massachusetts winter. I suppose it had something to do with their land grants and, of course, their pertinacious natures and obstinacy. For they were of the variety of folks who say they'll do a thing and then -- do it, never mind that their friends and fellow Pilgrims are dropping like flies all around them.

I often think of such folks on days like this, in winters like this. Excuse me if I get too intimate too fast, but I wonder, yes and for long periods of time, too, for I like to be thorough in my cogitations and day dreams, I wonder... about the socks those Puritans wore, what undergarments and undies they fashioned, how they made vests and sweaters... scarves and hats, each and every item needed... and especially the focus of today's ruminations, how they kept their godly ears from freezing and falling off, tangible victory tokens for Winter itself, who likes you to remember who is boss around these parts once the December solstice occurs.

Theocracies, autocracies, aristocracies, ideas on this and that, may all come and go but one fact of human history remains constant and insistent: if you live in a frigid climate, your ears will get plenty cold... and must be taken care of right away, whatever your other priorities for the day.

Meet the patron saint of warm ears.... Chester Greenwood.

For just such days, Chester Greenwood and his first epochal invention were born. And today we sing his praises.... while capering amidst snow and ice. Because of Master Greenwood we are safe and warm, ready for anything.

Because Chester Greenwood, whom I guarantee you never heard of until just this moment, is the man who invented earmuffs... and he hailed not so very far from where I'm writing you today, in Farmington in the State of Maine, where laconic residents know the answer to this ancient question, "Cold enough for you?" And then laugh their thin, silent laugh, the one that keeps their human heat within, not cast profligate like into the too brusque air. Mainers are like that, and we like them just that way, especially young Chester and his ear-saving invention.

Just 15.

Like everybody else in Farmington, Chester's young ears got cold and turned all the colors of distress, first chalky white, then beet red, and finally the deep blue that signifies danger for the continued use, indeed existence of the ears he rightly prized and cherished. And being a practical lad, and caring, too, for the ears of his family and friends, he did what all folks of inventive disposition do... he began to dream up a solution, and fast, for his ears were big and therefore even colder than most.

As every true inventor knows, the solution to a pending problem -- that "eureka!" moment -- can occur anytime, anywhere. And you must always be ready when it happens. For that industrious young Greenwood boy it occurred one day when he was out having fun -- or trying to --at Abbot Pond where he was breaking in a new pair of skates.

This was a very big deal for him, because he came from a poor family (as most Mainers did) with six kids... and new skates were like gold, for all that they had to be shared. Greenwood was anxious to try out those babies... but the wind whipping off the pond was just too much, even for this hardy lad. He raced home to his "Gram", found in her proper place in the farmhouse kitchen and asked her to see what she could come up with to cover his ears. It was the kind of practical question every real Grammie expects, is glad to get, and can always do something about.

Chester didn't just stand and watch as his Grammie worked; that was not his way, and so they worked together. Chester supplied the idea and the materials; Gram, proud of her inventive grandson, supplied the artistry and experience of her nimble fingers, and so they got on like a house afire.

Chester wanted beaver fur on the outside, black velvet on the inside to shield his ears. Wool would never do; too itchy.

Once the materials had been selected and approved, it was time to fashion the device that kept them secure and in place. To solve this problem, they chose a soft wire known as farm wire, a precursor of bailing wire. Some later accounts say the resulting device was then attached to a cap.

So readied for the elements, Chester returned to the pond where, with the warmest ears in the county, he astonished his shivering buddies with the joyous dexterity of unremitting youth.

Soon, this 15 year old whiz kid was in the business of crafting earmuffs for old and young alike; for Mainers know a good deal when they see it. And as Chester worked... he, like every inventor before him, made adjustments, improvements, corrections, never satisfied, always in pursuit of the perfect muff, which he called Greenwood's ear protectors and which, like Henry Ford's auto, you could have in any color so long as it was black.

In due course, in 1873, and just 18 mind, he was awarded U.S. patent number 188,292 thereby launching a business which kept 20 or so of his neighbors in Farmington gainfully employed for nearly 60 years. At its height in 1936, he produced some 400,000 muffs a year, doing well while doing good... which is or at least should be the objective of every inventor and entrepreneur.

Greenwood, by now a celebrity in the State of Maine and beyond, died in 1937, aged 79. He had lead the most beneficial of lives, finding needs and filling them, the time honored path to usefulness and wealth. Amongst his 130 patents are such devices as improvements on the spark plug; a decoy mouse trap called the Mechanical Cat; his own shock absorber, a hook for pulling doughnuts from boiling oil, the Rubberless Rubber Band, and the Greenwood Tempered Steel Rake.

But of all his many worthy and practical ideas, I still prefer his first achievement, those earmuffs in beaver and black velvet, for you see like Chester, and such great celebrities as Clark Gable, I have big ears, too; so big that in the Alphabet Poll in my high school year book, my ears were photographed after my discerning classmates had voted mine the most notable, and so they were. Delicious/

And thus, with ears like Greenwood's, I had Greenwood's problem; that is until I discovered Greenwood's solution in a pair of Greenwood's muffs, in black, of course. They were a statement, that I was a practical boy myself, always desirous of keeping these pristine ears in fine working order. Besides, I don't mind tellling you, I looked killing in mine, arresting, handsome, cute to boot. Not like Christopher Ninnis, that wag, who made derisory comments about sissies in earmuffs, keeping his in a box. But then... look how he turned out.

Note: In 1977, Maine declared December 21st "Chester Greenwood Day" to honor the king of warm ears whilst the City of Farmington, Maine kept employed by Greenwood's genius, throws him an annual birthday bash, complete with parade where police cruisers are decorated as giant earmuffs. It's the first Saturday in December. He deserves it, all of it, don't you think?

## We invite you to submit your comments below on this article.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Commission AutoPilot ->

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

'Hey, look me over' as two-timin' Newt stops Romney's coronation coach in South Carolina.

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..'Hey, look me over' as two-timin' Newt stops Romney's coronation coach in South Carolina.

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawence.rinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. There can be only one song peppy enough, bouncy enough, irresistible enough, a song that is the very essence of what is best about America... that we get hit and hit again and hit again... yet get up, dust ourselves off and do what's necessary to win, thank you very much.

That song is "Hey, look me over," from the 1960 musical "Wildcat" (book by Richard Nash; lyrics by Caroline Leigh; music by Cy Coleman); and it fits the mood today at the headquarters of Newt Gingrich, the man who squeezed the bitter lemon of his contorted and messy relations with women into a lemonade sweet enough even the good Christian folk could drink by the gallon.

Thus, go to any search engine now. Find this tune and play it loud and proud... For, in the final analysis, we love the people Teddy Roosevelt described as "the man in the arena," the people who have to win because losing is unthinkable. Even if we have to hold our noses when we get too close, we just can't help admiring them, getting off our posteriors and cheering them to the echo. And the GOP citizens of South Carolina did just that.

They decided to vote for an idea... the idea that it is "we, the people" who make presidents... not pollsters, not handlers, not pundits and prognosticators... and if you don't like it, that's your problem. Not theirs. Thus did Romney get his gourmet, tax- deductible lunch handed to him... his contrived designer jeans ripped, torn, muddy, and a black eye to boot. This doesn't mean he won't be nominated, but it most assuredly means he will not be, cannot be nominated the way he's gone about the job so far. South Carolina has dictated that if nothing more.

Prize day.

To sketch this influential event in a way that even third-graders could understand, consider this: Mitt Romney is the school kid we all hated; hated with our heart, soul and brain, for we knew -- and could see evidence every single day, every day he raised his hand and knew the answer -- that he was the kid the teachers idolized, the one they could with abiding pride point to and say, "That's our boy." Whereupon the boy would beam... and our hatred would grow... and we'd dream delicious ways of taking him down a peg or two... the faster, the sooner, the most abashing, the better.

Then one day one of the kids couldn't take it take it anymore... and he pops, goes nuts. It's the day school prizes are awarded; Mitt getting the lion's share. It was the day something must be done... the time for mere rage gone; the need for action this day nigh.

Thus does this kid (call him Newt) see picture-perfect, not-a-hair-out-of-place Mitt coming to school in his chauffeur driven car and goes postal; he decides enough is enough... that Mitt (whose very name he abominates and loathes) must be taken out... but without of course implicating himself. Thus with a "sorry, man" at the ready scruffy, incorrigible Newt maneuvers Mitt into the nearest, stinkiest, festering mud, thereby rendering the apple of every teacher's eye an unholy mess when he walks into class...

How much sympathy does ol' Mitt get, for all that he's the victim? None, absolutely none at all... and they elect Newt Student Body President in a landslide... because, because... Mitt makes them sick, every last one of them.

And, friends, this is what happened yesterday in South Carolina... the state oh-so- clearly indicated that they want candidates who fight for their favors, including the ultimate favor of getting to whack on their behalf, the man each and every one of them despises... Barack Obama, president of the Great Republic... for make no mistake about it, the fractured, snarling, uncooperative members of the Grand Old Party want brother Barack's head on a platter... this is and has been since Inauguration Day 2009, their first and preeminent desire.

And they aren't convinced Mitt can bring home the bacon... stinging the incumbent, slashing the incumbent, wounding the incumbent, humiliating the incumbent, for that's what they insist their candidate deliver... like Salome with the head of John the Baptist, a reference every Evangelical knows and savors.

So, what has the great Palmetto State, home of nullifier John C. Calhoun and war profiteer Rhett Butler, the state that lobbed the first treasonable shot, thereby launching a war anything but civil, what has this state said?

First, that the Romney Coronation is off. That the carefully contrived, minutely controlled candidacy of Massachusetts' least popular governor has ended. Mitt is going to have to do what Mitt hates: engaging in a bare-knuckles brawl that must show the GOP he is their boy; a man who can deliver the red-meat the much challenged and riven party craves. For these folks, rabid revolutionaries all and Constitution-hugging patriots as they are, are not about to go gentle into this good-night; they insist upon a candidate who can turn their white hot rage about the wrongful direction of the Great Republic into a lifetime lock on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the nation's agenda.

They look at Mitt and want to puke... What kind of American is he, they wonder, who wants the most precious of their gifts, their vote for president; but who, they feel in their gut, not only does not like or understand them, but faces them with incomprehension and even disdain? They know that a dinner-party with Mitt and his dutiful, adoring wife (a role model impossible for today's woman) would be proper, dull, an unhappy memory for all... for all that Mitt might say just the right things with gestures approved by his stable of handlers.

And so while Republican hosts may yet dine with this stiff, control freak and paragon, they are afraid, and rightly so, that there won't be any pleasure in it, no fun, no grandiose joys and memories; worst of all, no White House.

And this is why the GOP has gone through the long, exhaustive, often abjectly humiliating process of vetting one potential presidential nominee after another, all ardently desired and even adored at the outset; all found wanting and disquieting in so very many ways.

Will these folks be happy with Newt, his many wives, his inexplicable financial arrangements, his blatant self-service and prevarications? Maybe not. But he is serving their purposes right now -- forcing Mitt out of his bubble, demanding he get real on why his association with Bain Capital unnerves so many at a time when he has so egregiously mishandled the matter of his tax returns. We all know, and Romney knows we know, that what we will find when he at last makes them public -- no evidence of illegality but a text-book case of how the super-wealthy gain and use loop-holes on which they build their empires.

Newt has all of Romney's many inadequacies going for him... and he has, mirabile dictu, brigades of Southern women for him, too. They already knew that men are lyin', cheatin', low-down scoundrels. But now it's official. Messin' around with women is no big deal, no sin at all, whatever the Good Book says... just keep our taxes low, hold our Founding Fathers high, make us as special as we see ourselves, and above all love us... something Mitt Romney just cannot do...

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Google Sniper ->

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winds of Change....

Winds of Change....

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed

_*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*_

1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no
pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the
Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into
the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the
American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all
Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and
participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the
American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void
effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this
contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in
Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers
envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their
term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will
only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive
the message. Don't you think it's time?


If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.
You are one of my 20+ - Please keep it going, and thanks.

Business Coach

President :

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Summitsoft Multimedia PC Software Bundle - LogoDesign Shop, Present it!, 1500 Fonts, & SaveMyFiles for $5.49 at TripleClicks

Friday, January 20, 2012

New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care?

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care?

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawence.rinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Last night, January 19, 2012, The Boston Globe, the biggest and most influential newspaper in New England, pulled out all the stops for two of their best and brightest reporters; Michael Kranish, deputy chief of the Washington bureau of The Boston Globe and Scott Helman, staff writer at The Boston Globe. The occasion was the release of their new biography of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the likely Republican presidential nominee.

First, my compliments to The Boston Globe. The special reception before a panel on der Mittster was nicely done and gave us all the opportunity to meet the authors and chat with them. The helpers were all efficient, polite, unobtrusive. Perfect.

It looked like a long evening until....

I sought out Michael Kranish first; he seemed like the senior member of the team and I try to get what I need for my article out of the way as soon as possible, so that I can sit back and enjoy the event. I told Kranish I had three brief questions for him.

First, would Romney ever be president? His unpromising answer: "It's possible. It could happen." This was not the incisive, insightful comment I was looking for... and suggested the possibility of a very long evening in the making, one to be ditched as soon as I'd eaten more of their fine brie.

Question 2: will Mormonism be an issue in the campaign? "In some places it could be," he answered. OMG! It was indeed going to be a very long evening.

But I said I wanted to ask him three questions... and it wasn't over until it was over. I ventured my third query. "What was the most unexpected thing about Romney you discovered in your research"? Then the intriguing answer, "What happened at Stanford University" when he was a student there during the Vietnam War, the war that derailed his father's presidential campaign. Ok, this was something promising... at last.

Of father brainwashed and campaign imploded.

Mitt Romney (born 1947) had as his dad a human dynamo called George Romney, celebrated as the rescuer of American Motors (which gave me my push button Rambler in high school), governor of Michigan, member of the Nixon cabinet; a man who rightly thought he had a superb shot at being president of the Great Republic... until...

... he went to Vietnam, where he got star treatment and massive misinformation about how the war was going, how we'd win, how the people loved us, and enough manure to fertilize Connecticut. He came back to America feeling like a fool; then shot himself through the head when he claimed the military had "brainwashed" him. His presidential campaign ended the minute the words were out of his mouth. Nobody wanted as president a man who could be controlled by the military or anyone else. And so George Romney's career ended... providing his son with a lifetime of lessons about what not to do... including the vital necessity to avoid the media whenever possible.

On his way back from Vietnam, Pere Romney stopped to visit Mitt at Stanford... where this devoted son got the opportunity to talk to his father about Life, War, God... of winning, losing, what's important and what isn't. It's the kind of conversation one has with a parent once in a lifetime... and Mitt took it all in and to heart. He would, he vowed, revenge what had happened to his father... being sure to derive all the proper lessons from this seminal event, including the absolute need in his life for God, the God of the Mormons...


To understand Mitt Romney, you must appreciate the importance and influence of his Mormon faith. It has provided the sinews of his life while isolating him from other people; people who often disdained his religion, calling it a "cult" and worse. Mitt learned to be private, very private, about his religion...letting very few people into that side of himself. Privacy, particularly privacy about his faith, became an obsession... something that may have connected him with God... but most assuredly estranged him from his fellow men, the people he'd need if he was ever to run for president.


What further separated him from the run of mankind was money... he made awesome amounts of it, largely through what are called leveraged buy-outs. This is a practice whereby investors buy a company, with the intention of doing everything they can to make it as profitable as possible, as quickly as possible; so they can sell the whole or its parts, often for staggering return on investment. This almost always involves the firing of employees in an attempt to decrease expenses and increase efficiency. Here Mitt Romney was king; a paragon who knew the delights that come when making only millions in a day was "bad" compared to the brilliant days, and plenty of them, when you made tens, even hundreds of millions lickety-split. Such days did absolutely nothing to connect him with mere mortals... and presented a problem he has still not been able to solve. Every time he got richer, Mitt got more disconnected... and less electable.

So, here we've got a candidate with a perfect marriage, 5 sons made by Disney, nary a scandal to be had... richer that God Himself... super bright... the hardest worker on the planet... but a loser for all that, because he just cannot connect with people and their everyday concerns to save his life.

Thus as I roamed the thin crowd talking with people, who were very keen to be asked their opinion about Mitt and his prospects, the temperature never rose above "tepid." Yes, right smack dab in the middle of Boston, capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that Mitt had reigned over as governor (2003-2007), he couldn't have thrown off less heat. And so, the people whom he needed so desperately to make him president evinced absolutely no excitement at all, much less any abiding glow.

And you could see this puzzled authors Kranish and Helman because their unauthorized biography (without a single interview with Mitt), into which they had poured time, life and commitment could only go as far as its subject, and not an inch more. If he sailed into the White House, their book (which I made sure they both autographed) would have the legs most political books never do, but if the world was as lukewarm as the folks in their audience, their $30 book (praised though it was by the usual East Coast media suspects) was DOA...

That's why they came back to this point several times: awkward and disconnected as Mitt was in public, he was in private something of a cut-up (of the wonk variety), a man who could tell a story, give a hug, engage... even (and this arrested my attention for sure) moon walk while singing tunes from the Grateful Dead, tunes like "There's Whiskey In The Jug", an odd favorite for a tea-totalling Mormon:

"Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da Whack for my daddy-o. Whack for my daddy-o There's whiskey in the jar."

But this, though it made me smile and nod my head in wonderment was not the highlight of the evening. That was the rapt attention and joy in Aime Joseph. You see Mr. Joseph is my driver, a Haitian by birth, obsessed with American politics, always quizzing me about political people and their measures. He dressed up for this event, and imbibed every word with the utmost focus and concentration. "We have nothing like this in Haiti," he said as I gave him the present of a lifetime, an autographed copy of the book. And when he saw me about to drop it, he grabbed it from my hand, the better to ensure it did not fall; chiding me for lack of care with this valuable artifact.

And I saw so clearly what was the best part of all: the fact that this kind of forum, this kind of book, this kind of open dialogue and honest conversation still was foreign to most of the world... and the thing we should be most proud of, our gift to the world and our collective future.

Now, go to any search engine and find "Whiskey in the jug," and imagine Mitt moon walking to it... If there's enough whiskey in the jug, that should be no problem.

*** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Commission AutoPilot ->

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OMG! You've got The Color Green Syndrome... and it's killing yourbusiness, absolutely killing it!

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.”
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..OMG! You've got The Color Green Syndrome... and it's killing yourbusiness, absolutely killing it!

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawence.rinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

Do you suffer from the debilitating Color

Green Syndrome? Read this and see

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Are you one of the billion or so people worldwide who's been blaming the recession for all your woes, including that pimple on your back you popped... but should have left alone? Then this article is for YOU... and not a moment too soon either. In it, we're going to examine just what you did yesterday to make money and whether you were focused on what you should have been focused on... or whether you had succumbed to one of the greatest of business maladies of all time: the pernicious Color Green Syndrome.

To put you in the mood to deal with this problem and to root it out of your business and life, I'm calling up Stevie Wonder, particularly his 1982 song "Do I Do". (Go find it in any search engine; use the long -- 10 1/2 minute -- version that features Dizzy Gillespie.) It's guaranteed to get you up, breathing deep, gliding across your floor with a practised dexterity you didn't know was in you. Good! For this article and the resurrection of your business you need all the right moves... and Stevie is going to help you get them... as I am.

Are you suffering from The Color Green Syndrome? I bet you are... and it's killing you.

What is this condition that's worse than any plague, that'll knock you for a loop faster than any flu... yea verily, that will cripple your enterprises more assuredly than the IRS or any other government intervention? Listen, my children, and you shall learn it here, find out how to perceive it, deal with it, eradicate it forever and so soar....

The heart and soul of your business is two things, just two things you must know and do EVERY single day without fail, every day that is when you want to use your business for what your business is for: making money, making money, oh yes, making money. Ou la la!

Okay, let's dig in, in the spirit of medical research and solution. The two things you must do EVERY day in your business are to 1) generate prospects and 2) close those prospects. Nothing -- absolutely NOTHING -- is as fundamental to your success as this. So, let's take a sustained gander at what you did yesterday to grow your business and reap rewards from it... and whether The Color Green Syndrome laid you low.

How the Syndrome got its name.

According to my trusty and much used dictionary, syndrome is defined as an aggregate or set of concurrent symptoms together indicating the presence and nature of a disease. One of the most destructive and insidious of these syndromes is the subject of this article. Here's how it was discovered and named.

A person not unlike you came to visit me one day, asserting with vehemence and vigor that he wanted to make money online. To do so he knew he needed tools, training, traffic and ongoing help, and he paid me to provide them. I got down to business with a will; I am a man who believes in action, action now... and so in due course I presented him with a website that was 100% focused on stopping prospects in their tracks, motivating them to take notice, leave complete follow-up details (the better to have and develop those essential prospect lists) ... and move like greased lightning to get the stupendous offer I had persuaded him to make.

But things, begun so auspiciously, slowed to a snail's pace -- or slower -- at this moment. Why? "Because the green you selected for the background color isn't the green I want. Show me some others."

And so began the descent into madness and the unraveling of a great enterprise with a killer website standing at the ready to make lucre, and a lot of it.

The client didn't like the green... but wanted to show his partner... who definitely didn't like the green...

One requested one green; the other requested another. And while they reviewed, considered and discussed the virtues and winning attributes of greens ranging from apple green... chartreuse... hunter green... Islamic green.... fern green... Paris green... Shamrock green and several dozen other greens, far more greens than either you, me, or the customer even knew existed... their business stopped. So important was getting just the precise shade that all other matters, including the prosaic little matter of generating prospects, closing prospects, making money fell by the wayside... prospects ungenerated, offers unmade, sales non existent... until just the right green surfaced, was seen, discussed, selected, and shown off.

"So sad, but what has this to do with me?", you ask.

You will recall that a syndrome is an aggregate of symptoms... and so it is here. The Color Green Syndrome can easily morph into any of the following conditions:

"I cannot generate prospects, call prospects, close prospects, until..."

* I have 2 cups of coffee, not a drop more or less;

* I have watched my favorite television program, never missing a minute or an episode:

* My dog is walked, my newspaper read, my toast prepared just so (and oh if my favorite jam is gone).

"I cannot generate prospects, call prospects, close prospects until I've...."

* called my children;

* fluffed my pillows;

* considered lunch and dinner menus.

And several million other situations, conditions, "really important things" that (by definition and sanctified usage) are important, way more important than doing what's necessary to generate prospects... contact prospects... close and make deals with prospects.

Don't say you aren't subject to this malady. This is Dr. Lant you're talking to, your friend, ultimate realist.... and we both know better, don't we? You've got a bad case... and blaming it on the recession just passed -- or anything else -- just isn't good enough....

So, unless you're prepared to let The Color Green Syndrome (in any of its many manifestations) continue to undermine your business, you've got to change your ways... today... and I've asked Stevie Wonder to assist.

START with the two essential money-making activities --- generating leads,calling leads -- BEFORE you do ANYTHING else. Treat the prospects you'll generate like this:

"When I see you on the street My whole body gets weak."

In short treat that all -important prospect like the lover you cannot wait a single minute to contact... and make this kind of offer:

"Yes I got some honey suckle chocolate dripping kisses full of love for you."

Go on, try it. It's the only way to eradicate The Color Green Syndrome and focus on the only green that matters in business... the green backs your new moves and attitude are sure to deliver. Now turn up Stevie Wonder... and dance! After all, as soon as you generate and call all those prospects, you're going to make a whole lot of money today.... and that calls for boogie!

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Commission AutoPilot ->

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Thank you for stopping by, and Please Come again!

Lawrence Rinke

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Aging sewer lines could create service disruptions and turn us all into 'les miserables.'

“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles.” Here a subject you don't talk about every day
I wish to thank each and everyone of you who read this “Blog” and those who take the time out of their busy day to comment. We are only just getting started here. So please do keep reading and especially making comments. The direction of this “Blog” comes from you and the comments that you impart to us. Today’s “Blog:..Aging sewer lines could create service disruptions and turn us all into 'les miserables.'

So as I mentioned to you above. Comment, Comment, Comment. Your opinion matters so make it known. Until Tomorrow. You can reach me by email; cell phone 310-561-2580, or Skype me at lawence.rinke . And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Quick! Can you name a hugely popular Broadway musical which partly takes place in the ancient, fetid sewers of Paris? That would be Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1980 mega-hit "Les Miserables", a tale of love, fate, comradeship... and of the spirit of freedom and liberty that cannot be crushed and obliterated, no matter how many Inspector Javerts are set to the task.

The musical, of course, is based on the celebrated book by Victor Hugo (published in 1862). Hugo was a master story teller, a man able to get in your head and etch impressions that would last a lifetime. Here is his description of the great sewers of Paris...

"... Paris has another Paris under herself; a Paris of sewers; which has its streets, its crossings, its squares, its blind alleys, its arteries, and its circulation, which is slime, minus the human form."

And so a great artist sketches the terrain for the words that will arise and grab you by the throat, forcing you to look, taking you where you do not want to go... but will go... where you will see things you never saw... in a place you hoped to avoid but which you must now confront... such is the mastery of this man and his vision.

The sad thing is, Hugo only wrote about the sewers of Paris... because every sewer system in the world needs his help to get people to focus on the crumbling lines within their midst, systems we never, ever think about but which are essential, absolutely essential, to our way of life.

How essential? Well, consider this: sewer and water systems, inextricably linked, 2 sides of the same coin, give us the water we drink, the toilets we flush, the H2O that runs factories, keeps offices open and enables firemen to do their dangerous, essential work. Therefore, when sewer systems fail cities cannot function, and epidemics break out. Thus, the importance of sewers and the water systems with which they are connected could scarcely be greater. Which is why their deterioration constitutes a problem of the first magnitude.

If this is so... and it most assuredly is... why do we hear nothing about this subject... why has nary a presidential candidate, or the president himself, offered a single word, or any concern, about the matter? For make no mistake about it, sewers are terra incognita for all, never, ever mentioned, much less discussed in what was once called "polite society"... Why is that anyway?

Sewers immediately conjure up images that no one except the few professionals involved in their efficient operation wants to consider. For the bulk of us, sewers are dark, creepy places, full of stinks and disgust which no "nice" person wants to know about, much less think about and discuss. They are the places where the colossal stench of mankind is somehow dealt with, without any bother at all to the rest of us. This is, of course, a prescription for disaster, the disaster that comes closer and closer as the systems on which our lives are based grow old and perilous.

"All the big cities have these problems, and to me it's the unseen catastrophe," says George Hawkins, general manager of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. "At least with bridges or a road, people have some idea of what it is because they drive on them and see them." But with our crucial but aging sewer system, it's out of sight, out of mind...

How big is this problem?

The plain fact is, the vast majority of the country's water systems are in urgent need of repair and replacement. At a recent Senate hearing, it was estimated that, on average, 25 percent of drinking water leaks from water system pipes before reaching the faucet. The same committee was told it will take some $335 billion to resurrect water systems and $300 billion more to fix sewer systems.

These numbers are staggering, unimaginable, and have absolutely no chance of realization. My fellow countrymen, you see, reckon thus: if we don't know about it, never discuss it, and make a concerted effort to ignore it, this problem, by definition, doesn't exist and need never disturb our slumbers... no matter how many Senate and House panels and commissions composed of cadres of experts weigh in on the matter. Ignorant we are, and ignorant we intend to remain.

Just as we are ignorant about and intend to stay ignorant about the other aspects of our crumbling infrastructure where experts now reckon we need at least the $7 trillion it will cost to restore and repair roads, bridges, aviation, and transit in the next decade alone. Here, too, we have collectively decided to know little, do less... hoping against hope our increasingly inadequate systems will at least last our time and so become yet another essential thing we can blithely leave our hapless children and their staggering must-do list. We can only hope they'll forgive us as they get bill after bill drawn on their inadequate accounts.

The need is pressing... the concern casual... the sense of immediacy and a need for prompt and thorough action non-existent. This being the case, what can we lotus-eaters, practitioners all of la dolce far niente expect, since we are adamant in our refusal to see?

Well here for openers is a pocketful of jarring thoughts:

* without necessary, overdue repairs to the system, water prices will experience constant increases;

* without necessary, overdue repairs, about 900 billion gallons of raw sewage will flow into waterways, spreading sickness and disgust;

* without necessary, overdue repairs over a trillion gallons of water a year will leak from pipes no longer up to the job.

Contact the water man.

"People count on turning on the faucet and having clean water come out," says Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-Maryland), chairman of the subcommittee on water, "but that's not true anymore." Worse, without prompt, thorough, comprehensive action it may never be true again. Are you helpless in the face of this impending crisis? Certainly not.

Write Senator Cardin in Washington. Let him know you support the need for action and action now and want to be kept up-to-date on proposed reforms and their progress. If every reader of this article did this small thing, it would empower the senator in his important work and help the repairs and reforms we must have.

Then go to any search engine. Find Susan Boyle's magnificent rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream" from "Les Miserables"; hers is a voice that makes you believe dreams are important and can come true:

"There was a time when men were kind./ When their voices were soft/ And their words inviting./ There was a time when love was blind/ And the world was a song/ And the song was exciting/There was a time/ Then it all went wrong..."

Then consider this. No matter how wrong things went before, that will be as nothing when compared to the day that dawns without water and with an ocean of sewage submerging our land and everyone in it with filth. That disgusting day is drawing nigh and quickly, too, and if we do not act, this couplet from "Les Miserables" will be our fate:

"I had a dream my life would be/So different from this hell I'm living," a hell where Susan Boyle's voice might be the last sweetness on Earth.

**** Your thoughts on this article are invited, submit them below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Lawrence Rinke Check out Commission AutoPilot ->

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